Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GameCube) Reader Review

Posted by By the-end 0 Number of reads 887 Posted 27.12.2004

Mario Kart: Double Dash is yet another title that proves that the gamecube is about new ideas. The two in a kart idea means you can have more fun with your friends now.
But Mario Kart: Double Dash is a clean slate for the Mario Kart series. And it delivers a totally unique experience. New cars to unlock, multiplayer levels, new characters and a new method of driving that works like a dream. Mario Kart: Double Dash turns the Mario Kart series in not just a multiplayer game, but a great single player game as well.
Not only have the visuals improved, the audio is also alot better. The background music also adds to the theme.
1P play is now enjoyable as well. So much to unlock, some great new cars on top of that.
Multiplayer is even better as well. Since the old game only 1 new mode has been added, but the older modes have been made better, with better arenas. That battle modes are great and being able to play with 16 players is great for tournaments.
At times Mario Kart can be frustrating. The harder modes may put players off the game, mainly due to your racer being shot by a red shell every 20 seconds. Also, there aren't many shortcuts, which is a bit of a shame. aIt's fun to have secret areas but Double Dash doesn't really have that. It's shortcuts aren't really shortcuts and they are a bit lame. Obviously this isn't a major blow, just a minor point. For some people Mario Kart is still going to be too easy though and once you've unlocked everything there is to find, there isn't much replay value. Saying that though, the multiplayer will last hours.
Overall Mario Kart improves on it's prequel in every way possible. It's easily the best racing game on the gamecube and probably the best multiplayer game ever made. Just get it already!

the-end's Rating Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (16 Votes)

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