SEGA Master System Hits Nintendo Wii VC in Europe Today

By Adam Riley 11.04.2008 9

This week sees the arrival of even more classic gaming history, with SEGA MASTER SYSTEM titles hitting Virtual Console for the first time! Launched in 1986, this 8-bit system was SEGA's first generation console and gave thousands of gamers a host of great titles in the golden era of gaming! The SEGA MASTER SYSTEM games will join the ever-expanding catalogue of systems available on Virtual Console.

Kicking off the new line-up in style is the much loved platform game Wonder Boy, first released on the SEGA MASTER STSTEM in 1987. Originally an arcade favourite, this colourful side-scroller sees players become Tom-Tom, a boy on a mission to rescue his girlfriend Tanya from an evil king. Get ready to negotiate world after world of gruesome creatures to save the green-haired heroine from the clutches of evil! This classic is a must-have for platform fans, and is available now for 500 Wii Points.

For those seeking even more madcap fun, take a journey into the surreal with the wacky shoot'em up Fantasy Zone. SEGA MASTER SYSTEM's 1987 space adventure sees players controlling a spaceship named Opa Opa and taking on some of the strangest enemies the galaxy has ever seen! Destroy the throng of bizarre baddies, collect coins and even visit the shop to kit out Opa Opa with even more powerful weapons in this quirky classic. Download this colourful title now for 500 Wii Points.

Next up this week, Virtual Console continues its collection of Commodore 64 classics! Firstly, for those who want to take on the impossible, download secret agent platform game Impossible Mission for a thrill a minute! First released in 1984 for the Commodore 64, this mix of action and puzzle-solving sees players infiltrating the stronghold of evil genius Elvin Atombender to scupper his plans to destroy the world. The lone agent must crack secret codes and fight off enemy robots to avert Armageddon! As one of the biggest hits of the 8-bit era, Impossible Mission is not to be missed. Agents can download the gametoday on Virtual Console for 500 Wii Points.

Dudes, it's time to get ready for some extreme thrills with even more Commodore 64 fun! California Games sees summer arrive early, giving players the chance to get 'totally tubular' with a collection of sun-soaked games. This 1987 sport-fest is sure to be fun in the sun, with a host of Californian sports for players to try their hand at, including surfing, skateboarding, BMX biking, roller skating and more! Play either solo or with up to seven friends in this awesome classic, available now for 500 Wii Points.

This week's titles join the existing list of 201 games already available for Virtual Console in Europe.

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I think this is a good thing for the VC to add. They need more Sega consoles and this is one of the best. The games on it were really good. Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Get Fantasy Zone and Wonder Boy, children. Fantasy Zone features SEGA's original mascot- Opa-Opa. Bit of SEGA trivia; Alex Kidd was never SEGA's official mascot. He was just sort of viewed as an 'honorary' mascot for a while as Opa-Opa got sort of forgotten. Well, until Sonic showed up.

500 points? Damn it.Smilie

Right then, just the Game Boy, Saturn and Amiga to be added before I'm 100% happy.

500 points? Eh, for the better titles maybe but for the rest it's a bit of a rip off.

Opa Opa!

Considering I thought the US were getting them for 400 Points, yes, definitely! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I want the amstrad added. I know the graphics were piss poor but there was some legendary games on there like the wild bunch. chuckie egg. jet set willy trolly wolly etc.

Topguy4 said:
I want the amstrad added. I know the graphics were piss poor but there was some legendary games on there like the wild bunch. chuckie egg. jet set willy trolly wolly etc.

I want the Amstrad GX4000

Awesome games, but so short lived the console was-

Wonder boy...the only way to skateboard through a jungle! Smilie

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