Epic: The Wii is Backwards, a Virus

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.04.2008 163

Epic Games' president recently revealed that the company won't be making games for the system.

Mike Capps recently discussed developing for the Wii and confirmed the studio won't be bringing anything to the little white box: "no, we go forward, not back. It makes more sense for us to invest in the next-generation tech."

He likens the console to a virus, where its spreading due to the initial appeal on being different but lacking substance for long term use:

It's a virus where you buy it and you play it with your friends and they're like, "Oh my God that's so cool, I'm gonna go buy it." So you stop playing it after two months, but they buy it and they stop playing it after two months but they've showed it to someone else who then go out and buy it and so on. Everyone I know bought one and nobody turns it on. Obviously there's a class of people who really love it and enjoy it and are getting into the games but I'm still waiting for that one game that makes me play it.

Epic is well known for Gears of War and the Unreal franchise.

Thanks to Megatonik.

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When did you say you respect me? Certainly not in the posts I read. Anyone who's been here long enough knows I'm very passionate about what I believe and it's not that I don;t respect others opinions, I just have a hard time accepting them, I know that myself.

I said it in the previous page, you must of skim-read my first post. But whatever I don't want to start a whole argument over this shizz.

Thanks guys - good to see this resolving. But in any case, it's about what you say and how you say it and not status or anything like that. You can be the Queen, but if you're out of line you'll still be dealt with.

Anyway, please can we get back on track!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

If you ask me, calling the Wii backwards is controversial, and if he\'s not willing to make a game for it then he\'s not going to change anything.

Who knows, maybe he could be the one to make a game that makes him play it >> It\'s no different from any other console, apart from it\'s power. If he\'s so stuck up about it, he can use the GC controller support.

EDIT: Nah jeebs, if the queen tells Mr Epic to stuff it then she\'s alright.

( Edited 20.04.2008 23:12 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I bet Epic will be the first to utilise the rumored Xbox360 motion controller...

And then what incentive is there to work on the Wii, SL?

I can't see where he's coming from, I honestly can't.

knighty said:
And then what incentive is there to work on the Wii, SL?

What incentive is there to work on any console? It should be the same as any other. To highlight their strong points.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

But....what strong points does the Wii have over the 360/PS3 other than the controller? If they're going to use the GC controller then lolwtf?

I'm just making the point that they have no reason to not make a game on Wii. If it's a problem with the controller then that's not a problem, but either way they'll make free money from making + selling a cheap game on the Wii, and if they make it crappy they'll just be being hypocrites.

Graphics are important, but when people like this make it seem like Wii is a backwards step because it doesn't have the graphics of the other console, well I just don't get thinking like that. Apart from the same level of AI & such, you can still make a great game on Wii, just like you can on any other console...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I hated Gears of War, thought it was shit. I love Unreal though, fantastic series.

He's got a point. I recently completed Mario Galaxy 100% and thinking about it, it didn't take me that long at all and at points wasn't even enjoyable. It's a great game no doubt, but if it's the best the Wii has to offer, I agree with him.

Likening it to a virus is a bit harsh... but again it has some truth in it. On launch day you couldn't get a Wii, now it's just got mostly terrible games that nobody wants to buy.

I'm sure Brawl will be great too, the 'killer' game that will keep you coming back for more, but I refuse to import and Nintendo have really shot themselves in the foot with it with all the importers, and I feel it won't sell in great amounts here because all the hype would have died down.

Also, the Wii does potentially have the best controls for an FPS other than a PC, but yeah, most games could easily be done on the 360, or the PS3.

*Haven't read majority of comments, just scrolled through*

Epic didn\'t make the UE compatible with Wii: a Wii 3rd party MADE the engine be compatible with Wii.

So, how good did the new Unreal game sell? Because neglecting to support over 20 million Wii consoles is a VERY inteligent decision.

And no matter how much spin is made, the \"virus quote\" is just plain BS. I own a Wii and over 30 games and have been playing it non stop since launch and up until 20 minutes ago when I turned it off...

