Aaahh you guys haven't been able to play it yet? That sucks, well whenever it appears in the Euro eShop definitely download it. It's a great trip down memory lane & a solid challenging platformer to boot!
By Adam Riley 15.06.2012
Dementium was a superb take on the first-person genre for Nintendo DS, and its sequel was even more impressive. Renegade Kid quickly found itself in the limelight thanks to its sterling work, and rightly so. Sadly, though, it hit a wall with its plans for a 3D adventure similar to both Super Mario 64 with some Castlevania mixed in. Publishers just did not have enough faith in a brand new piece of intellectual property to give the team the support it required for Maximillian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds. The positive to emerge, however, was that the game was re-worked as Mutant Mudds, featuring the same lead character, but this time in more of a 2D retro platform style and on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. Cubed3 was given a chance to take an early peek at the impending European release.
Mutant Mudd’s main designer, and general face of Renegade Kid, Jools Watsham, has gone on record to state one of his influences for this revamped version of the initial idea was the Virtual Boy edition of Wario Land from Nintendo. Whilst European gamers sadly never had the chance to try it, the game was certainly one of Nintendo strongest platform efforts at the time of release, and incorporated a multi-layered effect to make use of the system’s 3D capabilities. This has been employed in Mutant Mudds to fantastic effect, with the lead character, Max, able to switch between three planes during each level. At keys points along the side-scrolling adventure, players can fling the main character either into the miniature background world or right up to the forefront of the screen where objects are, obviously, enlarged as the viewpoint draws closer. The action remains the same, but it is amazing how the alteration in perspective affects instincts when it comes to both platform jumping and enemy despatching.
Max must work his way through stages to rid the world of the Mudds that have invaded Earth. This involves some intricate platform antics, blasting away at all manner of enemies, including those that sit in the background and slam into the field of play trying to swat the life out of the bespectacled hero. This is no easy ride, and it can possibly be likened to something like the dastardly ninth and tenth Mega Man releases on WiiWare, with the key exception that Max can actually crouch and shoot at the same time, as well as hover slightly when pressing jump again!
The retro appearance taken for Mutant Mudds follows the trend set by Capcom’s Mega Man reboot as well, which definitely adds great character to proceedings, giving a distinct feel that heightens the overall atmosphere, complemented by a fine soundtrack. To move further on in the adventure, the main levels (of which there are forty in total) need to be cleared with all three key challenges being met, thus unlocking new stages and worlds (five being present overall). Max has a water-powered cannon to wash away the Mudd army, and his backpack is also water-based, so it runs out after too much usage, meaning only short bursts of flight can be done at any one time. Before reaching the end goal, trying to avoid losing all three hearts en-route at the same time as keeping an eye on the timer counting down, players are encouraged to collect all 100 diamonds dotted around each stage and also uncover a secret land somewhere along the way.
Mutant Mudds is finally coming to Europe at the end of June and is certainly one of the most enjoyable platform experiences on Nintendo’s download format and will keep even the toughest of gamers appeased. With a wide range of enemies, intriguing level design and superb presentation, Mutant Mudds is one to definitely watch for. It appears that Renegade Kid has once more delivered a masterpiece.
(2 Votes)
Aaahh you guys haven't been able to play it yet? That sucks, well whenever it appears in the Euro eShop definitely download it. It's a great trip down memory lane & a solid challenging platformer to boot!
Vorash Kadan said:Nope, should be coming out next week... that's if we're lucky. I can't believe it takes so long to release a DOWNLOADABLE game in another region... like, seriously. :/
Aaahh you guys haven't been able to play it yet? That sucks, well whenever it appears in the Euro eShop definitely download it. It's a great trip down memory lane & a solid challenging platformer to boot!
Mush123 said:
Nope, should be coming out next week... that's if we're lucky. I can't believe it takes so long to release a DOWNLOADABLE game in another region... like, seriously. :/
Nintendo also stalled things a lot, much to Jools' frustration. Anyway, my hands-on was just a taster. Shane/Phoenixus has the final copy now and is beavering away on a full review for any Euro readers still waiting on the final verdict
Well now you guys know how WE FELT with Xenoblade & Last Story!!...Sorry didn't mean to sound bitter or as good as this game is it's NOTHING compaired to the wait with Xenoblade & Last Story OR the dissapoimtment of no news with Pandora's Tower & Fatal Frame 2 coming to the U.S. or not...T_T
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