Smash Bros Brawl dated for Europe?

By James Temperton 31.01.2008 32

The watchful eyes over at CVG noticed that (for a very short while) Nintendo's UK website listed the release date of Super Smash Bros. Brawl as June 1st, 2008. Whilst the gamepage for the tile still stated 2008, elsewhere on the site the game was listed for that specific date.

Nintendo UK are yet to comment, but they'll probably say they don't comment on rumour and speculation or something similar. There we go, saved them the trouble. Expect them to announce a date through the normal means of a press release soon enough.

Muchos gracias to ten2two for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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yeowch glad we still have MarchSmilie

*lowers head*

It's going to be a long 4 months

OMG... We can't wait that frickin long!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

TBH it does sound like a likely date, that or May. I'm predicting sometime between the end of April and June Smilie

It seems now that the gap between major releases is 2/3 months for US -> EU.

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jb said:
TBH it does sound like a likely date, that or May. Im predicting sometime between the end of April and June SmilieIt seems now that the gap between major releases is 2/3 months for US -> EU.


But it sounds about correct...

ps. whats coming on 30.1.08 ?!?!?

Tell me gawd dammit!!

( Edited on 31.01.2008 02:53 by No Avatar )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Kind of the the 31st now, but the thing that is coming will be here oh so very soon...

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Sad stuff, May is pushing it in my eyes Smilie

I think it's safe to say now that we will get MarioKart Wii before the U.S, like we got Strikers first.

Mr. T said:
Kind of the the 31st now, but the thing that is coming will be here oh so very soon...

omg omg omg... am so hyped... what is it!! Do tell!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Smilie that all i have to say

God Damn it. Now Ive gotta spam Melee! O well, COD4, No More Heroes and Dynasty Warriors 6 should keep me hanging on there lol

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

I DON'T GET IT!!!! Why does this constantly happen! Every single time! All the bloody screens have been in English already! Release it to the English speaking countries!!! I was able to wait for Metroid and Super Paper Mario but not Super Smash Bros and not for four freaking months!

that is wrong.
all european releases happen on a friday.
if you look, june the 1st is a sunday.
incorrect date peeps

Echoes221 said:
that is wrong.
all european releases happen on a friday.
if you look, june the 1st is a sunday.
incorrect date peeps

What he said. But still, June isn't that unlikely either. It's a shame because the "true" prophet of the Brawl roster said it would be here April/May.... so I still think that's possible.

But hell, it's better than the wait for Melee, right? Smilie

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April/May For The Release date!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley
Guest 04.01.2008#15

i think that Nintendo must hate europe, we seem to get all the games last, heck look at mario galaxy

Difference is, Brawl is actually good lol. Mario Galaxy was a dissapointment to me and when i downloaded Mario 64, I favoured it over Galaxy miles when on both I got 120. But Brawl, well Brawl is worth the wait lol.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Well I personally don't mind it being release around July+, that's when I have free time. Smilie

For me, the sooner the better! I cant stand the wait and I intend on playing melee to try and satisfy my crazy hunger for it. But shamefully, it just doesnt cut it! I wanna play Dedede and Meta Knight!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Well the sooner is the better but I'll be so distracted. Smilie

Always the same, I hate being English and being part of Europe surely we can just bum America a little more and become a sattelite state or somethingSmilie .

I really am disappointed, but if we are given Mario Kart Wii before America to make up for it then i'm happy.

BrawlBumBoy said:
Mario Galaxy was a dissapointment to me and when i downloaded Mario 64, I favoured it over Galaxy miles when on both I got 120.

... Smilie you're crazy! Mario Galaxy is one of the best games I've ever played ^^; for 1 player at least, I'd always looked forward to Galaxy more than Brawl.

The thing is, Galaxy is more text heavy than Brawl, so there is no reason for such a delay in Europe, especially when stock in generally better than in the US anyway.

EDIT: Eek smilie doesn't work D:

EDIT2: Aww, I don't have the blakc bar of doom either D:

( Edited 02.03.2008 11:38 by SuperLink )

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solution. buy an american or japanese wii. o wait. thats even harder.
i wouldnt be surprised if the release was in july/june.
its good for me because all my AS level exams will be over^^
o well i have ultimate stars and melee im sorted for a while. XD

I wonder when Australians will get Brawl, I don't think they've mentioned anything for them yet?

I'm hoping for an April release, but I bet we will get it around May or September even. It's shame we have to wait so long, I really can't wait now, especially after the recent leaks.

Why is there such a delay on games from North america to Europe? I live in the US and I see no differences in the languages...why dont they release it in the UK?

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Fatman said:
Why is there such a delay on games from North america to Europe? I live in the US and I see no differences in the languages...why dont they release it in the UK?

UK is a PAL region, and is part of Europe, and is under Nintendo of Europe. Nintendo of Europe translated the EU PAL into many of the main European languages, although it's already in English from the US version.

The thing is, translation isn't the problem. Super Mario Galaxy is MORE text heavy than Brawl, and came out in the same week in pretty much every region (except AUS for some reason...)

So translation isn't the issue, it's Nintendo of Europe probably. They're under the impression Europeans would rather play the new Brain/Face/Eye/Chess training gameas ASAP!!! Smilie

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