Nintendo News | Capcom Brings Okami to Wii in 2008

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2007 48

Okami, one of the industry's most received games of recent times will be heading to Nintendo's Wii next year despite multiple rumors denying its existence.

The company finally confirmed rumours that Okami would be heading to the Wii, arriving in spring 2008.

As many had speculated, the game will use the Wii remote for control, motion controlled attacks and all important paintbrush antics.

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Box art for Okami





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (6 Votes)

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FANTASTIC NEWS... but it was INEVITABLE for this game to be on the Wii! Deep down we all knew they were gonna bring this game to the Wii!! GOOD TIMES!!Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

This is great news and all, but its just another port in a long list of ports. Nothing anyone with a PS2 is going to be excited over. Sorry.

I love Capcom!!!

Oh now that Okami is on a Nintendo console, it looks good. It was a shit zelda rip-off till then Smilie
Nah seriously though, I always wanted to play it, never got round to it.

Oni-Ninja said:
This is great news and all, but its just another port in a long list of ports. Nothing anyone with a PS2 is going to be excited over. Sorry.

Yup, that's the bad thing about it. It really fits Wii extremely well with the brushing and all, but it's a port. I will get it thou.
And it is not only good becaus of its graphic, Grumblemaster. I played it once at a friend's and I loved it. He loves it too and played thru it. My opinion.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Thank god I held off on the PS2 gameSmilie

Now we just all need to buy this and a sequel will be announced!Smilie

EDIT: Holy damn, that game looks good, a must buy for sure!

( Edited on 19.10.2007 11:53 by Darkspine S )

enhanced graphics. I wonder what and how they... brush things up.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Oni-Ninja said:
This is great news and all, but its just another port in a long list of ports. Sorry.

I like the pre-emptive apologySmilie

You're right, but equally it's the most welcome of ports. Capcom demonstrated with RE4 that they can do them well, and it's nice to see a game that deserves more limelight get another shot. As great as picking up relatively new games at cheap prices is, it makes me sad when I keep seeing this rattling around the bargin bins with last years Fifa. The paintbrush aspect fits with Wii so well, aesthetically it's unlike anything else, and with the current dearth of decent software this will be appreciated, especially by those of us waiting to pick up a cheap PS2 to play it.

Infact, now it's only Ico and God of War I want a PS2 for. What do you reckon the chances of those ports are?Smilie

Less posty, more gamey.

Laurelin said:
enhanced graphics. I wonder what and how they... brush things up.

yeah looks like it be more then just a right out of ps2 port and 2008 so they got some time yet so they mush be really doing alot of work any one know what ready to dawn work on in the pass?


Ready at Dawn is a video game developer located in Santa Ana, California and is comprised some of the former members of Naughty Dog and Blizzard Entertainment. Formed in 2003, they have recently released their first title, Daxter, (to critical acclaim) for the PlayStation Portable. It is able to connect to the PS2 game Jak X: Combat Racing.

Ready at Dawn is currently working on their second PSP title, God of War: Chains of Olympus for the Playstation Portable

sound in good hands if they work on God of war game

( Edited on 19.10.2007 10:56 by Jump_button )

Unfortunately, there are apparently no plans for any major upgrades to the graphics or game experience, for those of you expecting that. Check out the interview with the game's producer on IGN:


( Edited on 19.10.2007 14:39 by YenRug )

Capcom's Megaton seems to have no tonnage at all. At least we have Zak and the Wiki, Monster Hunter 3, and Umbrella Chronicles. The rest of the stuff from Capcom's gamer day was not impressive at all.

In an interview a Rep from Capcom stated that they wanted to get their PSN/Xbox Live Arcade games on the Wii in a Retail form. I'm hoping that they reconsider and leave that stuff where it is.

artmonkey said:
I like the pre-emptive apologySmilie

Ha yeah, well you know how people are around here. I can never do anything without getting labeled as a troll.

artmonkey said:
The paintbrush aspect fits with Wii so well, aesthetically its unlike anything else, and with the current dearth of decent software this will be appreciated, especially by those of us waiting to pick up a cheap PS2 to play it.

Does it though? The concept of it fits well, but remember this is a port of a game where the painting was achieved with button presses. If they're just going to substitute those button presses for Wiimote gestures, the Wii version gains nothing but a somewhat unintuitive way of doing what was a simple button press before.

artmonkey said:
Infact, now its only Ico and God of War I want a PS2 for. What do you reckon the chances of those ports are?Smilie

Nil, as they're both developed and published by Sony. Unless of course you were joking. And what about Ico's follow-up, Shadow of the Colossus? Amazing game. You should want that, too Smilie

artmonkey said:
Oni-Ninja said:This is great news and all, but its just another port in a long list of ports. Sorry.
I like the pre-emptive apologySmilieYoure right, but equally its the most welcome of ports. Capcom demonstrated with RE4 that they can do them well, and its nice to see a game that deserves more limelight get another shot. As great as picking up relatively new games at cheap prices is, it makes me sad when I keep seeing this rattling around the bargin bins with last years Fifa. The paintbrush aspect fits with Wii so well, aesthetically its unlike anything else, and with the current dearth of decent software this will be appreciated, especially by those of us waiting to pick up a cheap PS2 to play it.Infact, now its only Ico and God of War I want a PS2 for. What do you reckon the chances of those ports are?Smilie

There is no way those games are ever coming to Wii, never, I doubt very highly it will ever happen. I already have both of those games thankfully anyway. Okami sounds wicked, I like the sound of enchanced graphics, bring it on as well as other things also. I got the impression there was a bit they were holding back on. That videos music was rousing Smilie, I am roused, Okami's music is excellent.

