Paper Mario Coming to Nintendo DS?

By Adam Riley 16.04.2008 15

According to a news story leaked onto the Internet today, it seems Nintendo will be bringing Paper Mario to the Nintendo DS. However, the game, which is apparently set for a July launch in Japan, will not be a brand new role-playing game, but a remake of the first Nintendo 64 Paper Mario instead.

More details are expected in the next issue of CoroCoro Comics, but after playing the original and downloading the Virtual Console version recently, would any readers seriously consider buying a DS edition as well?

Stick around to see if the 'rumour' turns out to be true...

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I would love to see the Paper Mario series on DS, but not remakes. I've already played the VC game to death.

Seems a bit pointless porting an N64 game thats been available for ages now.

Ahh remakes, lame. I don't mind entirely though, I love Paper Mario. I personally would buy it.

Would prefer a new game, but the N64 PM? Brilliant! Smilie Will buy.

Great news, I think it's perfect for the DS.


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


I really wanted Paper Luigi. That Toad kid who's into games on Paper Mario 2 even said they should make one!

The VC one feels so recent... I'm not sure I'd buy...

Ah who am I kidding, I'm such a consumer whore. Smilie Nintendo you noooooobs.

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Super Mario RPG would have been better. But I haven't played PM64 so I'd get it. I missed out in the N64 days on it, and don't have a Wii so I welcome a DS remake.

Since I've already bought paper mario on the vc I definitely wouldn't get a remake.

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Definitely wouldn't buy it. Have it for the VC, but i never got into it. My favorite is still the GC version


now make a Mario rpg Wii remake

Yeah, I don't really understand this. Paper Mario is on the VC. Super Mario RPG costs a bundle to buy used and still isn't on the VC...but maybe this is a good sign for SMRPG to be remade.

I got it on VC, have played once Smiliebut will not buy on ds. Nuff said.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Remake? Ah fuck I've just bought the Virtual Console one...damn it.

ben (guest) 06.06.2010#15

where i can get this game�_�

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