Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Warning, New Challenger!

By Adam Riley 01.08.2007 22

The latest update on the Official Smash Bros. Website this week reveals that Ike from the Fire Emblem series is set to make an appearance in the new Wii game.

From Fire Emblem, Ike appears! The fact that he can wield a two-handed sword with a single hand is a testament to his magnificent strength.

He brings his special move "Aether" with him as he crashes the Brawl party. Try for a single-stroke finishing blow with his mighty blade!

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Great stuff, Ike looks fantastic, a really beautifully designed character model. Well happy that a Fire Emblem character has made it also, I want more such inclusions. {LS]

( Edited on 01.08.2007 13:54 by Linkyshinks )

Fantastic! Just a relief to know Marth/Ilke is in the game. I wonder if he'll still only talk in Japanese.

Bout time they reveal a new character. Great choice too.

Yeah Marth was my favourite character in Melee, his C-Stick move was devastating. Great news!

C-stick is too cheap to use... and plus its been taking out of Brawl, so don't get used to it.

Yoshidude said:
Yeah Marth was my favourite character in Melee, his C-Stick move was devastating. Great news!

Terrible memories Smilie

360 said:
C-stick is too cheap to use... and plus its been taking out of Brawl, so dont get used to it.

When did this happen.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Alright! One of my favourite characters to play with XD

I knew it. I've been saying it to myself for months now. Marth & Roy have never been in a game released in the west (I think) & Roy, as far as I know, has never actually been in a Fire Emblem game. So I think Marth & Roy will be replaced, Ike replacing Marth, being his son & all, & someone else replacing Roy, would be nice to see a girl.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Gash. Utter gash.

Wonderful! About time we got a Fire Emblem Character. Smilie

SuperLink said:
I knew it. Ive been saying it to myself for months now. Marth & Roy have never been in a game released in the west (I think) & Roy, as far as I know, has never actually been in a Fire Emblem game. So I think Marth & Roy will be replaced, Ike replacing Marth, being his son & all, & someone else replacing Roy, would be nice to see a girl.

Whoa, what? I've never heard of Ike being Marth's son. Greil is Ike's father. Smilie

I'm glad it's Ike because in the game he's certainly slower than other Lords, but quite a bit more powerful, so here's hoping that they carry that over to Brawl. Now get me my Dark Knight! Smilie

Damn, where the hell did I hear that then? Smilie

Also, I was wrong about Roy too, he was in Fire Emblem 6 on GBA. Didn't come out in this country though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Damn, where the hell did I hear that then? SmilieAlso, I was wrong about Roy too, he was in Fire Emblem 6 on GBA. Didnt come out in this country though.

Shame, really. I wasn't too fond of FE7 - I found Scared Stones more fun.

Maybe I just hated FE7 because Lyn would always die on me. Smilie

SuperLink said:
I knew it. Ive been saying it to myself for months now. Marth & Roy have never been in a game released in the west (I think)

You are correct. Only Fire Emblem 7 (our first Fire Emblem; the one that was on the GBA,) and beyond have been translated for other countries.

& Roy, as far as I know, has never actually been in a Fire Emblem game.

Haha, no. Why would they say Roy was in Fire Emblem if he wasn't? Roy was actually in Sword of Seals, AKA: FE6. It wasn't released here, of course, so not many people know that except for researchers or hardcore FE fans. He was put in Melee to sort of advertise his upcoming game.

Edit: Whoops, you found out for yourself. Good job. Smilie

So I think Marth & Roy will be replaced, Ike replacing Marth, being his son & all,

Ike isn't Marth's son. Ike is Greil's son. They're most likely unrelated.

& someone else replacing Roy, would be nice to see a girl.

Indeed. I'm thinking either Lyn from FE7 or Mikaya (or however you spell it) from the upcoming FE10. Smilie

( Edited on 01.08.2007 18:52 by NintendoArielle )

Holy crap! Smilie Finally a new character! Woohoo! For some reason, he sounds like he'll be my favorite.

Maybe I just hated FE7 because Lyn would always die on me.

You have got to be kidding, Lyn was great. I'd send her and Jaffar on mass killing sprees together, she rocked!

Roy was technically in FE7 as well - not playable though, but as the little boy at the end. Gosh I wish they'd translate FE6 - I'm dieing for it.

Jacob4000 said:
Maybe I just hated FE7 because Lyn would always die on me.
You have got to be kidding, Lyn was great. Id send her and Jaffar on mass killing sprees together, she rocked!Roy was technically in FE7 as well - not playable though, but as the little boy at the end. Gosh I wish theyd translate FE6 - Im dieing for it.

It was mainly early on in the game, enough to annoy me to no end. But I agree, she was better than Hector once she had gained enough levels to take a few hits and venture further out on the battlefield. Smilie

this time they better speak English Smilie

It would be even more funny if they spoke engrish.

Brilliant to see all the closet FE fans coming out in full force in this topic Smilie

This is a superb addition to the roster, by the way...Perfect competitor for Link.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I think Ike is replacing Roy, him having "magnificant strength" and all.

Marth, however, I think might be staying. He is sorta the mascot of the series, being the main character in games 1 and 3. There was no reason for him to be melee otherwise, because he hadn't been in a new game for at least 5 years.

Roy, however, was only included because he was promoting the newest entry into the series.

I wouldn't be surprised if the characters end up: Marth, Ike, and female from new game(Lyn?)

I've never seen him on the videos so maybe other characters like Bowser Jr. will come to Super smash Bros. Brawl.

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