( Edited on 19.10.2007 18:07 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

SH*T. I just read the article on IGN and it's looking like Okami is going to join the legion of half-assed, un-inspired, cheap PS2 port cash-ins. Man, I hope I'm wrong on this.

Non of the original ex-Clover staff are working on the conversion to Wii, there's a serious time restraint and they're porting the assets directly (which is very time consuming and difficult to optimize), apparently no updated graphics utilizing Wii's extra horse power, and no new content. The only new function we're getting is motion based controls.

Capcom doesn't seem to take Wii or us Wii fans seriously. Or at least, it seems they don't give a damn. They're asking for trouble if they release a straight port and want full price (which I kinda doubt they'd do). Still, I'd much rather get a high-quality port that makes full use of Wii's capabilities, new content, deep thought in implementing good, intuitive motion based controls and pay full price for it. This lazy, cheap PS2 port cash-in trend 3rd parties have been pulling on Wii HAS TO END.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I'm really excited that Capcom is finally doing this. I've always wanted to play Okami but never had a PS2. It would have been nice if the game gets updated graphics though and I wonder what the game will be priced at.

I am disappointed that Nibris seems to have broken its promise to show something new for Sadness at e for all like it said it would. I was really hoping it would actually show us something.

( Edited on 21.10.2007 07:22 by Hiltz )

( Edited on 21.10.2007 07:23 by Hiltz )

I don't think E for All is over yet...

well Capcom done a good job on the wii so far and this game jusr fit in so well under wii so not alot they can do to ball it up

Oni-Ninja said:
Does it though? The concept of it fits well, but remember this is a port of a game where the painting was achieved with button presses. If theyre just going to substitute those button presses for Wiimote gestures, the Wii version gains nothing but a somewhat unintuitive way of doing what was a simple button press before.

Painting with button presses seemed archaic to me with the Wiimote around. Having not played the original yet, and assuming the Remote is impletmented as well as it was with RE4, this should be the sexier version. Though not worth getting if you've got the PS2 one.

Oni-Ninja said:
artmonkey said:Infact, now its only Ico and God of War I want a PS2 for. What do you reckon the chances of those ports are?Smilie
Nil, as theyre both developed and published by Sony. Unless of course you were joking.

The glasses were masking my wink.

Less posty, more gamey.

If they're just going to substitute those button presses for Wiimote gestures,

It won't use gestures though, there probably taking advantage of the pointer for painting which would be far easier than using the analge stick.
Anyway yeah I have it on PS2 so not that excited but for people who missed it then it should be good.

It looks like there may be room for added content depending on how quickly the main game is ported over (last paragraph)-

Im not sure what to say.... Kinda speachless at the moment...

Capcom's senior director of strategic planning and research, Christian Svensson, has spoken about what's going into bringing the game to Wii on the company's official American forums. Below's what he said in full.

Christian Svensson wrote:
A few points here... I get the issues, I really do, but people seem to be missing a few things.

We selected Ready at Dawn to do the port. These guys are all ex-Naughty Dog and ex-Blizzard, and they have already shipped their own titles that have ridiculously high review scores and sales (and have more on the way). Their attention to detail and technical prowess is among the best of any team I've ever worked with.

If we wanted a cheap and dirty port, I could have turned around and picked any one of 50 houses and gotten it done for less and perhaps more quickly. Clearly, that wasn't the approach we sought for a variety of reasons (for the fans, for the reputation of our company, for the potential of the product, etc.).

Lastly, if this were a quick cash in, let's face it, there's TONS of other products that had higher sales on other platforms we could have chosen to port, quickly and cheaply. Okami, as great as it was, wasn't a huge seller on PS2 such that its quick and dirty port would be assured "sales success" on a new platform. We picked a huge game (read: expensive, especially on testing costs), with a ton of moving parts.

So, on the contrary, we have a lot to prove with this game and I know we, and RAD are up to the task. I apologize if I bristle at the accusation that this is a cheap port, but I do.

Given that the only port we've done to date was RE4, which has a 90+ gamerankings score and provided AMAZING value for the platform, has this really been Capcom's modus operendi such that this allegation should be leveled at us? Zack & Wiki is getting better reviews than just about anything you'll see this year on Wii, except possibly Galaxy. Shovelware is not what we do.

As I've said in prior interviews, we're getting the game up and running first. The game is enormous. If after we have everything working correctly, cleanly and as desired so as not to "break" the amazing experience that is Okami, we will worry about potential enhancements. As we are NOT at that point in the process yet, we are loathe to even mention any potential changes or enhancements for fear of disappointing the fans/media.

So for now, if you MUST assume the worst, assume that you will have an amazing 40-60 hour adventure that is one of gaming's most impressive pieces of art to play in fantastic new ways. If you want to hope for the best, well, perhaps we'll have more to say in a few months, but for now we're going to have to ask for your patience.

Seems pretty passionate about it. Doesn't sound like it is going to be a lazy port. I was tempted to get a PS2 version, but now, I can wait. This has all the hallmarks of a good portSmilie

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