Disc Errors Infect Smash Bros. Brawl (US)

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2008 49

With Smash Bros. Brawl hitting players in the States today, unfortunate gamers have had similar disc reading problems to the Japanese release.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl utilizes a double-layer disc which has a large memory capacity. A very small percentage of Wii consoles may have trouble consistently reading data off this large capacity disc if there is some contamination on the lens of the disc drive. Nintendo has specialized cleaning equipment that can resolve this problem. (Please do NOT attempt to clean the lens yourself, as you may damage the system.)

  • Nintendo Repair Customer Service.
  • Those with disc reading errors on their Wii can complete the web-form and send in their console to be cleaned by Nintendo directly.

    Have you experienced any issues with your copy of Smash Bros. Brawl? Be sure to comment in our forums below.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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    If I have to send my wii (on the day smbb arrives) to nintendo ill freak, but wont more dust just build up again and we have to send it in AGAIN? does anyone know any other games that will use the double-layer disc's? (im thinking mario kart might use it) plus im fucked my sitting room is very dusty.

    No problems here!

    As much as I hate people who imported Smilie , I hope no one is affected by this. Pretty ironic it wud happen to Brawl tho, being such a big release. O well, UK probs wont get that problem. Took their time u see Smilie

    My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

    russraine said:
    They were obviously expecting this, as to have the website and repair facility ready up and running isn't just good fortune. I should imagine the Euro delay may well be to get the UK and Euro repair centres up to date ready for the release of SSBB over here.
    Yeah well it did happen in Japan so they can at least be prepared in America.

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    irfman said:

    This causes dust? I knew it. My wii is the living room and my dad smokes 24/7 and everyweek the area were the wii is is dusty.

    The dust has an effect on the lens but it's the other
    particles in tobacco smoke that makes it stain the lens more than just a dirty room.

    Ps. I keep my systems clean and dusted off. Both my parents smoke... but they mainly smoke in their room. My wii is in the living room(rarely smoked in) And I still got the problem

    No problem with my wii... its the only clean place in the room xD

    ZeroSimon said:
    My gamecube never had a disk read error...

    I know several people (including myself) who got a GC disk read error. Smilie

    I read about this problem a while back concerning other DL games. If you are a smoker it\'s more of a prominent problem.

    Wii\'s that have been kept well and around a good source of fresh airflow should be alright I think.

    My Galaxy worked fine, but then most did.

    ( Edited 10.03.2008 08:27 by Linkyshinks )

    I've lost 3 GCs to disc problems. All 3 of them stopped being able to read discs entirely.

    I've heard that blowing or sucking a straw into the disc slot can help a little. Smilie

    But this is by far my biggest worry for the Freeloader + Brawl. If it doesn't work, do you think I can still send off to Nintendo?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    No one has ever smoked in my home so that shan't be a problem. But I do have dirty little kids that gunk up games with their dirty little fingers then stick them in the console (the dirty little discs not the dirty little fingers).

    I didn't pick the game up yesterday as I don't shop on Sundays (and we got so much bloody snow - 50cm - that I couldn't make it out of the driveway until late in the day). I am grabbing it on the way home from work.

    Should be ok. I hope.

    Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
    Guest 10.03.2008#36

    my entire house is a dust haven, we have no smokers (havent for a couple of years), but we live in dust central for england so it doesn't matter how much we clean, we gots dusts, lots of it. But my wii/PS2/PS3/Gamecube and my Dads XBox are uneffected

    DRE's in gamecubes are a hit and miss affair.

    The PS2 had a problem where it would try and read discs that were too bad quality, with the result that it nackered in the laser.

    Nintendo's response to this problem was to place i a Potentiometer (possibly spelled wrong there), aka a POT. This acted as a cut-off device, and rather than burning out the laser, the pot limited it's action so it stopped and called a DRE before that point.

