Nintendo Wii Media | Atlus Announce Wii Dungeon Crawler: Baroque

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.12.2007 10

Atlus has announced a new dungeon crawler for the Wii and PS2, bringing a dark and immersive adventure to the Wii as players seek absolution in a destroyed world.

You awaken to find the world in ruin, your heart beset with unexplained guilt. A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In this nightmare, it falls to you to descend a mysterious tower in search of absolution. Battle merciless foes through treacherous dungeons, scour for new items to aid you in your travels, and unlock the secrets of a devastated land. You will find death in the depths, yet learn that death is not the end of the story; in the twisted world of Baroque, it is only the beginning.

  • Hardcore dungeon-crawling RPG action! With its many ever-changing levels, each teeming with perverse monsters and tormented souls, the world of Baroque is a frightening and unforgiving realm.
  • Death is not the end - Take part in a unique story progression system in which the end of your life only serves to drive the adventure forward. Each time your character dies, more secrets about the forsaken world are revealed!
  • Deep customization options

  • Box art for Baroque








    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  6/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

    European release date TBA   North America release date Feb 2008   Japan release date 2008   Australian release date TBA   

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    Wii and PS2! Wii and PS2! Thats what all i see these days.

    irfman said:
    Wii and PS2! Wii and PS2! Thats what all i see these days.

    Well the PS2 has better gfx than the Wee so wut can u xpect. Smilie

    I mean, well, the Wii is selling the most (when it's available) and the PS2 has the largest userbase. Remember that these companies want to make money, too.

    Oh my God! Smilie This is fantastic news! irfman, this is from Japanese developer Sting, who did Treasure Hunter G for Square on the SNES, as well as Riviera and Yggra Union on GBA/PSP. The game originally came out on PSone back in '99 and has been planned for a PS2 remake for a while now. Great to see Wii being added as well now, though.

    More details on the original can be seen here.

    EDIT: By the way, to add to my point, the PS2 remake hit Japan back in June of this year, meaning the project is finished and Atlus is bringing the PS2 game to the US on behalf of Sting...but not only that, getting the dev team to update it for Wii. Great stuff!

    ( Edited on 12.12.2007 22:19 by jesusraz )

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Very unique trailer, love that style. Smilie

    Dungeon explorers aren't really my thing (bar a few exceptions), but who knows? *shrugs*

    It looks lovely, I like the art style also.

    ( Edited on 13.12.2007 20:33 by Linkyshinks )

    The death concept has my interest piqued. Any chance of a European release?

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    I'd reckon 'yes'. Atlus's games are usually picked up by 505 Games nowadays. In fact, Square Enix might also take interest in this since it has worked with Sting in the past (on Treasure Hunter G for the SNES). Why S-E? Well, it has just picked up Odin Sphere for Europe, which (unless I'm mistaken) was brought to the US by Atlus.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Actually, if dungeon crawlers are done the right way, they are a lot of fun! I mean, technically, even Metroid 3 is such a game - more or less.
    So style is great and if the game is fun, then, setting is fantastic and more unique then a japanese-fantasy-rpg-thingy... game. I take this under consideration!

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Why doesn't the PS2 just die already, it was crap when it came out and it's still crap now, it only sold well at first because it had a DVD player built in. Then the Developers just jumped on the band wagon. I mean the dreamcast was better, but because of chavs wanting something cos there mate has it it continued to sell well, then they go on about wanting good graphics, and the PS2 was crap at that, the dreamcast was better (try using a scart lead/vga cable and put on soul calibur or quake 3) never mind the GC and xbox.

    Anyway,it's great to see that another RPG is coming to the Wii. Since atlus are publishing it maybe it will be better on the wii with extra features(not just waggling the Wii-mote) ant not just another PS2 port( thats why i was going on about the PS2 being crap and why it should be dead already there not even built very well).

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
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    Apparently the game date's back to the Sega Saturn, as well as there being a PSone version. The (fantastic) soundtrack back then was by Masaharu Iwata who worked on Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics and a few tracks in Final Fantasy XII! Sadly it's been changed for the PS2 remake Smilie Shame...

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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