Play Import Nintendo Wii Games - Freeloader Arrives!

By Adam Riley 28.02.2008 41

At last Datel has unleashed the beast that is the Wii Freeloader! Anyone fed up of waiting for their beloved Wii games to come to their region (Fire Emblem is a good example, in the case of PAL territories), will be pleased to know that the UK outfit has finally sorted out its Wii Freeloader, a simple disc swapping device that allows games from any region to be played on your Wii console:

"This is the one you've all been waiting for! Wii FreeLoader lets you play ANY region of Wii or GameCube game on your Nintendo Wii! At last, you can import games from other territories and play them on your Wii…

"Videogamers the world over get really frustrated when games are released in other territories long before they reach the shops in their home country, if they ever get released at all. You want to play that blockbuster survival horror which is out in Japan three months before it hits the shelves elsewhere. What about the soccer or F1 sim which only gets a European release or a gridiron football or NBL baseball game that's never released outside the States? Or maybe you bought an imported Wii because you wanted to get it early, and you now want to play games from your own region without buying a second machine. Well, now you can. With Wii FreeLoader, you can play ANY region of game on your Wii!

"Wii FreeLoader is really easy to use. Simply insert your FreeLoader disc and load it in the usual way. When the drive stops, eject the Wii FreeLoader disc and insert the game, which then loads and plays just like it would on its own region of Wii. It's as simple as that!

"Wii FreeLoader is 100% unofficial, but as it requires no modifications to your console, it does not invalidate the warranty. As well as letting you play Wii games from all regions, Wii FreeLoader also works with imported GameCube games when played on your Wii. It won't work in a GameCube console, though

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So its safe? I dont know, I read about the firmware update stuff and wudnt Brawl b very expensive to buy nyway? Or at least on ebay where I wud get it

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Sounds good, but how long til Ninty locks this out with a Firmware update?

I suppose a tenner isn\'t much to worry about though.

( Edited 29.02.2008 11:38 by russraine )

BrawlBumBoy said:
So its safe? I dont know, I read about the firmware update stuff and wudnt Brawl b very expensive to buy nyway? Or at least on ebay where I wud get it

I just bought a US copy of Brawl on Ebay, under �30 including P+P. I import all my games using Ebay, and it's always been cheaper than buying games here...

Smilie i just bought a Gamecube to play my American GC games because ive got the GC freeloader. Smilie NOW THEY DO THIS! ARGHHHHHH.

I won't bother getting the freeloader this time around though, is there much point. All it takes is one update and it would be nulled out. Ok, if Datel do send you another disc it would still be a forever process of them constantly doing it.

Then you can say that you just won't download the updates, but then Nintendo have been putting them on the discs themselves and would be fairly certain it would be on the MK one.

Wasn't a problemo for the GC one but i think it would be a major problem for the Wii. So tempting to get it and order brawl though Smilie

Ohhhhh, what should i do Smilie

As Phoenixus posted on the last page, when Nintendo update, so will CodeJunkies, you can send your Freeloader back and get a free replacement, or they\'ve managed to sidestep it, otherwise they wouldn\'t have released it in the first place (GC\'s was release a LOT earlier, they may have worked on something)

Anyway, I\'m going to post opinions when I get one anyway.

And no, Brawl won\'t be very expensive. I got a Japanese copy for �36 + �3 shipping, and I was impatient + bidding, you can get it for even cheaper.

Also Flyn, you can\'t honestly be that torn \'cos you bought a GC, you can get them for like �20 these days. I nearly bought a whole Wii to play import games! Smilie

Like I said, I\'m gonna post opinions, so then I\'ll say \"Buy or don\'t buy\" But personally I think \"definite buy\" Smilie

( Edited 29.02.2008 13:32 by SuperLink )

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So now we can get brawl at the same time as the US and we also get mario kart before the US, Hell Yeah.
My brawl excitement just kicked in again, only 2 weeks left, can't wait.SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie8)SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie


My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

CodeJunkies could NOT have released this at a better time yay yay yay SmilieSmilieSmilie

i don't understand... some one pm me explaining this in simple termsSmilie

hmmm...perhaps, I could be of assistance in supplying American versions of Smash Bros to the UK.Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Here's something I just found on N-europe from one of its members that is very reassuring;


I ordered the GameCube Freeloader from Codejunkies recently, as I have several decent US GC games that I still play (Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime etc) on the assurance that it 'Works with Wii!'

I bought it and it worked fine. I was happy... until Nintendo updated the system to disallow it. Bugger. I emailed Codejunkies to tell them about this, as they were still proclaiming 'works with Wii'.

They emailed me back and told me they'd now updated the Freeloader, so now THEY had overridden the update! They asked me to send back my current Freeloader, and for free they sent me the new version which still works perfectly!

Sort version - if Nintendo updates to get rid of it, Codejunkies will update their discs themselves and they'll send you one for the price of postage. They're great, guys!

Sounds good as potential backup. Anyone else with blocked GC freeloaders looked into this?

Sounds like datel & codejunkies knows where the money is....

The Wandering Sword said:
i don't understand... some one pm me explaining this in simple termsSmilie

- You buy the freeloader for Wii
- You put the disc in your Wii
- You take it out
- You put in the game from USA/JP/Anywhere in your EU Wii
- Imports ahoy!


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I\'m so glad this came out when it did me and SL were about to import a japanese wii good thing they were bought by other people otherwise we would have regreted it lol anyway should be brawling in a week or 2.

( Edited 29.02.2008 23:58 by Megaman X )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Exciting stuff. I've ordered one, and a US copy of No More Heroes (I want the blood).

Any reported problems yet?

The only way to play import Wii games, as well as DVD\'s and copied WIi games WITHOUT a mod chip on any Wii (even 4.2), is to use the Hack!New Wii Unlock Hack

( Edited 10.10.2009 10:31 by SuperLink )

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