Nintendo News | Namco Bandai Bring Fitness to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2007 11

It's time to hop off the couch and prance about as Namco Bandai has announced a Wii Fit-inspired family game that mixes Wii Remote action with a dance mat.

Family Trainer: Athletic World uses a DDR lookalike mat to allow players to step, jump, and shake their thang in a series of challenges designed to make your sweat and your eyes bleed at the fantastic visuals. Co-op play is available for certain challenges, with the second player pointing and clicking to aid their stepping chum.

Thanks to Aussie-Nintendo.

Box art for Family Trainer: Double Challenge
Also known as

Family Trainer 1 & 2


Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Here's hoping for an actual DRR...

iCAME said:
Heres hoping for an actual DRR...

[b]Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party Bundle

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Yay more fitness related crap.

mOojc said:
Yay more fitness related crap.

Kinda reminds you of Eye-Toy stuff - and that wasn't meant to be complimentary.

I love a good, simple fun game more than the average gamer, but seriously, some are passing the border into the city of Cringeville.

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Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party Bundle

iCAME said:
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party Bundle

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Agreed, it look marginally worse than Wii sports.

Namco Smilie, give me Point Blank Wii and I will forgive you Smilie. To be fair as I said when Oldschool posted about their Baseball game that 2K are publishing in the U.S, they do take a very stylized approach to graphics that is very unique shall we say.

Maybe EA should have thought to use a DDR like mat when they developed Boogie. Dual mats would have the casual audience jumping for joy. Not to mention more Wii parties would be popping up. since EA did not think of this, their game bombed.

iCAME said: Well I am guessing they think they get away with crappy graphics since Wii sports did. ( Edited on 18.09.2007 15:02 by Z )

Actually, Wii Sports had simple graphics...but this looks crappy.

Note the lack of complex polys in the screen shot, giving all the surfaces a very flat, square appearance.

Wii sports had simple textures, but they actually did a pretty good job with the modeling (very smooth and rounded).

The environment in that screen shot looks like someone spent 15 minutes learning how to draw quads in a simple 3d program, and then slapped on 4 textures (1 for the walls, 1 for the sky, 2 for the water...I've given them the benefit of the doubt for that extra transparent water layer I _think_ I see).

Here's hoping that this was just a catalog photo someone slapped together in Photoshop, and not the actual finished product.

Mongo said:
iCAME said: Well I am guessing they think they get away with crappy graphics since Wii sports did. ( Edited on 18.09.2007 15:02 by Z )
Actually, Wii Sports had simple graphics...but this looks crappy.Note the lack of complex polys in the screen shot, giving all the surfaces a very flat, square appearance.Wii sports had simple textures, but they actually did a pretty good job with the modeling (very smooth and rounded).The environment in that screen shot looks like someone spent 15 minutes learning how to draw quads in a simple 3d program, and then slapped on 4 textures (1 for the walls, 1 for the sky, 2 for the water...Ive given them the benefit of the doubt for that extra transparent water layer I _think_ I see).Heres hoping that this was just a catalog photo someone slapped together in Photoshop, and not the actual finished product.

The way I describe Wii Sports is 'charm'. It is has a lot of depth and detail and is presented in a very charming way. I like it a lot (just scored 5 strikes in a row in bowling today, got my highest score yet).

It is true that the screen on this game looks very drab and that is the problem. Any game needs a style that it can call its own. This one does and it is called N64.

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