Nintendo Power Teaser for Next Month

By Shane Jury 30.04.2008 36

On the back page of popular US Magazine Nintendo Power, the staff claim some surprises are in store, involving the picture of a Moon.

The teaser states that, "We may even have a surprise or two," they say. "Can you find the clues we've hidden in the moon?". A scan of the page from GoNintendo is below.

Image for Nintendo Power Teaser for Next Month

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Could literally be \"Moon\" for DS Smilie
But if they\'re bigging it up, I\'m voting on a new Castlevania for Wii(ware).

( Edited 30.04.2008 12:34 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Could literally be "Moon" for DS Smilie

Yeah, thats what I thought at first, but it just seems too obvious to be that.
Second thing that came into my head was this;

Image for

The two have simliar Equator-ish lines and circular-hollow bits.

Looks like a new Earthbound game could be in the works.

Isn\'t the little logo next to the Earthbound characters a Moon, on the Smash Bros Dojo site?

Looks kinda like a Pok�ball as well.

( Edited 30.04.2008 12:56 by Marzy )

I\'d much rather they actually gave Europeans an old Earthbound game, rather than making a new one. :p

I agree with Phoenixus though, the Death Star is definitely possible, it\'s got the equator line and big indented bit on the right. Smilie

( Edited 30.04.2008 12:55 by Ikana )

Perfect hype builder - incredibly vague picture with incredibly vague description where people see things that they want to see!

I guess it's Mooning Mario: My Arse!

Mickey Mouse Smilie

jb, there is a new Castlevania due, but not for the Wii, only the next gen consoles and DS.

I think there are images of characters or something within in the moon. The message clearly indicates there are "clues" within the moon, not sure if the moon actually has anything to do with it at all.

I think I see some sort of small character at the bottom half of the moon Smilie and looks like a big evil face in the very background of the right half of the moon.

I clearly see a 30s image of Mickey Mouse Smilie

It's coming to Wii Smilie

I think it's a new Starfox! I inverted the picture and I've seen two character hidden in the moon, that resemble Fox and Falco.

I've circled them below.


Image for


Image for

Golden Sun?



I'm thinking Mother, Kid Icarus or Castlevania. Though it's such a vague picture.

I see a nipple.

jb said:
But if they're bigging it up, I'm voting on a new Castlevania for Wii(ware).

Apparently, the new issue of EGM has a mention of both a Castlevania for the Wii and DS (remember the leaked screenshot of the DS Castlevania game with the Wii option?). Just a rumor at this point, but I'm excited.

Marzy said:
I think it's a new Starfox! I inverted the picture and I've seen two character hidden in the moon, that resemble Fox and Falco.

I've circled them below.


Image for


Image for

Wanna do a stars wager?. If your right I will give you 10 stars happily, and if I am right you will give me ten stars over any period of time.

Wanna do a stars wager?. If your right I will give you 10 stars happily, and if I am right you will give me ten stars over any period of time.

I don\'t really like gambling usually, but it\'s just stars, so yer sure. Smilie

10 stars say it\'s a new Starfox. Smilie

( Edited 30.04.2008 13:51 by Marzy )

I still reckon it's Star Wars..

"That's no's a space station!!" Smilie

I can't see a thing. I really want this to be something big but I can't help but feel pessimistic here.

I see Pokey Minch's head xD That might be a clue to Mother3 (Earthbound2), Mother3/Earthbound2 MAJOR SPOILER ahead (its the reason why it can be a clue.)

Cool, it\'s a deal Marzy. I cannot ever see Nintendo Power getting to reveal something as huge as Starfox Wii. That may of happened back in the late eighties but not anymore.

( Edited 30.04.2008 17:40 by Linkyshinks )

i think i see a triforce

Mmm, I see two spaceships, a triforce, and a small pikmin.

It's anyone's guess... so let's wait 2 weeks for the next issue.

I think its just a picture of a moon.
They can later retro-fit an explanation or game as having some connection :p <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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lol, a moon?

A bit late to be revealing Sonic Unleashes isn't it?

Prolly a wannabe of the NiGHTS thing that ONM did, since it caused such a stir.

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Its a bit too obvious to be true, but I'd really like to hear more about the Moon game from Renegade Kid for DS. Looks really interesting, and looks to push the DS pretty far too.

Remember Nintendo Power's last "big exclusive unveiling"? I believe that turned out to be the already-widely-known-about Tales of Symphonia 2, so I wouldn't get my hopes up for something new.

I agree with Mr Jacob; Dementium got far too little coverage across the board, so I hope Moon gets the attention it deserves.

I think I see one or two characters in there. One standing in the right-lower corner with his fist clenched. One big head with sunglasses and maybe a beak in the right-upper corner. Looks like he's holding something, maybe a gun. And the thing at the top, is that a tongue of fire or something?

My guess is that it's a first-party game. Maybe Star Fox, Kid Icarus or Earthbound.

Duck Hunt. Look where "Pit" is in the mid-right. In the head, is that a beak?

I Is Playing: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL The only game I'll play for a long while.

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