Nintendo Power Teaser for Next Month

By Shane Jury 30.04.2008 36

On the back page of popular US Magazine Nintendo Power, the staff claim some surprises are in store, involving the picture of a Moon.

The teaser states that, "We may even have a surprise or two," they say. "Can you find the clues we've hidden in the moon?". A scan of the page from GoNintendo is below.

Image for Nintendo Power Teaser for Next Month

What do you think it could be? Be sure to voice your opinion below.

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Phoenixus said:
jb said:
Could literally be "Moon" for DS Smilie

Yeah, thats what I thought at first, but it just seems too obvious to be that.
Second thing that came into my head was this;

Image for

The two have simliar Equator-ish lines and circular-hollow bits.

OMG!! Could it be Rogue Squadron IV for Wii with full online vs. and co-op modes?!!! lol I can dream can't I?

You gotta admit, that would kick some SERIOUS ass. Smilie

...I want Rogue Squadron for Wii, damnit!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Ah yeah, that's good.

Factor 5 on Rogue Squadron IV, and Nintendo on Kid Icarus.

As long as Factor 5 aren't on Kid Icarus, I'm OK.

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I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

mOojc said:
Golden Sun?



I'm thinking Mother, Kid Icarus or Castlevania. Though it's such a vague picture.

I see a nipple.

Oh dear god I hope it is!

I saw three things. An angel maybe for Kid Icarus, a robot, reminded me of project H.A.M.M.E.R. and a little pig, I dont see where it fits but maybe goes with animal crossing...maybe, heres the link for you to see what i found...i outlined them

It's a weird angle of the moon. It looks like it's been rotated about -90 degrees. That probably doesn't mean much, though.

It looks bright, could be a harvest moon (farmers used to work at night when the moon was bright enough, so bright moons are sometimes called "harvest moons"). Could be a hint about the new Harvest Moon Wii game.

Or the "Moon" DS game is another good guess. I can see the Death Star thing, too.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

look directly at the middle really hard, you can see a sword.
Also the way it's divided with that crater and red on right and orange on left could mean pokemon.

plus it could be rengende kids new "moon" game.

It does look like it could be a Pok�ball, so maybe it's to do with a new Pok�mon game? The third one? Dialga/Palkia = Space/Time, so it's possible.

But TAG is also very possibly right. It wil just be Nintendo Power confirming that year old Harvest Moon game is coming to US. (Tree of Peace I think it's called)

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Majora's Mask on VC? Too obvious?

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Dunno if anyone is still looking at this news-story, but I just wanted to sprinkle some salt on the fire, with a little info I've found.
A poster on another site has the Nintendo Power issue that the teaser is in, and there is a little more to comprehend, in one of the writer's Wii Fit blogs;

"Hmmm...a lot of my yoga and strength training scores are down from yesterday. I must be distracted by that super-awesome, top secret Wii game I saw earlier this afternoon (look for it in next month's issue)"

So, if this game and the one that the Moon pic is presumably hiding are one and the same, then it's not that Moon DS game, nor is it one we know about. Hmm...Smilie

I bet a US release of Tales of Symphonia woulda been considered top-secret.

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