Nintendo Wii Media | TGS No More Heroes Footage & Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.09.2007 13

Fancy seeing a crazed assassin slash his way past an equally strong opponent? It's lightsabre antics in Suda51's Wii-exclusive project, No More Heroes, which made its blood-stained debut at TGS 2007.

Thanks to Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for No More Heroes

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (16 Votes)

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Just what was expected, a mail man that shoots lazers from his groin Smilie.

This game looks class, I hope it makes it's way here soon. People are saying it's really fun, I cannot wait to try out those sword mechanics, they look far better than the one in Blood+ One Night Kiss. This looks like that game better realised imo. That game was a flawed masterpiece if ever there was one. I just hope he has sorted everything out and that this game is well recieved.

Just updated it with a Suda interview and two new vids Smilie

Looks pretty damn funky, not amazing but better than past screens/vids Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

All right the Gamespot gameplay video is much better. I guess the GameTrailers people really were just shit at the game.

I really hope they get more than 3 audio clips per boss....its kinda repepative

Which one should I watch LS?

The absurdity of the game makes me want it even more.

Looking great.

Ahh this game has everything going for it. Over the top Wii-sword action with lots of blood! XD The game looks outright mad, but that's why it's so attractive it seems!

CuRoi said:
Which one should I watch LS?

You could watch all of the seeing as though they are 10 second skits from the official site, Smilie. The top six are new. I like the the one where he sits on the toilet to save the game, I would never sit on a public one Smilie. I think public toilets in the game act as save points which is fittingly mad.

( Edited on 23.09.2007 19:44 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

I just don't know about this... The more I see of it the more worried I get about whether it'll be good. I think Suda may we relying on the game's crazyness to save it, which is probably will for me, but I was hoping for it to be awesome in every way, not just one...

The combat looks a bit... Well awful really. Looks like it's just a case of randomly slashing until you get a chance to use a finishing move. And what the hell's with the enemies turning into money and weird black particles? It looked way better when you could slice them in half and blood sprayed everywhere Kill Bill style

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

It looked way better when you could slice them in half and blood sprayed everywhere Kill Bill style

It does, just not in the Japanese version. You can see it in one or two older videos.

Combat looks like a bunch of that lazy-developer button prompt garbage.

( Edited on 24.09.2007 06:53 by MathU )

Of course, that's just an opinion.

RyanTWilli said:
It looked way better when you could slice them in half and blood sprayed everywhere Kill Bill style
It does, just not in the Japanese version. You can see it in one or two older videos.

Yeah the blood spray will be all over the western releases thankfully, the effect here is too like Killer 7s blood cells.

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