( Edited 20.04.2008 23:46 by EdEN )

Brawl is a crying shame, and is a game that is proof of Nintendo\'s idiocy at times. The hype in Europe is almost completely dead, or will be by the time it\'s out. Sales will hit rock bottom, or at least will never meet the potential it could have had. C3\'s wilting Smash Bros community & the activity on SWF is proof of that.

And I guess everyone\'s different. While Robsy may not like GoW, and didn\'t enjoy Mario Galaxy as much as I did, I don\'t like MK Super Circuit or Metroid Prime at all, while many others love them. So if you ask me, it\'s this guy\'s preference, again.

He prolly only wants to play games with blood and cool guys being hardcore. Y\'know, manly stuff. He prolly hasn\'t even played Mario Galaxy \'cos he thinks it\'s not aimed at a manly man like him (Yes I\'m partly joking here... just this last paragraph though. The rest is good stuff.)

But he didn\'t need to put it in such a distasteful way. It\'s almost as if he has a grudge against it.

I bet his favourite food is raw MEAT.

( Edited 21.04.2008 00:06 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

^ this

oh lawd! wow man not having Epic Developed games is gonna affect the way i play the wii, cause u know, Epic is the type of company u NEED to have games from... jesus... i don't think i can hold this sarcasm for too long. anyways, yeah so that means no UT3? aww... oh wait thats the game i finished in 7hrs? oh no never mind... oh what? gears of war... 10 hrs... storyline? whats that? y did i buy a wii man? i mean nintendo release these awesome games with 20 hrs +, and i still buy those games? jeez... yeah i should get a 360/ps3 cause then i can finish all their games in a month. online play? oh u mean the type of service i get but much better on my pc? heh... this is quite funny. analogs for FPS? u mean the controls we've been using for like about 12 yrs now? Grab your pitch forks and torches and burn every single person that works for nintendo, damn them for taking their time in creating amazing long lasting games instead of yeah.... 7 hrs is good, just slap online on it and sell it for Au$120. this is unbelievable... they prob know that nintendo fans r spoiled due to the great long lasting games they have and know that if they release something on the system they will fail cause they games can't live up for the standards of nintendo games. u r all forgetting that nintendo wanted to make the wii cheap and accessible. some ppl don't have the money to pay for a 360/ps3 + games. they do so on the wii, nintendo just doesn't want to let anyone out. y does this statement by mr capps remind me of WoW south park episode?? "hey mum, mum, toilet" hahahahahahahaSmilieSmilieSmilie

My eyes almost bled trying to read that

Maybe the Flame Shield vendor wasn't too late.

Hey, wanna buy a Flame Shield?

Lost Odessey, to name one. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've clocked up almost 250 hours on Oblivion.

Successive playthroughs of Halo 3 and Gears of War both add up to probably 50+ hours.

Galaxy has taken me about 10 hours so far and I have enough stars to finish.

Since when did you settle for anything less than 100% completion? Smilie (In Galaxy\'s case almost double the amount of stars you need to complete it.)

it took me nearly 2 weeks with both Mario & Luigi. That\'s more time than most games take me to beat, not including multiplayer value.

And Oblivion, yeah, but I prolly wouldn\'t clock much on that at all (personally) Smilie

( Edited 21.04.2008 01:16 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

weren't you just saying analogs are so much better, wierd, if with analog i can beat gears of war in 10 hours or so.. have to check my play time, and UT3 in 7.42 hrs, using analogs, it suprises me you can't do so yourself... oh i did not say all games are short, but their key ones, LO fair enough, but is that a reason to purchase a console? for ME, no. afterall this my opinion based on my experience, oh, nighty, try socialising, in teh interwebs there are abreviations to shorten up what you want to write, if your eyes bleed, go rest, it might be cause of staying in front of the pc screen for so long Smilie or it might be cause u don't accept my point of view like many others here that you can't accept. SmilieSmilie
i kid, i kid, just take it easy dude, no need for drama Smilie
if i say i love 360/ps3 will you love me back?Smilie


Learn to fucking read.

