Smash Bros. Brawl Hub: Friends codes & events

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2008 15

With the upcoming release of Smash Bros. Brawl, we've put together a lil' hub to search for online friend codes and chat on all things online Brawl.

It's time to enter the Brawl arena online! Show off your skils with Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirby and a whole cast of Nintendo characters, with a few surprise guests! This hub acts as a database of fellow Smash owners looking to battle online! You can search for all registered players worldwide or narrow it down to your local area.

We'll also be hosting tournaments for registered members in the Wi-Fi Events forum.

To add your Smash Bros Brawl code, please register for a free account and then use the Wi-Fi manager.

So be part of the Wi-Fi action here on C3, meet likeminded Smash fans and battle online!

  • C3 Smash Bros Brawl. Hub
  • Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    ok... somebody explain to the idiot (me) how this works..... PM or throw somthing at me...

    Each copy of Smash Bros. Brawl has a unique friend code to use online. You can add this code to your account on C3. Each account with a Smash Bros. Brawl code will appear in the directory.

    It's like the other search pages, but instead themed for Smash Bros. Brawl

    Once the game hits US and Europe we'll be holding tournaments etc.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Each copy of Smash Bros. Brawl has a unique friend code to use online. You can add this code to your account on C3. Each account with a Smash Bros. Brawl code will appear in the directory.

    It's like the other search pages, but instead themed for Smash Bros. Brawl

    Once the game hits US and Europe we'll be holding tournaments etc.

    Question number 2....
    Is there a specail over seas connection to keep us usa people from lagging out while fighting you guys.... because im pretty sure i'll die pretty quick unless there is a solid connection....Smilie

    I have been hearing a strange thing at GameFAQs suggesting that you won't be able to add friends from outside of your region. For example, if you have the North American version of the game, you can only add NA friend codes and not Japanese players.

    Anyone know if this is true?

    Someone said it works in the same way as Mario Football, also.

    Can someone explain/confirm to me how the friends thing works in both games? Simply put, can I add my US friend to my UK version when it comes out here and play against him/her?

    No tournaments till at least two weeks AFTER the UK release!! Smilie

    I know it means waiting 5 years but, you\'ll survive.

    ( Edited 08.03.2008 00:49 by iFrit )

    Nice work J! it looks awesome Smilie

    Can't wait to get Brawling online in the future.

    Why wait for the UK release? Smilie

    Here's how I think the WiFi works:

    If you search for someone with the same version as you, e.g., I have a JP version, ZeroSimon in UK has a JP version, someone in US has one and so does someone in Japan. I will only be able to battle ZeroSimon, because the Wii will search for opponents with the same game version as you, in the same region.

    So if you do WiFi across 2 different versions, it should work, even if I have a JP version and people in US have US version, I can probably battle them. Only problem is, when the US version starts being imported to UK/EU like hell, then USians won't be able to play EUians, because they will only look in their region.

    At least I think that's how it works. People will have to try when it comes out in US. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I'm sure exchanging friend codes will allow copies from different regions to play together.
    An imported US copy will still probably look for matches in that region even if it is imported (thats if it's restricted to that specific region).
    You won't know anyway since the random matchmaking is pretty terrible, well you may notice your matches lagging a bit unless you have a speedy connection.

    i'll be sure to input my codes as soon as im done playing..............could be awhile though, I took a whole monday and tuesday off just so i could play it. Smilie

    i think it's gonna work like no matter what region you live in, your version (pal for example) you will look for other pal versions anywhere in the world for a local battle, but we just have to wait and see what actually happens

    SuperLink said:
    Why wait for the UK release? Smilie

    Here's how I think the WiFi works:

    If you search for someone with the same version as you, e.g., I have a JP version, ZeroSimon in UK has a JP version, someone in US has one and so does someone in Japan. I will only be able to battle ZeroSimon, because the Wii will search for opponents with the same game version as you, in the same region.

    Really? I've not really wondered about this until now since its been out in Japan only - I thought random battles were same region only but friend battles could be anywhere?

    If not I guess I'm stuck with being thrashed by SL then Smilie...I must hone my smash bros skills...

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Holy cow, batman!

    We\'re 1st on Google Smilie For \"Smash Bros Friend Codes\"

    Spread the word folks!

    ( Edited 09.03.2008 20:30 by jb )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Wow! played online and it is super laggy! Nintendo is garbage! good thing i have an xbox 360 that works well and a ps3 that works better than this pile of white crap surrounding a bunch of microchips they call a nintendo system. Whatever happened to the quality control? my halo 3 never lags but with this crap it does. Mario strikers works great! but SSBB is garbage. I bought this game to play with others not to play with the only person that has it working right but has lag issues. Screw you nintendo and your "family freindly" systems...You guys are hypocrites you have GTA and house of the dead but you wont let me send a freind request without the other person also knowing my gay "friend code" oh and the damn "with anyone" option online doesnt work. I never connect with anyone! Someone send me a message once they notice that this junk is workin right till then Master Chief is the bob-omb!
    PS when you play against someone on your system its actually fun!

    stro85 said:
    Wow! played online and it is super laggy! Nintendo is garbage!

    Hmm - Hopefully these lag issues will be sorted, I guess it's taking time with a big release like Brawl Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


    Frustrated 9 year old?

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