Japanese Sales | Dragon Quest DS: ~600,000 1st Week, Wii Beats PS3 Again

By Adam Riley 29.11.2007 31

Update, 30/11/07 - The Media Create sales update is now here and Dragon Quest IV's DS remake has sold nearly 600,000 units across Japan already! Also, confirmed hardware numbers show the Wii has actually overtaken the PlayStation 3 after two weeks behind it, despite what the early leaked Famitsu numbers stated. Check out the results below:

Media Create Top 50 Software Chart:
19th-25th November, 2007

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Dragon Quest IV (NDS, Square-Enix)597,301 | NEW
2.)World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 (PS2, Konami)293,926 | NEW
3.)World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 (PS3, Konami)141,432 | NEW and apparently sold out due to Konami underestimating demand
4.)Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)109,522 | 460,000 - amazingly this has not dropped below 100,000 since release!
5.)Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess (PS2, Square-Enix)67,724 | NEW
6.)Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii, Nintendo)62,550 | NEW - a huge jump from its slow first day sales and reportedly being bought with new hardware
7.)Dinosaur King: The Seven Fragments (NDS, Sega)56,922 | NEW
8.)Mega Man Star Force 2: Berserk

Box art for Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen

Armour Project


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Anyone else notice that if the DS keeps up a strong holiday performance that it will beat the PS2 by the end of the year. Insane!

Like I said before, there's less than 700,000 units between DS and PS2...so all the DS needs is one really big week and it'll quickly close the gap and could well beat it by the end of 2007! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Nintendo DS 20,159,556
PlayStation 2 20,837,362

Wii 3,870,665
GameCube 4,179,853

Various milepoints nearly reached there SmilieSmilie

DQV is apparently set for January, meaning DQVI could well come in April...leaving a good run-up for DQIX in Autumn 2008.
Dn't DQ fans get enough DQ? I mean a game every 3 months...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Qhat do you mean? DQ games aren't generally whored out by S-E...that's just the FF franchise.

To be getting so many DQ games in such close proximity is quite a pleasant shock for the Japanese market! They've had Rocket Slime, DQM: Joker, DQ Swords and now DQIV all in a short period of time, and will be getting DQV, DQVI and DQIX in the next year (I reckon). S-E is clearly ramping up the DQ side more...and then there's the promise of another Dragon Quest Monsters soon! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I don't care what format FF7 remake ends up on, I just want it!Smilie

Our member of the week

DS is simply the platform any RPG fan out there can't ignore. Especially if you're a nostalgic old scool RPG fan.

Dragon Quest 5 and 6 never got a release outside japan, and the fact that draque IV already has pieces of european languages translation hidden in its japanese version hints that it's surely gonna hit western shores (it already did with a NES release in North America in 1992 under the Dragon Warrior 4 name)

So you could well imagine that 5 and 6 will follow as well.

It's really interesting for them to remake them for the DS, because some of us never got to play them. I'm talking about the european RPG fans specifically who didn't even get the fourth installment for the NES.

The eighth episode for the PS2 sold very well in Europe and was critically and commercially acclaimed, so it would be silly not to release every new installment of the main series in western countries. I'm really happy about their decision to remake them. I'm playing the fourth in English thanks to action replay which unlocks the other languages, and it's really good.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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