My eyes bleed because you don\'t understand the concept of sentence structure or punctuation.

( Edited 21.04.2008 01:28 by knighty )

Smilie jesus u\'re funny man, hahahahaha yeah nws dude, punctuation ey? hahahaha wow is this english class or something? wow didn\'t know i went back to school, so from here on out everyone in TEH INTERWEBS should speak correctly with perfect punctuation for sir knighty. because he needs that so his eyes won\'t bleed Smilie man i love the net.

( Edited 21.04.2008 03:20 by Andrezao )

Back to the topic, as mentioned above, there is a company porting the U3 engine to the wii, lets not forget that there's also high voltage's engine which isn't too bad, and i factor 5 is on it too correct? if they get to use that water effect present in mario galaxy, i would love that! the grassy areas were pretty awesome too!! just use that and implement to a decent game and pronto! all you need now is marketing, *stares at Zack and Wiki* ahem, and you have your own million seller game. you know whats the problem with people with this sort of thinking? too much for them to bother with. its easier justifying a game with graphics rather than working on it. just shows how skillful people can be. now if next generation wii2 has HD and all elements these 2 have today, in the future it will be cheaper and crap loads of people will be buying it. thats just being smart, y waste so much now, while your competitors waste their cash now and producing expensive hardware when you can come up with the same or better for cheaper in the future implemented with you own idea (wiimote). is that hard to understand?Smilie

Your posts are IMPOSSIBLE to understand.

Anyway from what I can work out you seem to think that next gen Nintendo will be able to have TEH GFX, but you\'re forgetting that the next Xbox/Play station will be ANOTHER generation of horse power ahead, and the next Nintendo will look like poo. You can pretend it won\'t, but it will if it\'s only the level of the 360/ps3 (this is all relative btw).

If you love that water effect and grass then just imagine it with more powerful shader technology Smilie I love how you think games with good graphics pop out the door in 5 minutes. You realise graphics programming is one of the hardest fields in programming, because the technology moves on so fast?

If you want me to read your posts at least put the fucking time in to making them legible. It\'s nothing to do with being in English class. It\'s 1. Not butchering the English language and 2. Common courtesy.

( Edited 21.04.2008 03:44 by knighty )

do you have a problem? did i post for you this time? NO. if you can\'t read then maybe you should be in school, and don\'t come up with crap cause i do game design here in Aus, i do understand what you\'re saying, You and i both know that while sony, MS will take another 10 or so yrs to advance once more, nintendo could do so in half that time. plus, you buy games for the graphics? your problem not mine, i buy games because i love them, now, if you are being so hard headed, maybe you should cool down, you don\'t like how i write, don\'t read it, i don\'t post to make you happy, i post to share my view on the topic, but when someone says that this guy is being an idiot saying that trash, you attack them saying that the wii is underpowered, dude i love gfx, i have my pc for that, that can produce gfx, and has a more stable system that a PS3, here specs for you: MB: Asus P5N-T (SLi), 8GB ram, 500GB HDD, 2x 9800GTX gfs card, realtek 7.1 HD sound, Intel Quad Core Extreme (3.0 GH), 1000Wts PSU, Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit and windows XP 32bit,(one in each HDD), that was biult by myself, so as you can see, i love gfx, i invested on a gfx pc and still play MY Snes, N64, GC, Wii, Ds, GBA because i can\'t get those games on pc or any other system, you said oh but they can be done on the others, yeah they can, but they\'re not there! i love mario, zelda, Dk, fox, samus, they\'re all on nintendo systems, i can\'t get those anywhere else. now please stay on the topic and stop attacking people, you ruin the fun for everyone else. i am not fighting with u or whatever, i am simply laying down my opinion which you have to respect like i respect yours. i don\'t agree with what you say but i\'ll die protecting your right to say it. end of story deal?Smilie

( Edited 21.04.2008 04:10 by Andrezao )

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