Nintendo News | Capcom Brings Okami to Wii in 2008

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2007 48

Okami, one of the industry's most received games of recent times will be heading to Nintendo's Wii next year despite multiple rumors denying its existence.

The company finally confirmed rumours that Okami would be heading to the Wii, arriving in spring 2008.

As many had speculated, the game will use the Wii remote for control, motion controlled attacks and all important paintbrush antics.

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Box art for Okami





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (6 Votes)

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another great coup for the Wii

Nice to see this officially confirmed at last, though I was fairly certain of its existance anyway.

It better be like RE4 a port that makes the game better.

J Tangle said:
It better be like RE4 a port that makes the game better.

I am confident it will be FAR better JTang but I want a few extras that were not possible on the PS2 version.



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Yay, now the game will finally get what it deserved. Wii + Okami should be a great combination.

No need for a PS2 now Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Canyarion said:
Yay, now the game will finally get what it deserved. Wii + Okami should be a great combination.

Agreed, hell I already have the PS2 game but I will definitely be getting this also Smilie.

Okami is one of my favourite ever games!. If they implement Wide-screen and give the game the game some updating it needs aside from the controls it should be fantastic. A match made in gaming heaven Smilie.

( Edited on 18.10.2007 18:00 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

Those lying bastards! -_-*

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Fantastic. From what I understand, the game looked and played great on PS2, so they should do an even better job porting it to Wii!

yeah ^^ about time they but this rumour to bed and come out lol

i hope it not just a port but really i dont think i care if it was

Okami, that's the one with the white wolf right? Cool, I never played it, but I thought it looked good, now I'll get my chance.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

TheEvilShyGuy said:
Okami, thats the one with the white wolf right? Cool, I never played it, but I thought it looked good, now Ill get my chance.

Yeah it's going to be the same for me just didn't feel like buying a PS2 again to play original. Any way I hope you get BWii2 ESG because your like the only US cubed3 member in my friend list and I hate playing against MiiPlaza users They always suck.

Great! Now that I bought a used PS2 and got Okami, as it got cheaper at last... If I had known I had waited. Maybe I will sell mine unplayed and play it later on Wii?

Yes, those lying bastards!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

This has the potential to be the best Zelda game ever released on a Nintendo system.

Laurelin said:
Great! Now that I bought a used PS2 and got Okami, as it got cheaper at last... If I had known I had waited. Maybe I will sell mine unplayed and play it later on Wii?Yes, those lying bastards!

I think it's safe to say your experience of the game will be better on Wii.

I will be buying this for sure.


*hehe* I think so too, Linkyshinks!
I'll be buying this for sure myself, Crazy! I really will put the PS2-Okami away and wait for Wii-version. Honestly!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
*hehe* I think so too, Linkyshinks!Ill be buying this for sure myself, Crazy! I really will put the PS2-Okami away and wait for Wii-version. Honestly!

You know it makes sense Smilie

Normally I'm SO anti-remake. But I never played this PS2 only game, so I'm happy.
I'm probably going to get it. Smilie

1 less reason to own a PS2 aswell... bugger. I want one for games like Soul Calibur III & Final Fantasy, looks like I may end up with a small game collection ^^;

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raindog469 said:
This has the potential to be the best Zelda game ever released on a Nintendo system.


Good news.

More games from CAPCOM is always good, best Japanese publisher by a mile.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Only the graphics are the only good thing about Okami, sadly. They're really damn good though.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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