Japanese Sales | Dragon Quest DS: ~600,000 1st Week, Wii Beats PS3 Again

By Adam Riley 29.11.2007 31

Update, 30/11/07 - The Media Create sales update is now here and Dragon Quest IV's DS remake has sold nearly 600,000 units across Japan already! Also, confirmed hardware numbers show the Wii has actually overtaken the PlayStation 3 after two weeks behind it, despite what the early leaked Famitsu numbers stated. Check out the results below:

Media Create Top 50 Software Chart:
19th-25th November, 2007

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Dragon Quest IV (NDS, Square-Enix)597,301 | NEW
2.)World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 (PS2, Konami)293,926 | NEW
3.)World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 (PS3, Konami)141,432 | NEW and apparently sold out due to Konami underestimating demand
4.)Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)109,522 | 460,000 - amazingly this has not dropped below 100,000 since release!
5.)Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess (PS2, Square-Enix)67,724 | NEW
6.)Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii, Nintendo)62,550 | NEW - a huge jump from its slow first day sales and reportedly being bought with new hardware
7.)Dinosaur King: The Seven Fragments (NDS, Sega)56,922 | NEW
8.)Mega Man Star Force 2: Berserk

Box art for Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen

Armour Project


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

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Great sales for DQIV, though I fear supply will hardly meet demand for the weekend.
I don't understand what SE is doing, they had the same problem more than 1 year ago with FFIII, they had it again with DQM:J and now this.
People are supposed to learn from their errors. Smilie

Japan was always going to go crazy for one of their most beloved titles, but especially this portable revamped version.. It's all the more impressive when you see those figures from the other remakes!.

A U.S date has not been penciled yet has it?.

( Edited on 29.11.2007 05:09 by Linkyshinks )

No US date just yet, and the DQIV PSone remake never made it across...but considering DQM: J has just hit the US, then it's practically a dead cert.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

mario galaxy is going to slide right down the charts by the end of next week. America and europe should hopefully appreciate it a lot more for a long period. Nintendo should do a 2d mario game for wiiware (is that correct) that would sell a lot better.

DS in japan is just crazy and it not going down more and more ^^ maybe all them DS will move over to wii

just think what will happen when the new DQ game come out ^^

( Edited on 24.11.2007 11:50 by Jump_button )

I forgot about the new dragon quest in the pipeline. I think these rereleases are for two things. Cash cows (but respectable ones) and making sure all DQ fans pick up a DS and appreciate the new DQ being on a handheld to ensure the new one sells the most it can. I hope it breaks records. I have become a bit of a number (sales, records) geek of late. Im worried!

No surprise here.

DQV is apparently set for January, meaning DQVI could well come in April...leaving a good run-up for DQIX in Autumn 2008.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

hey guys, i was looking around the net and found something interesting and thought u guys might like to give this a look... its a website named zelda2008.com, has some nice artwork, and i was thinking could this be the appearance of a new zelda title?? it looks awesome! plus it says "coming soon". so the website has not launched but its there, wanna see? here's the link: www.zelda2008.com/ enjoy!

( Edited on 24.11.2007 23:20 by Andrezao )

What people might be more interested in is how DQIV actually has full English, Italian, French, German and Spanish (I think) translations in it. They are locked away as they're incomplete, but using an Action Replay you can play through the whole thing in your chosen language and not have to wait bloody ages for the US version!

I've been working my way through the first chapter and whilst there are a few glitches (like the text not fitting on-screen properly, or 'he/she' appearing rather than one or the other and the odd special symbol), it's a great translation. For instance, in the first kingdom everyone speaks in a Scottish accent! But as there's no actual voice work, the text is written in a specific way, like 'I dinnae ken that' and so on...

Having never played the NES original, nor the Japanese-only PSone remake, this first experience with the game is a bloody good one!! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Cool! That sure boosted DS Hardware for the week.

It sure will boost hardware sales no end. Looks like next week could see a 100,000+ week again for DS.

It's interesting to note how poor Mario & Sonic has started. Hopefully it'll have legs, though, and sell better next month.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Really weird about the PSP. People aren't buying any software, which is bad news for publishers and Sony, but they are certainly buying the hardware.

Anyhow, excellent for Dragon quest, buts its almost sad that within one week its sold far more than Galaxy has in Japan. Possibly more then it ever will. Smilie

Wow PS3 beating the wii for three weeks.

Is the wii going to lose?

To be expected given the ~4 million / ~20 million userbases Smilie Mario Galaxy has about 600,000 units on shop shelves, so it's going to at least sell that and most likely head to a million during the holidays.

DQIV is an amazing game, seriously. I've never bothered playing through a full old school DQ before, and clearly I've missed out on a bloody great treat!! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

In all fairness Galaxy should still be in the top ten seeing as it sold the same as Pachinco Assassin 3.

6.) Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii, Nintendo) 63,000 | NEW - a huge jump from its slow first day sales and reportedly being bought with new hardware

This is probably me being really thick, but what new hardware is this?

Getting worried about the PS3.

For such a marginal difference it seems to have effected sales loads.

I think Mario Galaxy will be in the carts for a long time however.

A fixed percentage of all Wii owners now and future will buy it.
Its just one of those system-defineing games.
Other games tend to be just sold near their release.

