Sounds interesting! Good work, Adam. :-
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
By Adam Riley 13.10.2006
Orbital Media will likely be most known amongst our readers as being the team behind the wonderful Racing Gears Advance. But the development group have been hard at work on a new GBA game called Juka & the Monophonic Menace, an unusually titled product of the adventure RPG variety. Does the game appeal to all ages, though, or is it just something for children to pass the time with?
When loading up Juka, you will instantly be hit by how colourful it all is. From the main character himself, with his Wee Willy Winky hat and magical staff, to the bustling world of Obla, everything is pouring with character and a vibrancy that cannot help but make you smile. But again, you may have fears from this that Juka is somehow a game for children. Do not make this mistake, whatever you do, as you will be missing out on a definite treat. Orbital has poured a lot of love into making this game and it is definitely apparent throughout. Everything is thoroughly enjoyable, but by no means a walk in the park; Juka WILL give you a headache a times with its complex nature. In a good way, of course...
The story focuses on our pyjama-clad hero Juka, who happens to be a young alchemist desperate to head off on an adventure and explore the world. Luckily for him there just happens to be a disaster in the offing, and with the majority of the local townsfolk either having mysteriously disappeared, or those remaining being too inept or simply too awkward to bother helping, Juka (along with his trusty guide Bufo
You start out having to collect special ingredient jars since Juka clumsily managed to break all of his original ones, so you begin by trotting around (at a very sedate pace, I might add, due to the lack of an apparent dash button) and grab the first three jars. Then away you go, collecting as many ingredients as you can carry at that particular time (50 until you pick up a large jar later on). The reasoning for this collection is because, since you are indeed an alchemist, you can create a variety of potions
In order to keep yourself topped up with enough of the elemental ingredients, you can literally shake any tree, flower or plant around you until stuff falls out and you can rush round and collect it all. There are even some hidden away in nearby water areas
So far what we have seen of Juka is highly promising, with it proving to be one of the most enjoyable games on the GBA so far. With lovely graphics, a wonderful soundtrack and a character that acts rather like Link from the Zelda series, Cubed
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Sounds interesting! Good work, Adam. :-
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
it does sound interesting but I mean this game has been in development limbo forever, I dunno maybe it'll be promising but the company making them seems to be developing a couple games with the exact same engine, I dunno if thats a good or bad thing, but the screenshots make it look very cheap and dirty.
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
Yeah, good preview mate. I don't think I'll be getting this one, but I'm happy (as ever) that the DS's games library is ever expanding :-
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
good preview! but i never heard of this game!!! sounds good!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
A good looking new GBA game?!?
Cool...might buy a GBM to play it....
Any excuse to buy that tiny thing
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
Game Boy micros have been reduced to
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
OMG i have this game for a long long time now!( a few months) and and and!! i start playing a few days ago and im kinda liking the now @ map 2........and i just keep on playing....the battle mode can be frustrating sometimes when it comes to foe's who can shield of the energy you shoot at them after catching the "enemy combination" so if you miss you have to start over!!
but i will play this game till the end
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
sounds strange that i have it but i was in turkey and they wur selling all sorts of gba games and juka seemed to be one of them
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
Don't worry sidar, I've noticed it's been available from 'sources' for quite a long time...Hope it doesn't affect potential sales, though, as I'd love to see Orbital continue their work on Nintendo formats.
When you've been wandering around collecting shapes/colours and you miss the enemy and hit its shield, yes I agree, it's DAMN frustrating! But that's part of the fun, trying to improve your shot next time :-
The guys at Zoo Digital are looking after this for Europe, I found out earlier, whilst Southpeak are just doing the US side.
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
ehheeh....yeah the frustration kinda adds some fun to it =3
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
I just love the soundtrack so much - reminds me of the music in Zelda: Minish Cap!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
Not in any such way, MC'HOE. It's a delightful RPG-lite adventure packed full of fun, colourful graphics, brain teasers and a superb soundtrack! 8-
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:55 by Guest )
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