Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Melee Stages - Part 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2008 35

The Smash Updates on the Smash Bros Dojo resume with the sweet inclusion of some of the GameCube's outing's best levels!

There was already an entry detailing how we've brought back some of the stages from Super Smash Bros. Melee...

So here are some more stages that can also be played in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

Yoshi's Island

The steep slopes on either side are its defining characteristic.

That central platform screams "accident!"


Battle atop the Great Fox!

Of course, Arwings come flying in, too.


The offensive and defensive struggles on the buildings of Onett return!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch out for cars.


It's the dreaded, legendary ocean of acid!

The rising and falling ocean of acid changes the field of play greatly.

Rainbow Ride

Tour the course in this forced scrolling stage.

The boat sinks mid-trip and you embark on a roundabout tour!

This is amazing! Is this a lavish feast or what? I can tell you that for everyone working on this game, the amount of content has been surprising to say the least.

Be sure to stick with C3 for updates.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Cross out Onett and I am otherwise happy with the list. Has Hyrule Temple been confirmed in the other update?

Yeah, it has.

iCAME said:
Cross out Onett and I am otherwise happy with the list. Has Hyrule Temple been confirmed in the other update?

Yeah onett is a bad choice. Whats the name of Ness' other level? Think that would have been a better choice.

J Tangle said:
iCAME said:Cross out Onett and I am otherwise happy with the list. Has Hyrule Temple been confirmed in the other update?
Yeah onett is a bad choice. Whats the name of Ness other level? Think that would have been a better choice.
the other level was "Fourside" But.. i think fourside would have been cooler if it turned into "MoonSide" AkA "Demoon Si" as some of the characters would say, moon side is a freaky inverted Fourside with very odd things (also No is Yes and Yes is No. Do you understand? No? Good Smilie)

iCAME said:
Cross out Onett and I am otherwise happy with the list.
I don't really like (or dislike) that level, but theres no loss in having more levels Smilie

They should bring all the melee levels over - then it'll be like 2 games in 1 Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

and all the N64 ones too.Smilie

Has Sakurai/anyone actually said when these updates will stop? I thought maybe just before Japanese launch, but now I'm not too sure.Smilie

edracon said:
the other level was Fourside But.. i think fourside would have been cooler if it turned into MoonSide AkA Demoon Si as some of the characters would say, moon side is a freaky inverted Fourside with very odd things

Oh yeah Fourside I can never remember the name of Ness' other level for some reason. I guess Sakurai couldn't either which is why he didn't show it in the update.

edracon said:
(also No is Yes and Yes is No. Do you understand? No? Good Smilie)

Wait... then wouldn't that mean No? BadSmilie

( Edited on 07.01.2008 16:23 by J Tangle )

Why does everyone hate Onett? I love Onett! o.0;

For me, this makes Ness' chances of being in Brawl rise slightly.

And this was a great update, personally I don't want many more Melee stages though! We need SOME room for new stages!

And there had better be SOME N64 stages! Smilie

Onett > Fourside. Fourside is a super clumsy version of Saffron City Smilie

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SuperLink said:
SmilieOnett > Fourside. Fourside is a super clumsy version of Saffron City Smilie

PleaseSmilie... Onett is a total noob level when compared to Fourside. The only danger in the level is the cars. I admit it's fun to whoop on someone and leave them for roadkill, but Fourside has the whole danger of falling to your death. Then theres the different platforms to fight on. I see Onett better for 1 on 1 matches and Fourside holding space for 4 players yet is small enough for 2 because of all the platforms.