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Ski, the finalised figures will be out tomorrow, showing the difference between No.10 and No.11. At the moment they are rounded numbers.

Smells like cheese, 'new hardware' means picking up a Wii with the game, rather than it being pre-existing Wii owners making the purchase. If the game's being advertised as well as it is here in the UK, then no wonder it's attracted newcomers to Wii!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Early Famitsu numbers are off

Nintendo DS Lite - 116,694
PSP - 75,027
Wii - 54,362
PlayStation 3 - 50,564
PlayStation 2 - 14,875
Xbox 360 - 7,117

Indeed they are. Less than 700,000 between the DS and PS2 LTD!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Simply great ! A proof that a good game, wanted by everyone, can sell very well on Nintendo's handheld system. Square Enix should learn from this and stop developping games for nintendo ds that are "just" good (Final fantasy XII revenant wings was OK, but nothing more than that. Overall it was a slight deception), and not as highly anticipated as other great projects such as Beforce crisis final fantasy VII for PSP which did very well in Japan en went on selling more PSPs.

I don't expect Final Fantasy IV to sell as much as draque IV did, but would they release a final fantasy vii port for the DS for example, it would break all records.

Might be difficult but look at the facts ! The DS can handle beautiful CG sequences and with 2 Giga-bit cartridge support and insanely effective video and audio codecs such as those of Runaway for the DS . Its french developpers managed to fit a PC DVD game in a 1 Giga-bit DS cartridge without loss of quality (beautiful prerendered backgrounds, even more beautiful than those of Final Fantasy VII, and a whole bunch of CG, also far better than those of FFVII). Another proof that with good codecs, you aren't that much concerned with storage capabilities of DS cartridges. Also Square Enix said we would have at least 40 minutes of CG action in FFIV remake which is, i believe, at least as much as what we had FFVII.

Besides the FMV format of FFVII was MJPEG, which is insanely heavy, far more than the video formats we have today.

So i say it would be possible if only they "WANTED" to. Considering the lack of power of the DS against PSP, players wouldn't mind if the game wasn't too much improved on the graphic side of things. Just a bit of improvement on the 3D models of the characters outside batlles, and a remake of the CGs that look a bit ugly against nowadays syandards, that would be enough to make everyone happy and willing to acquire the game.

Why won't they do ? Everyone believe Sony has rights over Final fantasy VII licence, but it's just not true. They paid the commercials of the game back at the time when the game was released for the PSX , they released the game in europe, and they did the awful european languages translation on behalf of square enix.

So what ? This doesn't give Sony any rights on the game at all ! Final Fantasy 1 was released in North America by Nintendo itself and this didn't prevent the game to be brought to other constructor platforms later. besides, i would be pleased to get a far better french tanslation (my language) than this awfully bad Sony was responsible for and we got our hands on back then.

Why don't they do it ? Who needs another FF4 remake ? We just had one two years ago on the GBA. Come on, what we want is a portable version of those from the PS1 now that we've had remakes for the six first games.

Since it's possible and it would sell insanely good, why won't they do it ! God damn Square Enix !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

They probably will do, they are going logicaly over all the FF games.
Seems to make sense to me, as lots of people (like me) havnt played them.

As for card space, your right. Lower resolution of the DS'screen and better decompression makes it possible.
But we arnt limited to 128MB (1Gb) anymore, we can now have games of 256MB. (and probably more if Nintendo got their arse in gear, flash memory is stupidly cheap now)
phwee @ Wii beating ps3.

I think with SMG,SPM, Metroid, and others now coming in the Wii's tradional/hardcore userbase will go up. Thats a slower effect, but probably a big spike near christmass.

( Edited on 30.11.2007 12:49 by Darkflame )

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Like i said. Talking about 2-gigabit cartridges i meant 256 Megabytes of course Smilie .

And the problem is that if they restart going through final fantasy games from 3, then 4, 5 etc ... for the DS, the DS succesor will be out when FF7's turn will come. And who can tell it's going to sell as good as the DS the does ? Not sure SquareEnix would dare releasing it then.

The DS was released in late 2004, which means it's three years old now. Give it two more years and a half and there you have it.

If SquareEnix was to release at least a FF7 port (even though i would appreciate a FF9 one as well ^^) for the DS they should start developping it right now, because time is running out slowly but surely.

click.... clock... click... clock...

( Edited on 30.11.2007 13:04 by Kafei2006 )

( Edited on 30.11.2007 13:57 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Runaway on DS is indeed a fantastic achievement (and has actually just been released in certain European countries). As for 256mb DS cards, they already exist...ASH is living proof of that!

If the FFIII remake managed to scrape to a million last year with heavy shortages that left the game high and dry, then FFIV, especially given S-E's benefit of hindsight and the continued hype being built around the title, will easily pass a million, mark my words. The success will then inevitably greenlight a 3D FFV project and the FF main series fanbase of DS will have grown considerably by then. The big hitter will be an FFVI remake, though. So many people are crying out for that...

As for FFVII, it depends. If the PS3 starts to take off, then S-E could very well use its White Engine on a full-scale remake. I know it COULD be done on DS...it's just a matter of 'when' and 'what the fans want'.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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