Wii Fit Priced at $90 US

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.04.2008 7

Nintendo have confirmed the release date and price for Wii Fit in the US.

The board and game will be available from May 19th at a retail price of $89.99 (

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definately unfair.
daylight robbery

Wiifit doesn't interest me in the slightest anyway and it annoys me how Nintendo waste their time on such crap like this. If people want to exercise why don't they just do REAL exercise? :p

Join Gamebattles when you get Brawl

This game is obviously aimed at Nintendo's new 'casual audience'. Surely that audience isn't going to be so interested that it'll fork out �70 for it...?

Doesn't this discussion take place everytime prices are announced, and someone comes along saying how fair it is when you take into account the differences between the US and UK economy.

WHAT THE HUCK!! Being English im used to getting screwed over by Nintendo because we have to wait for all the other damn languages to be implented but this well and truly takes the piss. I was going to buy it but after this, SCREW YOU NINTENDO! I hope everybody pirates the damn thing and you lose shedloads you money grabbing whores.

Well we always get raped when it comes to that so I'm not really surprised.

Shitting heck, that's rapage. We get charged �70 for a pair of scales, and the US save approx �25 on it...great!

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