SuperLink said:
Why does everyone hate Onett? I love Onett! o.0;For me, this makes Ness chances of being in Brawl rise slightly.And this was a great update, personally I dont want many more Melee stages though! We need SOME room for new stages!And there had better be SOME N64 stages! SmilieOnett > Fourside. Fourside is a super clumsy version of Saffron City Smilie

supah link...YELLOW CAR.
i think thats a good list. but i want more news e.g. a new character announced. we pretty much new there was gonna be a bunch of levels announced. but good all the same

J Tangle said:
edracon said:the other level was Fourside But.. i think fourside would have been cooler if it turned into MoonSide AkA Demoon Si as some of the characters would say, moon side is a freaky inverted Fourside with very odd things
Oh yeah Fourside I can never remember the name of Ness other level for some reason. I guess Sakurai couldnt either which is why he didnt show it in the update.
edracon said:(also No is Yes and Yes is No. Do you understand? No? Good Smilie)
Wait... then wouldnt that mean No? BadSmilie( Edited on 07.01.2008 16:23 by J Tangle )
In the game.. only the meanings of Yes and No were switched... Smilie one of the people tried to explain it to Ness... but he got confused. Here is the pick of the confused man

( Edited on 07.01.2008 21:10 by edracon )

( Edited on 07.01.2008 21:55 by edracon )

Ah, this is nice, I jut hope they throw in all the old stages from both the 64 and Melee... ALL!!!

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I want some N64 ones. I LOVED the Hyrule castle one.
And the pok

w00t! RANEBO REID!!!!!!!!!!!11one
Hopefully they'll add the whistling to the stage music!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

But seriously where is it? If god were a smash bros stage he would be Big Blue.

( Edited on 07.01.2008 22:19 by Dritttoolegit )

I like alll of em.

I hate Brinstar as much as I hate Metroid. Love the others though.

sknot said:
I hate Brinstar as much as I hate Metroid. Love the others though.
So that means you absolutely love it... right?

And Hyrule Castle 64 is an awesome stage, I want that one more than anything.

J Tangle said:
PleaseSmilie... Onett is a total noob level when compared to Fourside. The only danger in the level is the cars. I admit its fun to whoop on someone and leave them for roadkill, but Fourside has the whole danger of falling to your death. Then theres the different platforms to fight on. I see Onett better for 1 on 1 matches and Fourside holding space for 4 players yet is small enough for 2 because of all the platforms.
Does every stage HAVE to have a danger? Personally I find Onett a fun stage with all the houses and falling awnings Smilie


That could actually be a really fun game to play on friend matches. Set one of your taunts to say "YELLOW CAR!" And the first person to say it gets a free hit on everyone Smilie

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Well actually Metroid is one of the series I hate the most among all the games I've had the opportunity to play. No doubt that it has plenty of qualities and that it has an interesting gameplay/background/whatever you want but I just can't stand it Smilie.

( Edited on 08.01.2008 00:43 by sknot )

Do you hate the 2D games? or the 3D games, or both?

If you hate the 3D ones I can understand. Smilie

But not the 2D ones. They're even better than Frosties. Greater than great.

I dunno why they had to chuck Brinstar in there since Norfair seems pretty identical.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well actually Metroid is one of the series I hate the most among all the games I've had the opportunity to play. No doubt that it has plenty of qualities and that it has an interesting gameplay/background/whatever you want but I just can't stand it This is a smilie.

Fair statement, it is a very high calibre series, just not for everyone. I personally love it, 2D and 3D equally which I can't say for any other series.

I want some N64 ones. I LOVED the Hyrule castle one.

Yeah I never understood why they left that one out in Melee, it was easily the best.

Onett...dear god I hate that stage.

Actually I get to figh 4-on-4 matches on Onett.

You heard it! 4-on-4 matches. Have you ever fought against a team of Ice Climbers which seems to be your team as well?

Onett is a big...err, I mean great place to do this kind of matches. Also "Pok

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

What was the name of the rotating Metroid level in SSBM? I liked that one a lot. And both of the F-Zero levels were good. Oh, and I liked Peach's castle, too.

I'm for every smash bros. level being put in the game Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
Im for every smash bros. level being put in the game Smilie

That is what I'm talking about!Smilie Well, as long as they don't sacrifice any amount of new stages, better be as much/more than there were in Melee.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

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