Miyamoto on Wii Fit, Mentions Zelda Team

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.04.2008 15

Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto has been out promoting Wii Fit, with a quick mention for Team Zelda.

Talking with 1up, He mentions that designers have been accustomed to working with existing ideas and trying to improve on them, knowing what gamers like and have accepted as standard. To bring new experiences to the table, he's tried to help people "realize that it really is OK to start from scratch and build from there".

He went on to reiterate that although new experiences like Wii Fit, Wii Sports etc have expanded the gaming audience, the company are still hard at work making titles for core gamers that rely on traditional gaming standard: for example the recently released Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Galaxy.

Though the company are making distinctively different types of games, he has one main goal: "To make games that everyone can enjoy. I don't really look at it in [terms of casual versus hardcore] when we're creating software."

To finish, he mentions a possible treat for Zelda fans:

"...we do have the existing teams at Nintendo working on the kinds of products we've always made over the years. The Zelda team is forming again to work on new games! But to me, it's about finding these new interactive experiences and bringing them to people."

Fantastic news to hear that the team are back on track from the creator's mouth. With that in mind, would you like to see a new Zelda entry or a similar game but a completely new franchise?

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It looks like a new franchise to me!! Right on nintendo!!

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

i reckon its going to be pikimon. Pikachu gets stranded on a weird planet...

I don't like him calling it Team Zelda...

Team Zelda = Sonic Team.

Link The Hylian 2006

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Balance on the board to be like Link. Ready? GO!!!!


The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

im game for a new franchise. give us a few more years for a new zelda... that being said, i wouldnt mind if we saw a Zelda Fourswords on ds. actually, thats what i want.Smilie

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

I predict a new Zelda trailer at E3. BELIEVE.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nice to hear from Miyamoto again.

When he says 'Zelda team forming right now', then a new Zelda is at least 2 years away. I would like to see a new approach to it. I like playing Zelda in the old game mechanics part after part, but it will kill it in the end, so a new approach like... say... Capcom did with Resident Evil 4 is important for the franchise. I hope they pull something great off if they try something new.
I don't necessarily mean a 3rd person Zelda with guns and Shooter, good hevens, no. I'm open for a lot of ideas. I only want it to be good.

Miyamoto-san has a position here I share. There are no core games and casual games. There are only games. And I think he is right in what he says. Nintendo may do great things with new ideas, but they stay right on core ideas. Just look at the great franchises they own. All these produced fresh games with always the same gameplay. Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario platformers... They are classics with game mechanics developed 20 years back - more or less. But they are still funny. So they necessarily freshen their portfolio, widen it with Wii Fit, Wii Sports... I never realised Wii Fit could be so huge. He did. But that's why he is a gaming guru and not me. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

jb said:
I predict a new Zelda trailer at E3. BELIEVE.

sorry i have to post this lol

Believe it!

ps yeah iam back pc blow up some weeks ago lol

Seeing what Okami for Wii is bringing to the table I'd like to see what the Zelda team can do with an original IP, or at least a new take on Zelda.

Jump_button said:
ps yeah iam back pc blow up some weeks ago lol

wb ;D

jb said:
I predict a new Zelda trailer at E3. BELIEVE.

There had better not be. If they announce it now, it'll be delayed until 2010. Next year at the earliest I say, unless it's a DS one.

New take on Zelda/No Zelda, one of those. Majora's Mask was like... so amazing. Smilie So Nintendo can do that kinda thing again yes? Something completely new. And should be �ber sinister & stuff too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

\"would you like to see a new Zelda entry or a similar game but a completely new franchise?\"

Absolutely pointless to have a simerla game but a new franchise.

Either have a new franchise with new gameplay, or do a new twist on a Zelda game.

But lets not have the horific combination of a zelda game with a new skin.

Personaly, I just want an upgrade TP engine, but changing the gameplay;
* Remove dungoen structure completely. Lets have it completely unpredictable, so you dont know where/when a boss is coming, or how big an area is. Have themed regions and lots of puzzles. But without the regular, predictable structure.
* 1:1 sword controlls, used for puzzles as well as combat. (carving stuff ect)

Zelda could do soooo much on the Wii.
Twlight Princess was a fantastic game, but it (imho) the last game they could make in that template.
Lets mix it up next time.

And, yes, even with a established engine, it still needs 3 years development min.

( Edited 18.04.2008 19:20 by Darkflame )

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That Naruto video...i take it that they ruined it when they dubbed it into English even worse than i could ever believe it

The Zelda team is forming again to work on new games!


Plural! IT'S PLURAL!!!!!!!!


Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Well I really hope they are working on new IPs, t'would be sad to see talent wasted on just another sequel. They can use the core zelda gameplay no doubt, just maybe its about time for it be used in another game universe.

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