Smash Update: Masterpieces

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2008 35

The final update this week on the Smash Bros. website reveals the addition of short demos of classic Nintendo games for players to gain an appreciation of where our much-loved mascots originated from.

Well, what do we have here...

Image for Smash Update: Masterpieces

Yes, that's Super Mario Bros.

Several memorable characters compete for brawl supremacy

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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By far one of the most "interesting" updates yet. I'm shocked the game still has secrets to hide. They've been doing really well.

^I actually own all of those games^ already, but he said there were MOAR games Smilie so there could be a couple!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This game just gets better and better! Now hopefully the final roster won't disappoint.

Y'know, this could be the game that kicks off a demo service for the shop channel, kinda like a trial run.

Oh cool I hope that they start doing these more.

So, are they already on the disc or are they downloaded?

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
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Already on disc, as you do not need Wifi.

Ingenius! I was thinking bout getting the Kirby one, now I get a demo! W00t!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley
Guest 25.01.2008#8

well this will be ood, ive allways wanted to buy some of theose games but im low on points, and cant decide, just got to wait about three more onths (or more) for Brawl

By the way, someone else can find the screens, I can't get to the site from College, but on the Japanese site demos of Earthbound and Fire Emblem (the first one) are in too.

I guess this further hints at Ness, and maybe Marth too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Or just pays tribute to the series which Lucas and Ike originated from. Smilie

Though the inclusion of FE1 is great, this would mean it would be translated into English. Such a shame it's a demo.

Yay super mario bros! Everyone will get to play its greatness!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

mOojc said:
Or just pays tribute to the series which Lucas and Ike originated from.
I agree about Ike (Marth will probably be in anyway...) but if they wanted to show the series Lucas originated in, why put in Earthbound (Mother 2) and not Mother 1?

BrawlBumBoy said:
Yay super mario bros! Everyone will get to play its greatness!
Are you trying to tell me there are some people who HAVEN'T played it? Smilie

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My friends havent. Well, ex friends lol.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley
Guest 25.01.2008#14

I've nerver played SSB64, but i loved melee, so brawl is like a must have for me and most wii owners. One probelm us in england have to wait friggin ages before we can even see the preorder things upSmilie

Lol u say one problem hexpunK, it is THE problem. Smash Bros is near perfect without the release date issues. Dont insult da smash bros lol.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Image for

Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo (Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem)
(1994, SNES)

Image for

Mother 2 (Earthbound)
(1994, SNES)

The Fire Emblem game is actually the 3rd one, and the first one on the SNES.

It's the 2nd game Marth starred in.

( Edited on 25.01.2008 13:16 by SuperLink )

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Damn, is this a hint that Falco's out?

mOojc said:
Damn, is this a hint that Falcos out?

Smilie nice find. Who knows Smilie

I'll be glad if Falco's out, it would help debunk the lameness roster Smilie well if he was in he'd hopefully have a new moveset anyway.

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"Just remember, there are some NES classics in there as demos, so expect some of the time limits on those games to be so short that all you can do is laugh at how hard they are. "
Does this mean that StarFox 64 & Super Metroid are not demos?

everyone needs to play ssb64 b4 brawl comes out. play the game that started it all!

This is phil. If your conciousness must absolutely intrude upon mine, leave a message.

One of the best updates so far!! Smilie So I guess there will be the Sonic The Hedgehog, Metal Gear, Mr Game & Watch (Smilie), DonkeyKong(Jumpman!?), F-Zero, maybe Pokemon Blue?, Mother... so many more!! Smilie

SuperLink said:
mOojc said:Damn, is this a hint that Falcos out?
Smilie nice find. Who knows SmilieIll be glad if Falcos out, it would help debunk the lameness roster Smilie well if he was in hed hopefully have a new moveset anyway.

Smilie KHUNT!!! Falco is awsome... I hope he is on the game!! Smilie I wanna say I hope Ness isnt onthe game, but from what we saw last week... Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

to me it just looks like they are trying to get more money for the V.C., but still it is pretty cool....Smilie

Im a lil confused, do they only let you play the demo once or can you rinse that demo as much as you want.

Be a lil silly if it did lock you out after one play trial.

I guess including games like N64 and SNES games could get sorta sizey on the disc.

Its quite a nice lil addition though. Its just something extra that the game has to offer.

Well I think most of the games will be NES games. And I think they'll be replayable, they have a timelimit before it expires, so on a game like Lylat Wars, you'll only be able to get so far. It'll be like the Wind Waker demo on the Zelda collector's disc.

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mOojc said:
Damn, is this a hint that Falcos out?
HAHAHA great find but that would be dissapointing... Star for you sir.

Anyway regarding the update... Are these really necessary? I mean why would they put these demos in brawl? Why not let us sample game on the VC?

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