Disc Errors Infect Smash Bros. Brawl (US)

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2008 49

With Smash Bros. Brawl hitting players in the States today, unfortunate gamers have had similar disc reading problems to the Japanese release.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl utilizes a double-layer disc which has a large memory capacity. A very small percentage of Wii consoles may have trouble consistently reading data off this large capacity disc if there is some contamination on the lens of the disc drive. Nintendo has specialized cleaning equipment that can resolve this problem. (Please do NOT attempt to clean the lens yourself, as you may damage the system.)

  • Nintendo Repair Customer Service.
  • Those with disc reading errors on their Wii can complete the web-form and send in their console to be cleaned by Nintendo directly.

    Have you experienced any issues with your copy of Smash Bros. Brawl? Be sure to comment in our forums below.

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

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    I have a dust free room (well i try to clean it when I can) and don't smoke Smilie
    So I was fine.

    ( Edited 26.03.2013 08:20 by Guest )

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Hmmm, I'm worried about our Wii - it's not exactly the cleanest Wii in the world. EEP.

    ( Edited 26.03.2013 08:20 by Guest )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Hope I won't have this problem.

    ( Edited 26.03.2013 08:20 by Guest )

    Why is it so sensitive? Do they use Tesco value DVD+RW or something?

    ( Edited 26.03.2013 08:20 by Guest )

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Crumbley said:
    Why is it so sensitive? Do they use Tesco value DVD+RW or something?

    Nah way, that's too good quality Smilie

    Probably didn't test out dual-layer properly imo.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Crumbley said:
    Why is it so sensitive? Do they use Tesco value DVD+RW or something?

    More than likely, yes Smilie

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

    If this is just an issue with the game, wouldn't it be more an issue with the game than the console?

    Oni-Ninja said:
    If this is just an issue with the game, wouldn't it be more an issue with the game than the console?

    It's specific to this game because it's the first to use a dual-layer dvd. The second layer is harder to read, so anything getting in the way of the laser is going to have more of an effect.

    For some reason consoles seem to have more sensitive lasers than your average dvd drive, possibly to make life harder for pirates. Cheap media is harder to read because it skimps on the dye chemicals or whatever. That's why you have to use good quality discs for gamecube backups etc.

    Microsoft use horrible cheap discs, the layers of plastic come apart and crack at the centre, especially if you pull them out of the boxes the wrong way (without pushing the button).

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Ack. O.o
    Well, I should be fine, as I'm hopefully getting a new Wii today. Finally replacing my second Wii with a fried GPU. On an almost totally unrelated note, why the hell can't you transfer Pokemon Battle Revolution, Eledees and Endless Ocean's save data to an SD card? Smilie

    How many of you have bought the game and have been affected by this problemSmilie
    My wii stands on the living room that has 2 huge windows opened all day long. I`m worried.

    ( Edited 09.03.2008 14:30 by iGod )

    My Wii sits next to my monitor. I don't move it a lot, and don't smoke in here.

    I think it'll be fiiiine.

    *waits for europe release*

    Still, Mario Kart fun just around the corner.


    If you live in a house with anyone who smokes often (even if it's not in the room with your Wii) you will most likely have a problem!

    I unfortunately fall into this category and have to send my wii inSmilie Thankfully they upgraded the shipping to "2day air" both ways.

    The_Gold_Dragon said:

    If you live in a house with anyone who smokes often (even if it's not in the room with your Wii) you will most likely have a problem!

    I unfortunately fall into this category and have to send my wii inSmilie Thankfully they upgraded the shipping to "2day air" both ways.

    This causes dust? I knew it. My wii is the living room and my dad smokes 24/7 and everyweek the area were the wii is is dusty.

    Smoking does cause dust, but not loads.

    Put it this way, I\'ve had a Wii since release and I used to smoke until about 2 months ago, right in front of it, and it\'s still fine. Never had a hitch.

    Obviously you don\'t want to blow smoke right into it, but i seriously doubt that someone smoking in the OTHER room will affect the wii at all.

    ( Edited 09.03.2008 16:01 by Darkhound )

    This happened to the Japanese Smash Bros. as well. Nintendo blamed it on dust.

    Still worried about my Wii - our stuff around here gets dusty pretty quickly, but fortunately no-one smokes.

    Good luck with getting your Wiis fixed guys Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I smoke weed with my Wii. I hope I won't be affected.

    Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

    Itll be fine

    Go Typhlosion!

    I don't smoke but my room is never tidy, i wonder if i'll get this problem, when smash bros comes out in europe, who knows when that will be.

    Get two laser pens and with some jiggery pokery you can rip and burn Smash Bros to your brain.

    Warning: May cause blindness and loading times between everything.

    I don't smoke, but my room can get a bit dusty. I hope that when my import arrives, it works, because you can't exactly send an import to Nintendo. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    lol, the GameCube and ps2 lasers were both shockingly bad.

    No Longer Temporarily Banned.

    My gamecube never had a disk read error...

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    They were obviously expecting this, as to have the website and repair facility ready up and running isn't just good fortune. I should imagine the Euro delay may well be to get the UK and Euro repair centres up to date ready for the release of SSBB over here.

    Cleaning tip from Japan - use a cotton bud to clean the soft area (near the blue LED) around the disc drive every week

    Smoking + game stuff = mank

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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