Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Online Spectator Mode, Place your Bets!

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2007 21

Fancy sitting back and watching others battle it out on your TV screen? Today's sweet update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo reveals the option to watch players' matches when not taking part.

Even among Smash players, there are some people who just aren't that good at action games. With that in mind, I've been thinking about how I can convey the fun of Smash to newcomers. I've been thinking about this type of thing since long before I joined this industry.

So, for this game, I've prepared a new kind of mode. It's called Spectator, and you'll find it in the With Anyone menu. If I had to describe it in a word, it's "watching!"

This mode is a service where Nintendo uses Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send the data for games played between other people to every Smash household.

Match selection is handled automatically, and absolutely no names of any players can be seen. It feels like there's a continuous broadcast of matches on your television! Even if you don't play, you can enjoy the battles of other characters!

And at the beginning of each match, you can even bet coins on the character you think will win.

Glean what hints you can from the stages and combatants and try to deduce the winner.

Of course, if your pick wins, your coin count will increase! And the more players in a match, the higher the payout. There may even be extra prizes.

Just to make sure there's no mistaking that just watching a match can be fun, we'll be passing out stickers left and right.

For those of you who want to cooperate with our data collection for Spectator mode, set Allow Spectators to Yes in your Wi-Fi Options. This will result in your play data occasionally being sent to Nintendo.

The content that is broadcast is the same for everyone spectating (if your connection timing is the same), so it should be fun to have people in different environments watch and cheer the same match.

To be shocked by impressive play, or to bust a gut laughing at some accident will be quite fun! Perhaps you can use it as reference for your own matches.

Hopefully this mode is something that even people who aren't good at games can enjoy.

Be sure to stick around for updates..

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Woah that is really big step for Nintendo online games... but almost immediately my hopes were dashed away. No names? There is very little point watching, you can't have those 'legendary smashers' which become known my many. I like the betting idea. Hopefully they will also release a feature to save and trade replays.

what an excellent idea. kind of reminds me how me and my mates would spend hours watching others play Street fighter or Killer Instinct in arcades. With betting too, just genius Smilie

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This game has some of the highest production values I've ever seen...

I assume we won't be able to browse what matches we want to watch and it's all random?

The comments state that this happens under the "With Anyone" Option so this would be the option where you are joining a game with random people. That means no names. I think this is neat. Let the betting begin!

Really cool idea! Hopefully they broadcast "high-profile" matches from time-to-time.

Good idea, though I hope the option to view friends would be a possibility - would be great to schedule some C3 matches/tournaments Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Can't really have legendary status with only 4 letter names, which is something I thought would have been changed.

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{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

jb said:
Good idea, though I hope the option to view friends would be a possibility - would be great to schedule some C3 matches/tournaments Smilie

Yeah that would be great being able to watch other Cubed3 members brawl.

Frazzle.d said:
Cant really have legendary status with only 4 letter names, which is something I thought would have been changed.

Yeah I thought they would atleast make it 5 letters since it's online. Speaking of online this game better not have friend codes since medal of honor heroes 2 doesn't use them.

It will have friend codes, Medal of Honor doesn't have codes because it's an EA game which uses EA nation tags.

Pretty cool idea, the amount of options being packed into this game is crazy, especially for a online nintendo game.

Yeah not bad idea...

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Blade2t3 said:
It will have friend codes, Medal of Honor doesnt have codes because its an EA game which uses EA nation tags.Pretty cool idea, the amount of options being packed into this game is crazy, especially for a online nintendo game.

Being an EA game has nothing to do with it. I'm saying why doesn't Nintendo set up a similar wifi play option rather than code entering.

Yeah it's totally possible but there not going to do it.

Blade2t3 said:
Yeah its totally possible but there not going to do it.

Yeah your right they to scared that some kid will get sexual harassed with words. I just want them to do more with online. Every wifi enabled game seems to have something missing. With most of them it's the lack of voice chat that leaves me feeling empty inside.

I hate friend codes...thought this comic was pretty funny:

Spoiler'd to prevent stretching.

I'd love it if Nintendo did away with the codes, but they won't. The best online we can hope for may end up coming from EA, since they've ditched Nintendo's crap.

( Edited on 16.11.2007 17:31 by Jacob4000 )

Those small pictures at the bottom of picture 3, what're they about?

The one at the end looks like Silver the Hedgehog.Smilie

What a completely retarded feature.

We did something like this at a camp a few years ago. We had four level 9 computers fight each and people would bet on who'd win. It was pretty fun for a while.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Darkspine S said:
Those small pictures at the bottom of picture 3, whatre they about?

Spectator avatars?

If you can't see the players' name tags on this then it will ruin a could be awesome feature.
And 4 letter names are still short...i mean who has a four letter name?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Great idea! I don't have a Wii yet but this game is making me want one even more!!

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

And there goes "Lucky Bastard" bringing up the rear!

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