Japanese Sales | Zelda Phantom Hourglass Boosts DS

By Adam Riley 29.06.2007 48

Update - The latest chart data has now been revealed and it shows that The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on Nintendo DS has been a massive success in just a short time. What needs to be remembered is that the chart data below does not reflect the full weekend of sales for Zelda. The chart is normally compiled by Media Create from Thursday's new releases (Zelda launched on Saturday alongside two new DS colours) up until the end of play on Saturday. Therefore, sales for Zelda will likely be very high next week, depending on how many more units Nintendo ships out to meet the demand.

Software - 18th-24th June | Total Sales

1.) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (NDS, Nintendo) - 303,000 | NEW
2.) Itadaki Street DS (NDS, Square-Enix) - 149,000 | NEW
3.) Observation Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 44,000 | 265,000
4.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 34,000 | 1,756,000
5.) Growlanser VI (PS2, Atlus) - 27,000 | NEW
6.) Hajime no Ippo: Revolution (Wii, AQ Interactive) - 25,000 | NEW
7.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 22,000 | 1,421,000
8.) Mana-Khemia: The School Alchemists (PS2, Gust) - 21,000 | NEW
9.) More Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 20,000 | 4,395,000
10.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 18,000 | 4,557,000

11.) FolksSoul (PS3, Sony) - NEW
12.) Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (NDS, Nintendo)
13.) More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
14.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
15.) Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (NDS, Level 5)
16.) Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo)
17.) Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
18.) Welcome for NANA Live Staff Applicants (NDS, Konami) - NEW
19.) Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3, Tecmo)
20.) Middle School English Vocabulary Target 1800 DS (NDS, IE Institute) - Clearly picking up in popularity due to being used in schools across Japan
21.) English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
22.) Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (NDS, Hudson)
23.) Yoshi's Island DS (NDS, Nintendo)
24.) Super Paper Mario (Wii, Nintendo)
25.) Saints Row (360, THQ Japan) - NEW
26.) Kanji Brain Test 2M (NDS, IE Institute)
27.) Pok

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (39 Votes)

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That's good to hear, I knew the Japanese would love this game.

I think the GC/Wii thing for TP may have haltered it's sales a little. But the DS is super popular in Japan too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

woohhooo i make up 0.0003% of those sales SmilieSmilieSmilie:Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

The idiots only shipped 400,000 units? Smilie

I heard its the fastest selling Zelda since Ocarina of Time...quite amazing. Minish Cap only sold something like 300,000 units in its whole lifetime. Great comeback for Zelda after the middling Wii sales.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Minish Cap was underwhelming, but that is amazing. I can't believe Minish Cap did so badly, & that this is doing so well. I really can't wait for it to come over west.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nintendo better get to work on making more units though, lest they pull an FF3.

As SuperLink said, I really cannot wait for this to come the West. It is easily my most anticipated DS game, and my second over all behind Brawl.

Underwhelming? It's one of my favourite Zelda games! It was done by Capcom's Flagship, who also did Four Swords GBA and the Zelda Oracle duo on GBC. All fantastic games!

I can't wait to try this new edition, though...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Underwhelming? Its one of my favourite Zelda games! It was done by Capcoms Flagship, who also did Four Swords GBA and the Zelda Oracle duo on GBC. All fantastic games!I cant wait to try this new edition, though...
Yeah, I just thought it was a bit too short. Vaati was a cool enemy though, & he's a good new villain, a break from Ganon. I'd like to see him in 3D. The Oracle duo are 2 of my favourite Zelda games.

As to how much I anticipate this... I can't really say, I guess I anticipate it a lot, but I can't really think of anything other than Brawl right now D:

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

i can say it is amazing and worth anticipating Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

ZeroSimon P.B.U.H said:
i can say it is amazing and worth anticipating Smilie

How is the stylus control by the way? And how far are you into the game (in hours, not spoilers, Smilie)

Wow that is amazing, very goo dnews for Zelda and Nintey!! Smilie I cant wait for this game...arggh!!

Disappointed to hear that Minish Cap didnt sell very well.

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I just did the 2nd boss (won't give spoilers...but the 2nd boss is really cool!)...about 4 hours?...can't play much tommorow....thursday will be solid zeldaing

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Oh yeah, I'd love to know about Stylus control, it's the one thing that puts me off the game, I'd love for my fears to be settled. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yes, stay focused Simon, stylus control. Smilie

I've heard it feels as natural as normal controls...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

talk about milking a franchise. i'm glad i won't be buying it when it hits stateside. seems like another lame zelda game, imo.

( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:03 by MetalKingSlime )

Stylus control works really well - hold the stylus down to move - the further away from link it is the faster he'll move, and theres no delay what so ever when using moves - you can start by running, then quickly slice horizontal to link to do an attack or loop around him to do a spin attack, then carry on running without having to even lift the touch pen Smilie You can also do a lock on attack, which you have to tap the enemy, and link wil slash it, or jump at it if its further away.Or miss jump then miss if its too far away - the shield works like in 2d zeldas, it protects you if you're facing at the enemy.

And the item shortcut is r or l...which is nice because i'm lazy and don't want to reach for the top right corner of the screen - only being able to assign one item to the item box is a bit annoying though.

( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:07 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

MetalKingSlime said:
talk about milking a franchise. im glad i wont be buying it when it hits stateside. seems like another lame zelda game, imo.
It would seem you don't know much about this game...

Anyway, from what Simon said, I'm a little relieved, but not entirely. I'll have to try it for myself. It just sounds like FFIII & Animal Crossing touch control. I never got used to that.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

All hail Zelda!, this fantastic news and also expected. I hope they bring it to the west soon. I must say I am tempted to buy a import copy this weekend and muster through it using help from the net. I will be getting two copies anyway in the end. Zelda is online too for the first time, I cannot wait to try that playing against my mates. [LS]

Totally forgot about online play.....when it asks me story/online whenever i turn it on....

And i suppose it is similar to AC's controls...but i liked them....

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Good to see some success for Zelda in Japan.

Thanks Simon! So how is the online play? I remember some kind of rumor of voice chat, is it true? Also, is the online fun? By the way, I have sent you a star for your input. Smilie

MetalKingSlime said:
talk about milking a franchise. im glad i wont be buying it when it hits stateside. seems like another lame zelda game, imo.( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:03 by MetalKingSlime )

What the heck are you talking about?

( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:51 by Jacob4000 )

MetalKingSlime said:
talk about milking a franchise. im glad i wont be buying it when it hits stateside. seems like another lame zelda game, imo.( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:03 by MetalKingSlime )

My Favourites


Jacob4000 said:
Thanks Simon! So how is the online play? I remember some kind of rumor of voice chat, is it true? Also, is the online fun? By the way, I have sent you a star for your input. Smilie
MetalKingSlime said:talk about milking a franchise. im glad i wont be buying it when it hits stateside. seems like another lame zelda game, imo.( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:03 by MetalKingSlime )
What the heck are you talking about? ( Edited on 26.06.2007 23:51 by Jacob4000 )

Too right, what the hell are you talking about?, he's the Hero Of Time, the series will run for as long as Nintendo lasts. [very long]


wait...PH? err...so this will be coming to America soon...right?

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