Final Fantasy VII Scenario Writer Assists Smash Bros. Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2008 42

Quick News: The fourth installment of the Iwata Asks Sakurai reveals the initial concepts behind the adventure mode in Smash Bros Brawl, the Subspace Emissary. Sakurai reveals the building blocks for the mode's storyline, including working alongside famed scenario writer Kazushige Nojima-san (of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fame).

  • Voume 4 - Iwata Asks Sakurai

  • Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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    Oo, looking forward to play through the Brawl story even more now.

    Oh dear god I want this NOW! There are sooo many people collaborating on this thing. I mean I was already SO amazed at the list of composers!

    Is this going to be the last Super Smash Bros. do you think?

    For quite a while I reckon yeah.
    Maybe another one toward the end of the Wii2's life perhaps.Smilie

    tiamat1990 said:
    Oh dear god I want this NOW! There are sooo many people collaborating on this thing. I mean I was already SO amazed at the list of composers! Is this going to be the last Super Smash Bros. do you think?

    Probably for a long long time it seems, as they really have gone craaaazy with this one. Probably would see another one sometime down the line, though I don't think I can see a major Smash Bros for a fair bit (prob 2 generations away).

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Well from the interviews we've been given, if it wasn't for Sakurai's return, they would have just made a Melee + Wifi for the Wii. So it seems this could be the last "true" SSB game for quite a while and definitely one that will be extremely hard to surpass.

    Maybe we will get a FF character now... hmmm.... CLoud please!

    My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

    I'll decide on how easy it will be to surpass depending on the amount of original Movesets that return Smilie

    If Mewtwo isn't in; it'll be INCREDIBLY EASY to surpass. i.e. just add Mewtwo. Smilie

    But this method of making Smash Bros games can't go on. Melee was supposed to have been made as if it was "the last" Smash Bros game, and they've taken the same approach with this one. Is it more likely to be true this time? You can't make EVERY game in the series like the was the last, otherwise you'd know that you would never really work all the time...

    So this could be the last Smash Bros game, and if it isn't, it's more probably the last Smash Bros game Sakurai will work on.

    Are Sora a part of Nintendo?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Well it would be a hell of way to end smash bros. This will probably be the best game of my life. If my life is a little bit insignifficant in comparison lol.

    My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

    Heh... I was never part of Smash Bros community and hype when Melee came out... just me and my brother. Smilie And compared to that, this hype is "out there". So yeah it will probably be the biggest game ever for me aswell.

    I think my favour for the game lies too heavily in the character roster though. Smilie I'm too greedy.

    The story mode sounds amazing though. It really is a dream game (except maybe the roster. :esmileSmilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I personally think the roster will be great, nice and big filled with characters we want. Sakurai and his team have put tremendous effort into this game so there is no reason for any disappointment. Unless of course you wanted some far fetched character which had no chance at all.

    mOojc said:
    Unless of course you wanted some far fetched character which had no chance at all.

    Mr G&W and Solid Snake for Brawl!

    But seriously, Cloud is farfetched, he won't be in Smilie I'm beginning to doubt there actually will be another 3rd party character.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I don't get the fuss with Cloud, so sick of FFVII fanboys.

    Wasn't there meant to be one more 3rd party character? Not sure where I read that from, I'm pretty sure it was from Sakurai himself t one point.

    He said that "other than Snake, there will be one or two other characters maximum"

    We could already have our maximum ^^;

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Oh God, If Cloud is in Brawl, I won't be happy...FFVII is SOOOO over-rated. The less Square-Enix has to do with my beloved games, the better, IMO... >.<

    Why you guys hating on Cloud, he's such an awesome fighter. You have no reason to hate him. I want him in Smash Bros.

    Why you guys hating on Cloud, he's such an awesome fighter. You have no reason to hate him. I want him in Smash Bros.

    SuperLink, Sora is NOT owned or affiliated with Nintendo. Sakurai-san left Nintendo/HAL to go independent. For the moment this project is purely fulfilling a contract between Nintendo and Sora.

    As for this update, what pisses me off is that when Nojima-san first created a story it was a typically kiddie effort that most still associate Nintendo with. Its start was something like DK and Samus riding on a school bus with Snake watching from the roadside...Apparently Sakurai just went WTF?! and slapped Nojima around a bit until a proper story was crafted Smilie

    So that's what one of S-E's guys thinks Nintendo still is - a company aiming at the younger demographic Smilie Great...

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Cloud, as cool as he may be to some people, doesn't have anything to do with Nintendo. I think he just had a cameo in that Kingdom Hearts game for the GBA, nothing more.

    Obviously Square-Enix think Nintendo is too kiddy for Cloud.

    Cloud represents all that is "cool and mature" in gamez.

    Cloud SUXXXXXXXXXXX. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Typically I'd get in a rant about how much Cloud would be suitable for Brawl and how he's awesome and all that, but no point treading old ground really.

    So all I'll say is; he has a good a chance as any other third party character.

    I tend not to follow RPG's, they piss me off with their "Fight! Walk a bit.. FIGHT!! Walk a bit more.. FIGHT!!!!!! Walk another wee bit... SUPER FIGHT!!! Walk an extra bit. ANOTHER FIGHT!!" crap.


    Wasn't Cloud one character out of one game in a series of (..?) about 11?

    And, isn't each FF set in a different world/timeframe?

    Why Cloud particularly? - Where making games is fun!

    PhoenixuS said:
    So all Ill say is; he has a good a chance as any other third party character.
    No way. He has less chance than Snake for one thing, and Snake is only in because Snake's creator is buddies with Sakurai.

    Jayenkai said:
    But..Wasnt Cloud one character out of one game in a series of (..?) about 11? And, isnt each FF set in a different world/timeframe? Why Cloud particularly?

    12 going on 13 FF games, not to mention infinate spin offs. FFVII is the most popular, but still, why Cloud? He has never been on a Nintendo platform other than a cameo as an attack on KH, which is a prominently Sony series, and said KH was remade on PS2 in full 3D anyway. S-E clearly don't want Cloud to be going too close to Nintendo. Smilie

    Megaman was born on Nintendo and has had many series' featured on Nintendo

    Bomberman only likes PS2 because he can get cheap sales for spin offs. Basically he knows who his mates are.

    Bomberman for Brawl Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I doubt cloud would be in it the best they would do would probably be a generic black or white mage.

    Well Square Enix did put a few characters in that Mario Basketball game on the DS. Smilie

    As for the last in the series i think for the home consoles i think so, but i can still see a portable version of SSB hitting the GBA2. You'd hope so anyway.

    Also you may think just wack in a shit load of characters to make a game great, and as much as i agree, i think the way the game plays is also important, they are going to tweak the way people get hit and the power of the moves and just generally how you fight.

    It feels like Nintendo are putting a lot of effort into this game and really will define the Wii like RE4,Metroid Prime and SSBM defined the GC.

    i want ashton anchors in the game......NOW

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