51 Worldwide Games (Nintendo Switch) Preview

By Neil Flynn 21.05.2020

Review for 51 Worldwide Games on Nintendo Switch

During the Nintendo DS era there were a number of Touch Generation-based titles; titles that were geared to the more casual audience that Nintendo was harnessing at the time, thanks to the likes of Kawashima's Brain Training and Nintendogs. Released in 2006, 42 All Time Classics (or Clubhouse Games outside of Europe) had continue to grow the library of Nintendo published casual-friendly titles. 14 years later, it has been followed up on the Nintendo Switch, with 51 Worldwide Games (Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics out of Europe). Can this provide a new timeless experience for Nintendo Switch players?

The original 42 All Time Classics was marketed as a cost-effective and budget priced title that packed in an enormous amount of card and board games. There were also a few other "variety games," such as bowling, darts, and billiards that also found their way into the compilation. In follow up fashion, 51 Worldwide Games outshines its predecessor in every way, from its presentation, variety, and style of play, the latter being very indicative of many Nintendo Switch titles.

The menu and presentation in the original were somewhat bland and unappealing, looking very tacked together, and game titles being squished into tiny subject boxes. It was a very quiet affair, as there was no music available, which gave a soulless feel to a Nintendo published title, not something that is seen very often, if at all. Fast forward to the sequel, and this has been improved upon greatly, and feels very much in the ilk of what the casual Nintendo games from the Wii-era onwards have presented, with easy menu navigation, background music, and novel ways to play multiplayer, especially on the console itself in handheld mode.

Screenshot for 51 Worldwide Games on Nintendo Switch

Presentation improvements aside, the games themselves are very easy to hop in and out of, which makes swapping between them a doddle. Each one has an opening video tutorial which illustrates the basics through narrated, recorded gameplay. There are further hints and instructions in a side menu if more information is required, which also includes the option to change the CPU difficulty on most of them. The large selection of titles means that there is something for everybody, from classics such as Dominos, Solitaire, Checkers, and Chess, to a more modern feel from a returning copy of Wii Sports' Bowling mode, and some familiar, but upgraded, games from Wii Play such as the Shooting Gallery, Tanks, and Air Hockey.

When it comes to the controls, they vary from title to title, and some can utilise the motion controls in the Joy-con, whereas others are touch based titles, and others use button inputs. There is even a novel, Mosaic Mode, where users can put their Nintendo Switch's side by side to create a larger screen to play certain games which is something that can also be done in Super Mario Party.

Screenshot for 51 Worldwide Games on Nintendo Switch

Final Thoughts

The longevity for each title really depends on the players and their interests. For some, this might be a quick pick up and play for a commute, or to challenge a partner on the couch in the evening. For others, they may breeze through the games themselves, master them, and move on, never to return. However, during this short preview period there have been a number of titles that have been somewhat addictive to play, and could serve as great mini-games to play in short bursts, somewhat like how Brain Training's Sudoku mode turned out to be so popular. Be sure to check back to Cubed3 in the weeks before release to see the full review of 51 Worldwide Games.

Also known as

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   


I love that motion games are back! Darts looks very cool, and Bowling returns! I'm still holding out for a full-on Switch Sports Club Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It is a shame they just didn't include Wii Sports' Golf mode but still a great collection of games!

Given how popular Wii Play's Tanks was, I can see this being a huge hit for that alone Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I am so excited for this.

I heard not all of the games are online, although I expect most of the ones I care for will be.

Are you able to share which ones are online multiplayer or not?

It's highly enjoyable all around, definitely is good for a casual player multiplayer session or just a quick car trip/commute. I've been pretty glued to certain games on there.

Azuardo said:
I am so excited for this.

I heard not all of the games are online, although I expect most of the ones I care for will be.

Are you able to share which ones are online multiplayer or not?

All will be in the final review Smilie 


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