It's never too late for Wario time!
Cindered Shadows, the final and biggest part of the Fire Emblem: Three Houses expansion pack has been released.
Traditional medieval battles meet an officers school setting in this latest entry in the franchise.
Cubed3 takes a closer look at Intelligent Systems' new release, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. to see if it's a new 3DS must-have.
The steam-based action game from Intelligent Systems releases May 15th.
Rumour: According to a LinkedIn listing of a programmer working for Fire Emblem developer Intelligent Systems, a Wii U title is in the works
Nintendo have launched a teaser website for new music game Band Bros. P, heading to Nintendo 3DS.
Trademark sleuths have spotted a new registration from Nintendo involving the popular stategy series Fire Emblem.
An in interview with Hitoshi Yamagami from Intelligent Systems, he let slip a detail about the setting for Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.
Discover through our review the all new and long awaited Fire Emblem episode, now on Nintendo 3DS.
The folk behind Advance Wars are keen to continue the series at some point Masahiro Higuchi revealed in a Fire Emblem group chat.
Mallo is back on 3DS with more puzzles to tackle, this time with a true third dimension added to them.
Atlus, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems collaborate for a clash of two huge role-playing franchises on Nintendo Wii U.
Fancy using the original voices in your copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening? Play as English or Japanese in your localised copy.
Nintendo of America have released a short, but sweet, teaser trailer for the upcoming Fire Emblem: Awakening.