Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Meta Knight

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.09.2007 17

Nintendo has finally introduced the sword-tooting, cape-wearing, master of the night: Meta Knight, as Kirby's Rival arrives on the scene to cause some chaos in the Smash world.

It's Meta Knight, whose introduction was delayed for some reason. He's Kirby's...rival?

Despite being almost all head, his mask and cape exude coolness. He overwhelms enemies with his mach-speed sword!

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I can see myself using Metaknight a lot. I need to see Sheik now.

Hurrah! He looks pretty damn awesome, definitely looking forward to trying the lil' bub out!

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Bout time.

Finally, he's up. That means from now on it's surprises all the way. I doubt Snake will be put on the site. Smilie

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"whose introduction was delayed for some reason" --> Do you think they ran into some balance problems with his character or something? Not that it matters of course...

Nah, I reckon whats-his-name put that remark in to fuel speculation.

He's looking to be a really cool character. I'm happy to see him still in there.

"He's Kirby's...rival?"

Sounds like... If Kirby's from the goody universe, MetaKnight would be his also-playable evil counterpart.

.. * every single other character? - Where making games is fun!

He's not very interesting is he though? The only Kirby characters that are any good are Kirby, King Dedede and the bloody tree which fires apples at you. The rest (including Metaknight) have zero personality and are just terrible.

They're as likeable as Mr Saturn from Earthbound. Smilie

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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shiptoncraig said:
Theyre as likeable as Mr Saturn from Earthbound. Smilie

That reminds me, I hope they keep Mr Saturn as an item. Honestly, best item evah. Smilie

I actually never played any Kirby games with Metaknight in them but just look at him, he definitely has personality. A real badass.

I think Meta Knight is cool... he's a real mystery most of the time, you never know whether he's a good guy or a bad guy, seeing as in a lot of Kirby games, he'll throw really good power ups at you, but then in another level, he'll send an army of enemies at you.

I think he's just a bit of an anti-hero. I think rival is a good way to put it too. He's very fair in fighting too. Quite honourable Smilie

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mOojc said:
shiptoncraig said: Theyre as likeable as Mr Saturn from Earthbound. Smilie
That reminds me, I hope they keep Mr Saturn as an item. Honestly, best item evah. SmilieI actually never played any Kirby games with Metaknight in them but just look at him, he definitely has personality. A real badass.

yeah they can't get rid of Mr.Saturn I love chucking him at my foesSmilie. Also Ness is my favorite fighter so Mr. Saturn is a must. I'm still waiting for his confirmtion.
The first Kirby I played where Meta Knight was a playable character was
Meta was unlocked once you completed the game. He wasn't that bad either. He could flap his wings and his sword was twice as strong as Kirby's swordman form.

shiptoncraig said:
Hes not very interesting is he though? The only Kirby characters that are any good are Kirby, King Dedede and the bloody tree which fires apples at you. The rest (including Metaknight) have zero personality and are just terrible. Theyre as likeable as Mr Saturn from Earthbound. Smilie

LIES. If anything, Meta Knight has a far more developed personality than Kirby does. SuperLink's right, he's honourable. Always giving Kirby a sword to fight with before the battle.
Maybe I just love him 'cause of the Kirby anim

Yeah, like Tingle!

I don't think Meta Knight is actually playable on any Kirby game before Nightmare in Dreamland... or any after that either (unless you count Power Paintbrush or Air Ride)

I havn't ever seen the Kirby anime. It looks cool Smilie

( Edited on 05.09.2007 17:51 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Kirby is great in Smash Bros, so surely his rival should be too? Anyway, the combination of gliding and fast sword combos should be a good mix for me...

Yeah Meta-Knight isn't playable in any 'proper' Kirby games other than Nightmare in Dreamland.

I think he looks bloody brilliant. Possibly the best looking character so far, but then he's quite small and simple in design so that's to be expected.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

hell ya

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