E3 2007 Media | Super Mario Ventures Into Space

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2007 19

Another big-name Nintendo franchise was on show during Nintendo's conference with Super Mario Galaxy taking the porky plumber into the depths of space to take on the forces of evil once again.

  • Become Mario as he traverses a galaxy of gravities, traveling in and out of gravitational fields by blasting from planet to planet. Players experience dizzying perspective shifts as they run upside down through wild alien worlds that need to be seen to be believed.
  • Controlling Mario is as simple as can be with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Players move Mario with the Control Stick and shake the Wii Remote to perform a spin move or cue stars that launch him to and from planetary objects. Players can even point at bits of stardust to collect them or latch onto stars to blaze a magnetic trail through the heavens.
  • Don't want to head into space alone? With a second Wii Remote, another player can play alongside by pointing at and collecting bits of stardust, then launching them at enemies. The second player can even sweep aside projectiles or stall enemies to help make Mario's adventure easier.

    Be sure to look through the screens album below for more tasty shots..

  • Box art for Super Mario Galaxy





    3D Platformer



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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (133 Votes)

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    Looks amazing.

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    LOL!!! Boo Mario! Awesome!


    Some of that stuff was just....wowzers.

    Hey! BumbleBee Mario!! Kinda like Racoon Mario but without the ears and funny smell!

    OH. MY. GAWD.

    That game looks gorgeous. This could be passed off as a low end 360 title surely.

    Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

    Wonderful stuff is it not, lovely first pic btw.

    My Wii cannot wait for this, hopefully first week of December for us in the U.K. [LS]

    That trailer was fucking epic. It made my E3, for sure. I seriously can't wait for this game. It sounds huge. & is that Bowser I see in the screens? Damn this game can't come soon enough.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I think it looks better than Cameo and Perfect Dark Zero.

    Cannot wait. I hope this is legendary.

    Djcs410319 said:
    I think it looks better than Cameo and Perfect Dark Zero.
    If you ask me there's no question Smilie This game & Brawl are system sellers. The thing is they took their sweet time Smilie I was wondering if they actually existed. But then I guess it's nowhere near as bad as what happened with TP.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    How can most Wii games look so bad when this game looks so GORGEOUS?

    This shows the Wii is capable of so much more than the GameCube or Xbox could ever dream of.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Looks brilliant.

    Wonderful. Takes the edge off Nintendo's conference for me.

    Wah! The graphics are very good... I need to download the trailer now.

    This game looks so good it makes my balls ache.

    This shows the Wii is capable of so much more than the GameCube or Xbox could ever dream of.

    I disagree. If you look carefully, and know what you're looking at, you'll notice that most of the screen is just a simple sky box, with nicely rendered stuff floating on it. That's the only reason the objects can be made to look as nice as they do, because there's nothing else going on.

    Oni-Ninja said:
    This game looks so good it makes my balls ache.
    This shows the Wii is capable of so much more than the GameCube or Xbox could ever dream of.
    I disagree. If you look carefully, and know what youre looking at, youll notice that most of the screen is just a simple sky box, with nicely rendered stuff floating on it. Thats the only reason the objects can be made to look as nice as they do, because theres nothing else going on.

    I disagree totally, these graphics are far better than that which xbox musterd.

    "If you look carefully, and know what you're looking at"- Oni

    "sky box"?. The graphics engine is a spherical environment that it is constantly manipulating the play field for the player by drawing whole planetoids even before you have arrived at them. The game also uses a gravitiational system of physics that alter depending on the environmental mass. It moves from one "sky Box" as you put it, to the other within the the engine and with no load times.It's creating interactive environments constantly. Also what you and I have seen of the game is nothing compared to what "Wii owners" will see eventually. I am talking about the HUGE planetoids that the game has, so large in fact that they appear flat, you wont see any "sky boxes" there.

    I think there happens to be MUCH going on to those who look carefully, and know what their looking at!. Both the complexity and the simplicity of the game is amazing, the game makes a very complex game engine and in turn decimates the issue of camera control in doing so. Genius, graphics, genius engine, genius game [.] [LS]

    ( Edited on 16.07.2007 10:01 by Linkyshinks )

    I am sorry but how about Half-Life 2? That was also released on xbox? And I am quite certain, this game could be produced on the xbox as well. But forget that, all that matters is that the game is looking phenomenal.

    So was Black. You cannot dismiss this games graphics using that argument, because those games use a totally different engine dynamic in the form of a FPS and stylisticly they are compeletely different.

    The Velvet Rocket, you never had textures like this on the xbox-



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