Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: My Music

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2007 9

In the final update this week on the Super Smash Bros. Dojo, Nintendo have revealed the ability to select from a range of different music from the various game worlds on offer.

The battle stages of Super Smash Bros. Brawl feature a diverse line-up of game worlds. For example, there are stages based on the Mario universe.

Basically, there is only one song that plays on each stage. But even among the myriad songs of the Mario universe, people probably have different favorites.

Plus, while there may be people who stepped into the Mario universe in the original Nintendo Entertainment System days, surely there are some who first experienced Mario on the Nintendo DS. With that in mind, I think it's a bit of a waste to limit that whole universe to just one song.

So we've prepared many songs and will let you choose the likelihood that any given song will be played.

For songs you're particularly fond of, you can increase the likelihood those songs will appear. Then, when you brawl on that stage, the chance of your preferred songs being played increases. Of course, if you want to, you can limit a stage to only one song, or make every song in the game equally likely to appear.

I've asked our reputable list of musicians to provide many songs for this particular game. But that's certainly not because I just wanted to cover all these songs.

I've asked them to choose the songs that match their personalities and tastes! Here you will find the best of the best

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Brilliant. looks like there using the exra space on the disc to the music's advantage

What an incredible feature, I am actually someone who would use this. I am surprised they actually put in the effort to implement the feature and give each world more than one song.

I actually like this, if there is one thing which Nintendo is king, it is definitely in the music department.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Great! The CD makes the shoddy backgrounds look even worse(didn't think that was even possible)!

Also gee it'd be nice if you could add your OWN tunes, thats what I thought the "my music" subtitle meant, til i read the article Smilie .

^^; u know they is a 3rd update maybe u didt look lower then 2 lol

XD we never had 3 updates on one day hope wee see more

^^ love all the music good to see u can pick the one u like the most ^^

The backgrounds are quite alright in Delfino Plaza, or at least that picture anyway. You've got to realise that the game is very fast paced, and a lot crudeness in the background will not be noticeable. Its better to devote resources to aspects that will stand out always.

I absolutely ADORE the evolution music at the end of that snippet. It had me smiling like a madman.


Oooh this game is going to be ace.

Jump_button said:
^^; u know they is a 3rd update maybe u didt look lower then 2 lolXD we never had 3 updates on one day hope wee see more ^^ love all the music good to see u can pick the one u like the most ^^

Lol ye, I didn't bother with it as it's the same tune we've heard before.

dojo said:
I absolutely ADORE the evolution music at the end of that snippet. It had me smiling like a madman.>.

Agreed! Evolution music made me go "woooooooah nelly!"

Ph00p said:
Also gee itd be nice if you could add your OWN tunes, thats what I thought the my music subtitle meant, til i read the article Smilie .

Aye, tis a shame Smilie Who knows though, as in those screens there are scroll arrows so there could be a slight chance of there being your own tunes at the bottom? I'd absolutely love to play using some classic game MP3s or some funky new remixes from the likes of OCRemix and the like.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I love to see the developers put so much effort and little complimentary goodies into the game!

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