The latest update from the Smash Bros. Dojo reveals that players will be able to construct their own stages to extend the fun on Brawl. Check out the full update below:
Apparently it's true...!!!
Those who enjoy a little effort may be able to enjoy this stage builder for the rest of their lives.
First, start from the initial setting.
You start by choosing the size of the stage, the background pattern, and the music that will play. Oops! Sorry. For music, you'll only be able to choose from the songs you have available.
This is the edit screen!
Basically, you choose parts from the palette on the side and place them in the field.
The controls vary by controller, but each one can do the following:
- Flip parts left to right
- Enlarge or shrink parts
- Zoom in or out on the screen
- Swap palettes
- Erase
Just place terrain however you like.
Then try it out!
Modify it and try it... Repeat as necessary. Make your own ideal stage!
Mmm... That's amazing.
And you can save a name and a comment for the stage.
You can change the music on the save screen. Choose something that matches the mood of your stage.
And I'm glad to say that this feature is compatible with SD cards. You don't have to worry about size, so make as many stages as you like.
Also, if you've registered someone as both a Wii Friend and a Smash friend, you'll be able to send custom stages to each other.
Now, for those who hate putting effort into such things, we've also prepared something for people like you to enjoy.
That's right! You can use your Wi-Fi connection to send stages you've made to Nintendo! (However, you can't submit repeatedly. Maybe just once per day?)
Every day, a stage selected from the entire daily collection will be sent from Nintendo to your Wii. A stage made by someone else will come to you over the Internet once per day!
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! That's the shocking truth. This means you'll be able to experience a new stage every day