The arrogant part is not them not wanting to port an engine..thats perfectly fine.
The arrogant part is claiming the Wii is a virus and there isnt a single game that makes him want to play it.
\"Gears of War had some of the freshest FPS gameplay ever, and was damn fun. Anyone who says otherwise simply hasn\'t played it\"
Yes I did play it.
In fact, if anything, I was getting more enjoyment because I was playing in co-op. (co-op is always a good option and improves everything)
However, it was still a dull, dull game after the graphics had worren off.
It was extremely repedative. Just A to B and shot, A to B and shot. Oh look, a choice between routes...A to B easy and shot, or A to B hard and shot. Great.
GoW wasnt a bad game by any means, but it was very much graphics over substance.
\"basically every game on the Wii could be done on the 360/PS3\"
WiiSports, specificaly Baseball is impossible on any other format. Day 1 game.
The gameplay mechcanics of hitting the ball with the bat would be both more abstracted, and less acurrate on any other format.
But that aside, almost all Wii games *can* be done on any other format, but that dosnt mean that would be as good.
Try using your PC without a mouse.
Its possible isnt it?
Does that make a mouse useless?
Emulateing pointer input is the same. Just because you can emulate one controll with another dosnt mean its as accurate or feels as good.
The Wiimote is great for giving X/Y/Z rotation input accurately, and onscreen pointing.
It is a precision instrument and highly accurate at both those things. (much moreso then a stick is, incidently).
The problem is when measureing displacement movement, geasture-button mapped input specificaly, then indeed its no better then buttons.
But thats no critism of Nintendo, thats a critism of
third partys unwilling to Epic.
Heck, we havnt had a single developer use IK-based systems to work out from the wiimotes angle the position of the persons arm. (which, in turn, could be reflected on the onscreen avatar, thus allowing good 1:1 swordfighting, with matching dynamicaly generated charecter models).
For all this huge investment in graphics, nothing is really being spent on motion controlls.
Epic is just pissed off because they invested in the wrong thing.
If anyone truely invested in the Wii, they could make a killing.
Unfortuntely lots of publishing house\'s thought Nintendo was a lost cause, thus all their toolchains, budgets and in-development games are focused on high-spec mesh\'s and effects.
\"Pointer gameplay? Oh yeah, star bits really improve the game experience\"
No, but the bits you click on to make mario fly between planets are quite important.
Sure, they could have teleport plates or something, but it wouldnt feel the same.
Still, Mario is one of the weakest examples.
Metroid, WiiSports, Zack and Wiki, Koropina, ect.
Theres dozens of better examples.
These games would be horrible if played with two analogue sticks.
( Edited 20.04.2008 19:21 by Darkflame )