Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Announced for Nintendo Wii U

By Az Elias 23.01.2013 9

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Announced for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In today's Nintendo Direct conference, the Japanese company announced a huge collaboration title between Nintendo, Atlus and Intelligent Systems to bring to Wii U a clash of two huge role-playing franchises with Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem.

For now, only a small teaser video has been shown, but this news is sure to please a lot of RPG fans.

Stick with Cubed3 for further updates on the game in the future.


What do you think of Nintendo and Atlus's collaboration in Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem?

Box art for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE





Turn Based RPG



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I am all about the Fire Emblem, but what the heck is a "Shin Megami Tensei"?

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

BlueRocks said:
I am all about the Fire Emblem, but what the heck is a "Shin Megami Tensei"?
If you don't know about it, all you need to know is you should be very happy with this news.

Shit, that was unexpected.

Hopefully 'Shin Megami Tensai' will encompass all the sub-series under that banner and not just the main titles. Persona representatives on a Nintendo platform? Hell yes. Smilie

totally unexpected news! i am extremely excited to see how they pull this off. Two of my favourite RPG series combined... dream come true. 

Anyone but me think it's going to be a fighting game? That was my first thought. (Since most of the Japanese collabs are.) But an RPG mixed with Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei gameplay would be even better.

Azuardo said:
BlueRocks said:
I am all about the Fire Emblem, but what the heck is a "Shin Megami Tensei"?
If you don't know about it, all you need to know is you should be very happy with this news.

I'll be very happy if they keep the turn-based tactical game play.  Considering my favourite games are Fire Emblem and Pokemon, I don't stray too far from the mechanic.

I've played Advance Wars and FF: Tactics and enjoyed them to a lesser extent.  I tried the Ogres games on the Wii VC but could not 'get into' the games as I didn't know what I was doing and got lost easily.

Are there any other games?

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

BlueRocks said:
Are there any other games?

What, in the MegaTen series, or in the same style as that and Fire Emblem, etc? Because there is a vast range of sub-series in the MegaTen franchise. SMT: Persona is more like your Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy games with exploring then encounters in turn-based battles. But SMT: Devil Survivor is tactical and more along the lines of Fire Emblem, moving in squares on a battlefield, but then going into turn-based battles with the enemy. There's a lot of sub-series in the franchise, and I've only played Persona 4, so it's difficult for me to give you a good idea. Perhaps have a quick look on YouTube at each of the sub-series battle gameplay.

Oh good news! I made similar remarks in the past, but it's about bloody time they exploit the FE characters far far more. I can imagine some of them becoming really great and permanent if they keep at it.

While they're at it create a proper full blown universe ala Tolkien. Contract a famous fantasy author like Feist and manga artist as well, and start a long series which go on for 30 years. Build a theme park with castles and characters ala Disney. Then a fast food chain.

... ok maybe too much too soon.

Cool breeze (guest) 07.07.2013#9

well kartia vandal hearts

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