Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: The Summit

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.10.2007 27

Today's Official Smash Bros. update takes players onto the peak of the Ice Climbers world with an action packed ice level to battle upon!

The summit? The summit of what? If you must know, I suppose it's the summit of Icicle Mountain. And I guess there are vegetables there after all.

At first glance, it appears to be a normal glacial peak. But after you fight for a while...

A pop! A crack! It's breaking?! Th-the terrain is sliding downhill! It's finally arrived at the sea. And with a splash, too!

Hmm. Talk about hectic. And rumor has it, you can't get careless once you've reached the sea.

A pop! A crack! It's breaking?!


Th-the terrain is sliding downhill!


It's finally arrived at the sea. And with a splash, too!

Hmm. Talk about hectic. And rumor has it, you can't get careless once you've reached the sea.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I think that fish is from the Warioware Balloon Fight game. Can't be sure on that though.

Oooh, they put northen lights into it. Still, I doubt I will play this map.

Aurora Borialis to the latin folk round ere. The crumbling summit looks like it should be quite fun.

looks like a good area to fight in if u ask me lol@ the bear with pants

Linkyshinks said:
Aurora Borialis to the latin folk round ere. The crumbling summit looks like it should be quite fun.

Yeah I love levels with environmental hazards it's almost like in the melee Kong stages with the random alligators, but way better.Smilie

Dynamic stages require so much more skill, dont you think?

OMG... they finally got to the top of the Icicle Mountain Stage Smilie

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Lovely level, me likes.

Nice but the fish is now annoying me. Where did it come from? Where could we have seen it beforeSmilie

Smilie Awsome, I like it! It looks quite fun to play and im guessing if you fall in the water and you saty there too long you might get frozen!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Balloon Fight Smilie

Balloon Fighter for Brawl!! Smilie

EDIT: Seems again Ice Climber & Balloon Fight will be merging a bit. There was a Balloon Fight theme as the alternate song for Icicle Mountain in Melee.

( Edited on 31.10.2007 13:07 by SuperLink )

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I shall call the fish wilber... ok yea the level looks nice....:cooldude:

The background is awesome , I love levels like these.

( Edited on 31.10.2007 13:41 by Kyubi Ricky )

is king dedede swimming? you couldnt swim in melee on the Great Bay stage...hmmm

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Fatman said:
is king dedede swimming? you couldnt swim in melee on the Great Bay stage...hmmm

Yeah, they added swimming in this game, it's also necessary in some of the adventure mode levels^^

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

mabey he is fat enough to float...
or he is standing on a submerged objectSmilie
edit: oh they added that... well no death by drowning then

( Edited on 31.10.2007 17:34 by willoughbyjd )

He's not swimming

so when are we geting Smash on VC?

Good bloody pointSmilie

Jump_button said:
so when are we geting Smash on VC?

Probally a week or so before Brawl is released.

Polar bear+ pink pants+ shades, why the hell wouldn't u want to buy this game? Smilie

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

i hope the characters dont slide around on the ice

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

i hope the characters dont slide around on the ice

I hope they do it would add to the level.

Now if they could only ad random lightning, then it would be a TRUE Balloon Fight/Ice Climbers level!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

MC hammered said:
Polar bear+ pink pants+ shades, why the hell wouldnt u want to buy this game? Smilie
If you are a complete hater of all things nintendo.... Image sonic on the level... He probably lanch right off!

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