Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Classic Items

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2007 23

A whole range of past items make their return to Smash Bros. Brawl, and today are explained on the official website; some with a new twist!

A number of items from past Smash games appear in this one as well. But, of course, there are naturally many people who have never played any of those games. And even if you have, I still think I ought to explain these.

It's not all of them, but I would like to introduce a few.

Beam Sword

It is a blade of light

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I personally like th new look of the beam sword.

What's up with that clock/stopwatch, where's that from?

Brawl FC 2921-85414771

Sure I'll miss the Classic pink beamsword, but the blue one looks cool too.

The stopwatch might be like freezie, you hit someone with it & they stop for a while, or when you pick it up everyone but the you freezes for a while

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

ohh clock.... XD stop time?

The home run bat Pwns the other items.

Maybe the stopwatch will be reveiled later this week.

Items are usually banned from official tournaments anyway...

& as soon as a Homerun Bat lands on the stage, it's my job to throw it away. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Anything that looks like a Lightsabre is cool Smilie.

Wooohooo... BEAM SWORD... I think I prefer PINK though!! Smilie

Anyway im actually playing MELEE right now! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

that dragon is a playable character?
if not, then how come it became larger?

DogmanSp said:
Whats up with that clock/stopwatch, wheres that from?

Thats the same watch you can get in mokey shooting to stop time and shoot everything....that means monkey ball must be in smash!!! WhoooohooooSmilieSmilie

Elrinth said:
that dragon is a playable character?if not, then how come it became larger?

Thats charizard from pokemon...and yes it playable Smilie

( Edited on 06.11.2007 17:08 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

SuperLink said:
Items are usually banned from official tournaments anyway...& as soon as a Homerun Bat lands on the stage, its my job to throw it away. Smilie

I do that to my friends 'cause it's the only way they can beat me. I like items but they really piss me off when the people use them too much I mean, why they bunch of crappies don't do some training? I can't remember how many times I've played "Cruel Melee" in the last my rules are no items for tournament battles Smilie

SuperLink said:
The stopwatch might be like freezie, you hit someone with it & they stop for a while, or when you pick it up everyone but the you freezes for a while effect of Chaos ControlSmilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Other than beam sword looking different, how has any of them changed?

Anyone else noticed that only after eating the mushroom is Charziard proportiantly scaled to Pikachu?

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

Would've been funnier if Pikachu got the Super Mushroom! Now why didn't they think of that?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Elrinth said:
that dragon is a playable character?if not, then how come it became larger?


I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I can't believe it myself, how he doesn't have a clue of what's Pok

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Udkedae said:
I cant believe it myself, how he doesnt have a clue of whats Pok

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Elrinth said:
that dragon is a playable character?

*pokes with hot poker*

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Hmm... is Nintendo just getting bored or are they just not showing us the big surprises until we actually get the game? h and did anyone else notice that Charizard was his actual size after he ate the mushroom?

( Edited on 07.11.2007 00:47 by Hyper Sonic )

Go Typhlosion!

Elrinth said:
that dragon is a playable character?if not, then how come it became larger?

Ok, prepare to die, -sends out vaporeon, Raichu, Togitic, Flygon, Charizard, and Typhlosion (nicknamed Quill)- Ok all at once, attack!!!!Smilie

pikachu looks curious in that last picture...

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

So what if he doesn't know Charizard? Not everyone is that into pokemon Smilie

Back on topic, the beam sword is looking cool. I love using it. Hopefully it now works with the up and down movements too.

SuperLink said:
Items are usually banned from official tournaments anyway
I don't see why.. unless they play like my brother... besides taking away the items makes it like any other fighting game... It takes the fun, insane chaos out when you do that... -sigh- Oh well thats just my oppinion... Now where did i put that bob-omb at... OH... -explosion-Smilie

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