Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Unknown Game Mode Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2007 37

This week's final update on the Official Smash Bros. Dojo reveals a strange series of images from an unknown game mode where trophies supposedly fight...

In this world trophies fight...

They know nothing but fighting. Fighting is the sole reason for their existence

Being turned back into a trophy, being unable to fight, is much like death

Those are the rules of this world


When someone...or something...breaks those rules, the world will pay a terrible price...

Be sure to stick around for future Smash. Updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I'm really wondering what that last pic is as well.. Maybe it's a sort of replacement for Master Hand?*wonders*

Would be cool if that thing in the last pic actually 'captured' Master Hand, and that in that way the rules are broken, because not all is as it once was.. lol

That's kind of what I'm afraid of, that this is a replacement of Master Hand. I always thought Master Hand was really cool and was a great concept (a concept executed very nicely, too). This just seems like a cheap robot that took a whole 45 seconds to dream up. I've drawn cooler robots than that when I was six.

At the risk of over analyzing this to the point of being sad, he might just be some messenger sent from Mr. Big Boss Dude.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

OMG... where did this thing come from all of a sudden this thing has killed MASTER HAND and he is the main boss.... Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I never thought I'd have to say this, and it makes me feel kinda dirty after reading the above post, but Crazy! is talking the most sense in this thread. It's blatantly the opening movie for the game, and it's pretty clear that at least some of it is pre-rendered stuff.

As for someone else being the boss... Err... Bowser was the boss of Smash Bros Melee? Master Hand was only the boss of Classic mode, which really felt more like an extra to me. Adventure was the real 'story' mode in Melee while Classic was sort of just a homage to the first one. I'm betting (Hoping) that Brawl will have Story, Adventure and Classic modes (Probably All Star too) so Master Hand will still be there, just not as the boss of the main story mode. Also, if you remember Master Hand manipulated dolls in the original, not statues, so he shouldn't be the main boss of either Melee or Brawl ;3

I'm hoping that if they have Adventure and Classic in Brawl they do a similar thing to both as they did to Classic in Melee. As in, in the original Smash Bros the 'Classic' was a set of specific fights, with stuff like target test in between. Then in Melee they kept Target test and Race to the Finish, but the actual fights were randomised, the metal character could be anyone rather than just Mario for example. I'm hoping that in Brawl they'll maybe randomise the order that you do the Adventure levels in or something to make it a bit more interesting, or make it so that the final boss is a slightly larget version of any character, or maybe your own character's rival, rather than just Bowser every time.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Me thinks this is most likely the intro for the single player campaign. It's most likely aiming to give the single player portion more of a reason for being there. =P

I'm STILL trying to figure out what that eggplant thing is...perhaps a final boss?

For some reason, I can imagine Deoxys floating and turning around slowly in the air with erotic music playing in the background... Smilie

I probly shouldn't even mention this, because i'm sure its wrong,, but when i first saw the thing in the last picture, it reminded me of Top Hat for Mario Party 8.Smilie

( Edited on 21.07.2007 16:16 by SAMUSMCLOUD )

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

Smilie Might be a relative of the punching bag...out for revenge!! Smilie

If You Noticed This Notice, You'll Notice This Notice Is Not Worth Noticing. Wii Code:4249-0651-1504-9497

The thing in the last picture looks like an ape from Ape Escape turned bad Smilie

OH NOES!! Smilie

Image for

Look at the clouds...

Image for

If you can't guess who they are....

Image for

Smilie (Well, I now have convinced myself that that is Ridley instead of Charizard. Smilie)

( Edited on 24.07.2007 17:38 by Hobbes )

Hobbes said:

If Charizard makes Brawl but Ridley does not, I'll have lost all faith in the Smash Bros. franchise. Smilie

( Edited on 24.07.2007 23:44 by PsionicMW )

they added yoshi and some other lv too on the official website

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

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