Nintendo Media | Rare Back on DS with Viva Pinata! [ First Screen ]

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.07.2007 57

Update - Rare has issued this little piece of commentary on the game's announcement:

"As this one's being developed in-house we'll have a full section in the Games area when enough details and assets are available, but for now, here's the first official screenshot (click the icon above) and a rundown of what you can expect...

This is a full-size Viva Pi

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You're an idiot. Just because they haven't made an 'all-time classic' for a little while, doesn't make them shite. Even their 'shit' games are actually really good, they're just pants by Rare's standards. You can't expect a company to just pump out classic after classic. They've had a lot of changes to deal with over the last few years. They've still got immense quality.

Just like Nintendo?

Nintendo haven't changed hands, or had their games change three platforms.

It would be cool if there was some kind of link with the 360 version like uploading stuff via Wifi connection then downloading from Live or vice versa.
Would be interesting but doubt it would happen Smilie

( Edited on 01.08.2007 15:48 by Blade2t3 )

Oni-Ninja said:
A *good* Rare effort is exactly what the doctor ordered, on that front.

Grumbler said:
Turok 2 was quite *good*.

Neither of you meant 'good' there. Oni's='fucking excellent'. Grumbler's='awful in practically every way'.

Less posty, more gamey.

yay,this makes a halo side scroller so much more possible for nintendo

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Nintendo haven't changed hands, or had their games change three platforms.

You know well I was talking about the parts where you said that just because they don't pump classic after classic doesn't make them shit.

( Edited on 08.08.2007 07:38 by Z )

Not sure I think there's much point to this game... THe main reason I loved Viva Pinata was because of the graphical style and range of customisability in the landscape, both of which I'm pretty sure will be hugely cut-down in a DS version...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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