E3 2007 Screens | Smash Update: Animal Crossing Enters a Brawl

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2007 16

Today's update on the Smash Bros. Brawl website reveals an exciting new level as Nintendo's ever-popular Animal Crossing world heads into battle bringing a cast of familiar friends and faces.

Dubbed... Smashville, the Animal Crossing themed world brings time-based scenery depending on the Wii's internal clock, complete with special events if battling at certain times. For example, if players battle it out at 8pm on a Saturday, a familiar guitar playing fella gives a performance...

Be sure to stick around for future Smash Bros. updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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As I said on the Smash Bros thread, this is quite a homage, & made me feel kinda warm & fuzzy. I think it also suggests an AC character will be playable, Nook or K.K. perhaps? Nintendo can show that anything is possible, I'd love to see some OMGWTFBBQ

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's a brilliant level, but once again....flat and with 1 platform...what the fuck....

knighty said:
Thats a brilliant level, but once again....flat and with 1 platform...what the fuck....

Yeah, getting kind of worrying - there needs to be a hell of a lot more in terms of places to go within the level. I was really hoping for some big-ass levels like Hyrule Temple from SSBM, or something with at least more than one core platform.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's VERY nice, but I'm also worried about the variety of stage types at this point.

I hope Nook is going to be playable despite him appearing in the background!

Bridge of Eldin showed us there will be stages with difference, as well as the Mario Circuit stage shown in the trailers.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks very nice. Don't worry about the variety of stages, the interesting ones like Big Blue are always at the end.

If you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of stages is near that of characters in Melee. 25. There are gonna be a huge amount, you can just tell. I don't think there's need to worry.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Brilliant, I love what I see. [LS]

SuperLink said:
Bridge of Eldin showed us there will be stages with difference, as well as the Mario Circuit stage shown in the trailers.

Bridge of Eldin is one single platform that breaks... Mario Circuit is your standard 3 platforms with karts driving through...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


Where the Hell is Corneria!?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

jb said:
Bridge of Eldin is one single platform that breaks... Mario Circuit is your standard 3 platforms with karts driving through...
Still, there are those temple looking stages that look interesting, with crumbling ledges & stuff. I'm sure we'll see better stuff soon. Besides, if the game manages to go online, it might only be with smaller stages 'cos of lag issues :-/

So if that turns out true... then the more small stages the better I guess... I dunno though, all I know is that I have faith.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I imagine they are just showing us the simplistic stages on purpose, to save the big guns for later. Still though, very neat stage. I like how much they are incorporating events that correlate to the time of day in a lot of them.

So I'm guessing this stage can do holidays toSmilie Who's up for a christmas battle?Smilie

( Edited on 13.07.2007 17:23 by J Tangle )

They'll come out with some cool stages for sure,, (we haven't seen the hyrule castle level yet!) even the simple ones so far have interesting features. ex. smashville time of day. and mario sunshine different places to stop.
I'm not worried at all.Smilie

( Edited on 14.07.2007 01:08 by SAMUSMCLOUD )

Despite the cost of living, its quite popular.

Stages are like charatcer, I don't thinkt hey are going to show every single one, cause some of them will be unlockables.

Hobbes said:
Stages are like charatcer, I dont thinkt hey are going to show every single one, cause some of them will be unlockables.

which brings me to the question. How far will they reveal up to its december 3rd release. All the characters? all the levels? What'll happen?Smilie

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