TAG said:
It sounds good to me! Im not too fussed over it not being more fleshed, although if they add a headset feature for at least friends, thatd be lovely.Personally, when I fight a random person, I dont really want to talk to them. I just want to beat up Mario (and not an AI controlled Mario).
I agree entirely TAG-
Taken from the Official Thread-
Do you see a head set?, cos I dont.
People have been waiting for this game to have online for ages, for a long time now the competitors have used Voice Chat in all their top online games, it is standard practice for developers to include it.
Nintendo are tying the hands of developers simply because online gaming with Voice Chat is practically a unknown quantity in japan. The Wii is for everyone in the world!, not just the japanese, it's success has been largely due to external markets where online gaming is prominant with Voice Chat.
I do not want the crap that XBL Voice Chat entails, but because of the Friends Codes system that would not be a major worry if Voice Chat was only selectable when playing Wii Friends.
Nintendo fans are getting used to crap quite frankly, slim pickings. To those that think it's no big deal you people have no idea if you cannot realise how well it can enchance the games that include it, and include it as standard.
The Wii has F all of a of community feel and the ironic thing is that it's called Wii. PSN will get better and XBL in a years time will be top draw making the Wii's online service seem a complete joke in comparison, mark my words.
No feeling of community at all on the "Wii"
I am the the biggest of Nintendo fans that's why the shitty truths need to be said.
( Edited on 19.09.2007 09:43 by Linkyshinks [LS] )