Nintendo Media | Rare Back on DS with Viva Pinata! [ First Screen ]

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.07.2007 57

Update - Rare has issued this little piece of commentary on the game's announcement:

"As this one's being developed in-house we'll have a full section in the Games area when enough details and assets are available, but for now, here's the first official screenshot (click the icon above) and a rundown of what you can expect...

This is a full-size Viva Pi

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lol i really dont know what rare is doing with 360 come back to Big N b4 it to late lol

Now this is great news! Not too sure about the top down perspective though.

If they retain the charm of the original I am all for it, but I doubt it will fare well as AC has. Part of the real charm of the original is how the high def graphics brought those creatures to life. {LS]

( Edited on 30.07.2007 12:45 by Linkyshinks )

DS is all Microsoft allowes.
Don't bother, folks, as Rare isn't what they used to be... All the good people left when sold to Microsoft. I don't blame them, thou!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
DS is all Microsoft allowes.Dont bother, folks, as Rare isnt what they used to be... All the good people left when sold to Microsoft. I dont blame them, thou!

Not necessarily all, though their recent games haven't been exactly like the classics in the past, I still enjoy them. Absolutely love Viva Pinata on 360 and can't wait for Banjo 3.

bet it's buggy and rushed-to-market, just like the original. (wierd floating garden assets)

Ace news, the 360 version was fun. Can't see this version being as good, though...still, at least there won't be all those annoying voices!

I didn't really get on with it. Nice idea, too many interruptions.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Maybe I am only growling against Rare, because they brought Kameo over to 360. The only reason for Ninty-Fanboys to even consider X360 worth existing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

This kind of sounds like Rare is desparate to make some money by doing some cheap game instead of working on Banjo 360.

What next, Viva Pinata the cereal? Microsoft certainly think that this franchise deserves to be profitable, I predict another commercial flop.

"MMM, kids go crrrazy for Viva Wheat Pinatas!
Plays like crap but they taste grrreat!"

Laurelin said:
Maybe I am only growling against Rare, because they brought Kameo over to 360. The only reason for Ninty-Fanboys to even consider X360 worth existing.

Err excuse me Ms, I do believe the 360 has many games that excuse it's existence. {LS]

Microsoft certainly knows were the money is.....

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I wish they would port it to the Wii so it could look as nice as the original... Smilie

NintendoArielle said:
I wish they would port it to the Wii so it could look as nice as the original... Smilie


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

So is there deffinite confirmation that Rare are developing this? I don't want it if they give it to someone else. If so I'm pleased at the potential of finally being able to play this game without spending lots of money on an overpriced system.

If so I'm pleased at the potential of finally being able to play this game without spending lots of money on an overpriced system.

You can already, just get the 360 version. The PC version you're talking about isn't even out yet.

( Edited on 30.07.2007 21:26 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I reckon Miyamoto should walk in the Rare office I say
"I remember when you guys used to be cool."

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I fart in the face of anyone who cracks out the 'rare is shite now coz evry1 left and MS smellz and rare sold out' chesnut. Rare are a class act and have blessed us with some of the greatest video games ever made. Their 'average' output craps all over the cream of most devs' efforts, and having them on a Nintendo platform in any way/shape/form is nothing but a good thing.

Less posty, more gamey.

Grumbler said:
NintendoArielle said:I wish they would port it to the Wii so it could look as nice as the original... Smilie

No "lol." The Wii probably could pull off most (if not all) of the original Viva Pinata's effects. Stop thinking it has the power of an NES for once.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I'm not one to whip out graphical todgers for a measuring sesh, but if I was to post up a hi-res picture from Mario Galaxy I reckon it would compare favourably with the above. I reckon that, given some time and love, a hypothetical Wiiva Pinata could come pretty close to the 360 version. Graphically. Theoretically.


Less posty, more gamey.

I very much doubt Wii could produce that level of visuals. It could make it look very nice with effort, but not to that level. Honestly, it's not about Grumbler or anybody else being detrimental to the Wii, it's about being realistic. Wii certainly has more power than we have seen of it, but to compare with PS3 and 360? No.

You're right - it couldn't compete with the PS3/360, but I'm sure it wouldn't be an embarrassment. The multi-colour approach and lack of Gears-style ultra-realism would make it a more attractive proposition than many other sexy-lookin' 360 games.

Less posty, more gamey.

The thing is Viva Pinata is very colorful and doesn't produce realistic animation because pinatas don't really move; in other words, there's no expectation for "real" movement and environments. Those aren't realistic effects, either, like the grass and such. Realism is hard to pull off, especially with the Wii, so VP wouldn't look as bad as, say, Gears of War on the Wii. Even if it didn't look as good as the original, it could probably come damn close to it. Just look at Super Mario Galaxy. They have realistic "bee fuzz" and the atmosphere in general looks amazing. I'm sure it could pull off VP pretty well, without many complaints.

( Edited on 30.07.2007 23:20 by NintendoArielle )

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