Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (Nintendo DS) Preview

By Adam Riley 10.10.2006

Review for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Nintendo DS

Enix’s Dragon Quest series began life on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in the 1980s, along with Squaresoft’s Final Fantasy franchise, and quickly became a major force in the role-playing genre. Since then, the games have became so popular that a few spin-offs have appeared, one being Dragon Quest Monsters, what many believe to be Square Enix’s answer to Pokémon. Now the latest title is ready to hit the DS, does it deserve to become the next Third Party million-seller?

Square Enix has revealed it had plans for a Dragon Quest Monsters game right back when the Nintendo DS was first announced. However, after such a long period with absolutely no news on either that or Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, most presumed the project had been cancelled so that S-E could focus on developing games for Sony’s PlayStation Portable. Thankfully that was not the case at all and S-E was in fact using the same gorgeous game engine it had in place for Final Fantasy III for this new game, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, the fourth in the main series (the first two being on the GBC and the third, the Japanese-only Caravan Heart, being a GBA title). In fact, so attractive was this title that you could be forgiven for mistaking it as being a portable version of the recent Level 5-developed Dragon Quest VIII from the PlayStation 2.

Screenshot for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Nintendo DS

On-hand with the development duties is the wonder-team over at TOSE, who never seem to sleep, constantly helping developers out with game production duties. The game really does shine on the DS, as can be seen in any video clips you may see strewn across the Internet and even has a full 360-degree camera that you can control. Thankfully this is not a game full to the brim with random battles, as with Pokémon, but instead you run around the lovely-looking world as free as you desire, opting to run into enemies to start a battle encounter whenever you feel like it. This freedom is definitely a pleasing addition, making progress through the Granpool Islands much more satisfying and far less frustrating. As for the actual locations, the only two places revealed so far are Novice Island (with lots of greenery, but its fair share of dark dungeons and caves) and Alcapolis Island (more of a townscape, although with a what appears to be an underground waterway as well). This leaves at least five (that we know of) other islands that have yet to be revealed by Square Enix. It certainly seems like this game will NOT be a walk in the park…

Screenshot for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Nintendo DS

This new edition of Dragon Quest Monsters sees you take on the role of a young hero, one of many Jokers, who is on the path to becoming the hottest monster trainer on the block, similar to how Ash wanted to become a Pokémon master. The exception here is that this Joker starts out not with Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and so on, but a little blue Slime instead. Once you encounter an enemy, you do not have a normal set of commands in what is a turn-based affair, but there is the inclusion of being able to talk to the monsters in an attempt to coax them onto your side. Battling is actually similar to Pokémon in that the Joker is never the one fighting, but instead dishing out orders to his party of monsters (of which there can be a maximum of three at any one time during fights). So you can almost leave battles to work automatically as orders can be given to the monsters prior to an encounter. Once these monsters have been captured, then you can breed various ones together to create new offspring and half of the fun is mixing and matching two or more creatures together to see what you end up with. And the beauty of it is that fans of the Dragon Quest series as a whole will be in for a treat due to the fact that the wide array of monsters stem from each and every main DQ adventure from the past, I through to VIII!

Screenshot for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Nintendo DS

For those expecting a deep RPG experience, though, you may have to look elsewhere, as following in the footsteps of previous DQM titles, there does not look like it will have reams of dialogue within it, instead choosing to focus more on the capture and use of monsters, as well as interact with the Jokers Guild as your Joker goes about his journey to become the best in the GP arena tournament. There are even online features planned for DQM: J, however these have yet to be elaborated upon by Square Enix, but if the past is anything to go by, you will be able trade monsters via the Wi-Fi Connection or maybe even battle using the network. Finally, there is minimal touch-screen support, which is perfectly fine as opposed to being forced into the final game for no real purpose. There is so much we do not know about the game, such as who the mysterious characters on the official website really are. For now we just know their names: Giltz - a tall, scary-looking old man with a bushy moustache; Aroma – a moody looking young girl that appears rather tom-boy like; and Carmasso – a studious older figure that looks rather pompous in stature. And then there are the Lord Monsters (Gulheart, Glubzon and Speddio)…whatever could they be?

Screenshot for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Nintendo DS

Final Thoughts

Dragon Quest Monsters has yet to reveal its full hand just yet, but from what has been shown so far it looks to be as good as the previous outings, if not more refined for a better experience. 28th December cannot come soon enough for Japanese owners and you really have to hope the Western world is not overlooked!


Armour Project


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date 28.12.2006   Australian release date TBA   


Nice write up!

This is one game I'm really looking forward to, and it's going to be close between it and Final Fantasy III.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Thanks Tin Can Man :Smilie I wish I could read Japanese to translate more of the details on the official website, though :-(

For me it's more of a toss-up between this and Pok

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

wow this looks very good!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Indeed it does - pretty much as close to the sublime DQVIII as you can get at the moment on the DS!

Not a bad thing at all Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

"Thanks Tin Can Man This is a smilie I wish I could read Japanese to translate more of the details on the official website, though This is a smilie"

What the homepage addy?
I could translate.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Brief summary of dqm home page

Main character:
Wears scount ring - symbol of a true monster hunter.
He is a monster hunter who has been chosen by the gods:-o

Monsters, although they may look fierce when put up against them, if you get them on your side the tables are turned. Get powerful monsters and that will leada you on your way to being a true monster master.

Monster fuzin: fuse two monsters together to give birth to a new monster.
(slime+skeleton = slime knight is shown)

Scout system:
Choose your monsters do a scout attack on the monster you want, the stronger your monsters the higher the chance of scouting the enemy. Your monsters will emit a mysterious aura and attack the monster you want to scout.

Lord Monsters:
Glubzon (looks like a gorilla)
His arms legs and back covered in a protector. HIs face is evelless (a word?) but he has unmeasurable attack power underneath.
Move:throws boulders at you

Gulheart( a red bird)
Can control huge flames. The small stubby wings he has will eventually grow into huge wings ( you don't say...Smilie

Speddio (a dog)
Has protectors on his head and body. He can understand the human language and will travel withh the player.

Go on wifi to enter huge worldwide tournaments to become the true monster master.

Granpool islands:
Can be called the base for monster hunters, lots of unique monsters live there.
Novice Island
Alcapolis Island
rest yet to be unveiled(5 others)

Use a water bike to get to different islands.

ARghhh whole site in flash, huge load times...

Well there you have it. ALl of the homepage basically translated.
Quite a bit of it was still under construction/coming soon

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Bloody hell :eek: Thanks a lot ZS! I know who to call on for translation of Japanese stuff from now on :Smilie

I've seen the jet ski riding in motion and it looks pretty damn impressive. Not sure if Tales of the Tempest looks slightly better, though.

Anyway, thanks again for going through the site (can you imagine the fun I had trying to get all the screens from it?!).

Makes me want the game even more :-D

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

thanks for translating, Zersimon!
I wish I could give a star for that!

sounds interesting, Looking forward to this game too!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

This game will surely dominate the Japanese chart this festive/holiday period. Launching on the 28th Dec, when DS sales will be something like 400,000-500,000 units per week, it'll crack a million easily.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Thanks Adam, and Zack.


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