Metroid Prime (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By OLU1701 0 Number of reads 855 Posted 26.09.2005

It was this incarnation of the smash hit series that got me sucked into the world of Samus Aran. This was also the first time i heard of Nintendo's second party developers' Retro Studios. Boasting gorgeous colourful, realistic 3D graphics of huge Worlds, and a frame rate that never drops. This game takes you to back where it all started. A meteorite has crashed upon a planet known as Tallon VI which was once inhabited by a bird-like race called the Chozo and Samus investigates. Although it's not as straight forward as it seems as during the course of all this, she encounters space Pirates and a highly radioactive substance known as Phazon which is slowly degrading what's left of a beautiful world. The source of Phazon, how the Space Pirates are mixed up in this is what makes up an adventure of which is chapter one the Prime Trilogy. The there's been a lot of changes from the previous games that came before. The transition from 2d to 3d graphics is a huge one although just as was the case with Mario 64, it truly is a breath taking innovative , realistic and seamless adjustment. Another risky move by retro studios was turning the game from a 3rd person to 1st person action adventure, however once again pulled off almost seamlessly. One small crticism would be the fact that travelling around from place to place in this game usually involves traversing dark, long-winded claustraphobic looking tunnels as against the more open outdoor expanses of Metroid Prime 2. That aside, controlling Samus is both fluid and very responsive.You have the choice of manually aiming at the target using the L button while shooting with A on your gamecube pad. shooting a target or pressing the R button on the gamecube pad which allows you to auto-target.This is a more accurate method of dispatching foes and enables you to straff around them and shoot during a battle. The only niggles that i have with the control system would be during Boss fights or melee attacks, she has the tendancy to throw her hands in front of her face if she receives alot of damage which causes her to waste time when bringing out her gun again and continuing with the battle. Niggles aside this is a beautiful game both in looks and controls. Gathering artifacts and finding out the Fate of the Chozo race is all part of the fun and will ensure that when you finish you'll be coming back for more. this is by far one of the best games on the Gamecube possibly on any system in this generation. It's what Mario 64 was to the N64, an authentic enjoyable gaming experience. It's that bit better than Metroid Prime 2, gives the likes of Resident Evil 4 a run for it's money. The only game that may truly beat it outright might be Zelda Twighlight Princess.

OLU1701's Rating Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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