    However, there has never been a set POT voltage in the gamecubes. It varies in region, model and I think even individual gamecube. So in that respect, some gamecubes are naturally better at reading Discs than others.

    Never knew about GC\'s having shitty lasers, mines still going.

    But this is by far my biggest worry for the Freeloader + Brawl. If it doesn\'t work, do you think I can still send off to Nintendo?

    Kind of a strange worry to have. The freeloader dosn\'t change your wii so...your wii will still be in warranty and stuff. Init.

    Smoking might increase the failure rate a bit but unless your all super clean or have evolved not to shed skin cells well theres a possibilty that any wii will get a bit dusty inside.

    ( Edited 10.03.2008 18:35 by Blade2t3 )

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    No problems here. It worked fine for us (no smokers, but we do have a lot of pollen each winter and spring).

    One thing to note: In Japan, this was pretty much a problem with Wiis in houses with smokers, and affected something like 1% of all people that bought Smash Bros (much less than the percentage of smokers).

    Cigarette smoke gets everywhere in a house with a smoker. You may not be able to smell it if you've lived with a smoker for a while, but those of us that are badly affected by cigarette smoke can't even step into a smoker's house without choking (regardless of where they smoke IN the house).

    Oh, and yeah, that stuff that blocks the lasers from reading the second layer...it's in your lungs too if you live with a smoker. :O

    I picked up Brawl at the midnight launch event at my local EB Games this past weekend, and have been playing it like crazy since (Hot damn! What a game!). I haven't had any problems (at least, not yet). I remember the problems Japanese gamers were having with it, but I don't recall the symptoms. Oh man, I hope I don't have any problems.Smilie

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

    I can't wait for the second round of this when all the filthy smash bros urchins scratch their discs to bits and have to buy new ones, because it'll take half the usual scratching to ruin these. +50% sales omg look at teh attach rate.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    ZeroSimon said:
    My gamecube never had a disk read error...
    Same here, and not only that, I've never heard of anyone having trouble with GameCube disc read errors. I do have quite a few friends (and my dad), who've had some trouble with their PS2's lens. Although I haven't. Smilie

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

    My copy has been working fine so far, other than it lagged really bad when I was playing friends online, but I bet that had more do with the internet at one of our houses. One of them said they had a weak signal, and I guess if it lags on his, it lags for everyone? I'm new to this online gaming stuff Smilie

    I've only tried to battle a stranger once, but my internet disconnected and I just start playing solo mode.

    TAG: That American Guy

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

    I've had my Gamecube for six+ years now and have never got a disc read error. Hopefully that extends to my Wii.

    No smokers in our house, and not much dust. Plus its less than three months old. Should be good to go. If not I'll be really mad. I love Nintendo and the Wii, but the absolute biggest reason I got the dang thing is Brawl.

    Why would they make the console unable to read dual-layer discs effectivelyif there's going to be dual-layer games on it? Doesn't make sense.

    yes i have experienced disc reading errors with my copy of Smash BrosSmilie

    iangennery said:
    If I have to send my wii (on the day smbb arrives) to nintendo ill freak, but wont more dust just build up again and we have to send it in AGAIN?

    Smilie I figured I would have to send mines in. The pollen is crazy in NC(leave your window open for a day and expect to see a layer of yellow dust on every thing) not to mention I smoke. It should be back by next Tuesday. Anyway check out this article from destructoid.com. It really gets me thinking about what you said. Also I have a friend that recently got a Wii(a couple of moths ago) and his Wii doesn\'t work with Brawl so what the guy is saying may hold some truthSmilie

    ( Edited 12.03.2008 03:47 by J Tangle )

    No problems with our copy.
    Game plays real nice like!

    I did notice that the in-store EBGames Wii had a reading disc error. And theirs is hermetically sealed in a glass box!

    Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
    A random kid (guest) 10.04.2012#49

    I dont smoke and never will, but I use Brawl so often...
    Yeah, I have this problem. Constant rubbing & blowing works.

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