Nintendo News | Smash Update: Online Play Confirmed!

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2007 32

Brawl fans can breath a sigh of relief with today's official Smash Bros. update finally confirming online play for one of Nintendo's most ambitious Wii projects.

This game supports Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. If you connect your Wii to the Internet, you can enjoy linked battles with distant people!

For details, click here.

But because this form of communication is greatly affected by the distance between you and your opponent, your brawls may not run smoothly if you're really far apart

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Oh thank god!! I've almost given up!

looks like it work how mario kart work on DS

stage all for player pick? and if if one get pick more that the one u go too? and if 4 play dont pick the same one it go to any of them :/

^^ online yes!!!!!!!

Smilie - Where making games is fun!

What a crock of crapola with not knowing anyone's names, you can't even say I pwnt "so and so" and then I pwnt "so and so" again later.

Pretty happy with this! Good to see some flexibility when you play with friends. Shame about the lack of wins/loses when you go up against strangers.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


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It gets me every time.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Shame about the lack of wins/loses when you go up against strangers.

I thought that at first, but at least this way you won't have to worry about people quitting before matches finish in an attempt to retain a positive win ratio ala Mario Kart DS.

Plus, there are more online announcements coming! Excellent news all round. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Well for random opponents thats fine. Its like an AI that is ever changing.

And for friends I am sure all the options are there.

I would imagine some sort of online leaderboard or something since they hint at other online features.


About time it was confirmed...but this:

... And even send short messages during brawls!

These short messages are entered in advance, and you send them by taunting. There are four messages for the four directions on the + Control Pad: Up, down, left and right.

Is unacceptable. Get a darned headset out.

( Edited on 18.09.2007 12:45 by Jacob4000 )

Having only a few friends and family members who play games, I do wish the "play strangers" option were a little more fleshed out.... not looking for XBL, but I think Mario Kart DS is the bare minimum online experience and so far this looks like it's below that.

Well, at least there are a million web forums where I can find people to exchange friend codes with, though I hope there are more than 60 slots in this one since I only ever ran into a friend online once when I was still trying with MKDS.

Anyway, looks like they learned their lesson from Mario Strikers. Won't be seeing any penis-nose Miis or naughty names this time around, so the E-rating here in the states will be untouchable.

Well I hope they at least have a ladder or tournament mode... maybe they'll unveil that later? Wishful thinking I know... but still.

I just hope it has a better online mode than Mario Strikers.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Though I'm happy this online is finally announced, its still not enough. Not being able to know your opponents name... no form of communication... no form of ladder system... sigh. Even Hunters has more online features than this.

any7 one got any idea what the other online services maybe?

it say "We're planning a number of services that make use of Wi-Fi, but we'll reveal them gradually with the other modes. Enjoy."

so more to come with online ?_? maybe leaders bored?

Nintendo have to get over this whole paedophile thing, I mean they can hardly get blamed for anything since it could potentially happen on any server.

Well I am happy it's confirmed, but I will also always be unhappy by the crap sending of pre text messages in Wii online games until Voice Chat is brought into games.

Nintendo are a complete joke when it comes to doing things that should be standard. I will be forced like many others to load up a XBL and chat on that while playing my Wii.

Having to do that is a sad indicament how how crap Nintendo are. How very lame is it that we have to use a another console, and a Microsoft one at that, to be able to do something that will make online games even better Smilie. Endless Ocean is half the game it could of been because of the lack of it, that wont be the same case here but it is a huge loss, and most dont Nintendo fans do not even know it.

( Edited on 18.09.2007 15:30 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

I wonder if my Datel LAN Adapter will work for online as well... If so, does anyone think a wired connection would be any faster? O_O


Thank goodness my Wii is near my PC, as well as my friends having their own PCs, Skype will be a mainstay once again.

Also, I guess C3 will need to create its own Smash Bros Ladder for me to dominate. Ha ha ... ha.

So no one has taken any notice of the fact there will apparently be more that makes use of WFC.

Not to mention past brawl updates haven't really revealed everything, usually requiring another update to clarify or show more.

TimoteiWest said:
Thank goodness my Wii is near my PC, as well as my friends having their own PCs, Skype will be a mainstay once again.Also, I guess C3 will need to create its own Smash Bros Ladder for me to dominate. Ha ha ... ha.

Yay I need to get Skyped, ive been meaning to for ages. Beats using XBL I suppose.

( Edited on 18.09.2007 18:01 by Linkyshinks [LS] )


thats all I have to say!!!!!!!

There will also be no battle records kept for this mode, so whether you win or lose, it doesn't matter. Just sit back and play.

Obviously they've given up on trying to stop disconnectors....shame it had to end with this.

And a headset would be ideal....even my pokemanz game had it...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

It sounds good to me! I'm not too fussed over it not being more fleshed, although if they add a headset feature for at least friends, that'd be lovely.

Personally, when I fight a random person, I don't really want to talk to them. I just want to beat up Mario (and not an AI controlled Mario).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

hmph i am so ready to kick anyones azz ^_^SmilieSmilieSmilie

TAG said:
It sounds good to me! Im not too fussed over it not being more fleshed, although if they add a headset feature for at least friends, thatd be lovely.Personally, when I fight a random person, I dont really want to talk to them. I just want to beat up Mario (and not an AI controlled Mario).

I agree entirely TAG-

Taken from the Official Thread-

Do you see a head set?, cos I dont.

People have been waiting for this game to have online for ages, for a long time now the competitors have used Voice Chat in all their top online games, it is standard practice for developers to include it.

Nintendo are tying the hands of developers simply because online gaming with Voice Chat is practically a unknown quantity in japan. The Wii is for everyone in the world!, not just the japanese, it's success has been largely due to external markets where online gaming is prominant with Voice Chat.

I do not want the crap that XBL Voice Chat entails, but because of the Friends Codes system that would not be a major worry if Voice Chat was only selectable when playing Wii Friends.

Nintendo fans are getting used to crap quite frankly, slim pickings. To those that think it's no big deal you people have no idea if you cannot realise how well it can enchance the games that include it, and include it as standard.

The Wii has F all of a of community feel and the ironic thing is that it's called Wii. PSN will get better and XBL in a years time will be top draw making the Wii's online service seem a complete joke in comparison, mark my words.

No feeling of community at all on the "Wii" Smilie.

I am the the biggest of Nintendo fans that's why the shitty truths need to be said.

( Edited on 19.09.2007 09:43 by Linkyshinks [LS] )

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