Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Zelda Returns!

By Phil Beveridge 25.06.2007 46

We never doubted it for a second, but the Smash Bros. Dojo now confirms Princess Zelda is appearing in the game, along with an updated 'Twilight Princess' character model. Although it was expected, this is the first new character confirmed by Nintendo since Fox McCloud, so let's hope we'll see more in the future!

Just like Link, Zelda's design has also changed.
She has a slightly more subdued color scheme.

Her movement capabilities are not that good, but her magic adds power to her physical attacks. There's a reason why her hands and feet glow, after all.

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Best news since the site opened, for sure. This is our first real character confirmation since Fox people!

She looks great in this, it's her TP look, which is only a good thing, & it really suits the style of the game. I think her hair is a little dark though, & her eyes look a little too evil ^^;

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Do you think there is a chance that Shiek can be an actual playable character, seperate from Zelda?
Shiek was my fave, next to Falco.

Shig Guevara said:
Do you think there is a chance that Shiek can be an actual playable character, seperate from Zelda?Shiek was my fave, next to Falco.

Hasn't been seen properly since OoT, so somehow I doubt it. Maybe she'll turn into Tetra... Smilie

She looks great, kinda hot in that second pic, great addition. I was wondering about whether they would have more female characters enter the fray. It's good to know that both sexes are being caterd for. [LS]

They probally made her hair a shade darker so that it was well defined against the multitude of back drops in the game SuperLink.

( Edited on 25.06.2007 11:46 by Linkyshinks )

Man, she looks gorgeous!Smilie The character model, that is. Hmm.. yeah.. ^^;..
I'm hoping she'll be able to turn into Shiek, I'd love to see a more realistic version of 'it'! x3

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Seeing her hair coming down the front, I'm interested, will be see it go through her shoulders... or trail over her shoulders like it should do... it's a bit of a silly question, but I saw those parts of her hair & thought it was wierd. Smilie

Millions of people across the world will be upset if Shiek doesn't return I reckon. She's one of the most popular characters in Melee. I really think it would be stupid if they ditched Shiek because TP Zelda doesn't change into him.

Well, there was never a part in the game that said she didn't Smilie

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Now I just need to know if this Zelda can turn to Shiek.

Perhaps every incarnation of Zelda has a disguise variation like shiek. Part of the Triforce of Wisdom's magic.

Darkspine S said:
Perhaps every incarnation of Zelda has a disguise variation like shiek. Part of the Triforce of Wisdoms magic.
It doesn't sound unlikely.

I forget which timeline Twilight Princess sprung from >.<

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Dear god some of you people. Shiek is OoT Zelda in disguise!!!!!!! Just because you thought she was cool does not mean she's suddenly a 'him' or an 'it' simply through a change of clothes!!!

On topic: character model looks very good. Is it just me or are the graphics in SSBB far superior to anything else we've yet seeen on Wii?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Oh, I don't know. SMG can give it a run for its money.

Dr_R said:
Dear god some of you people. Shiek is OoT Zelda in disguise!!!!!!! Just because you thought she was cool does not mean shes suddenly a him or an it simply through a change of clothes!!!On topic: character model looks very good. Is it just me or are the graphics in SSBB far superior to anything else weve yet seeen on Wii?

Dude.. She went from having boobs, to a man-chest. Unless she's wearing a VERY tight top, I really don't see how it can be 'merely a disquise'.. It's a frigging instant sex-change operation!Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Ino Faust said:
Dude.. She went from having boobs, to a man-chest. Unless shes wearing a VERY tight top, I really dont see how it can be merely a disquise.. Its a frigging instant sex-change operation!Smilie
Well in the official manga, she uses Impa's magic to turn herself into a man with a made up past & amnesia so she can help Link from another angle without knowing who she really was.

In the game it would seem she used magic to turn into Shiek too. This discussion isn't a discussion, it 2 pretty simple answers. The most likely is that she used magic to giver herself the physique of a man, & the other explanation is simply a tight costume. I go for the first explanation, in any case, Shiek is pretty much a woman, pretending to be a man, an A class tranny if you will Smilie

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Darkspine S said:
Oh, I dont know. SMG can give it a run for its money.

I agree, remember we have all not seen nothing of the finished game, and it's only in the final months that they polish the game up and fine tune the specs. It's going to be a looker as is Metroid which is also in the same boat. Those two games that were delayed will reap the extra benefit of increased development time. [LS]

( Edited on 25.06.2007 12:39 by Linkyshinks )

The recent screens on Metroid Prime 3 look no better than Metroid Prime 2 Smilie

I hope you're right. If not then Metroid Prime will have had almost no graphical improvements since the first GC game all those years ago (But it DID a graphical disimprovement... MPH :rollSmilie

The first Metroid Prime looked so great. But that was at the beginning of 6th gen. Here we are into the beginning of 7th gen, & so far it doesn't look too different. Smilie

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Ino Faust,

1. Padding can do a lot, dramatic license allows for the kind of physical misdirection you've so obviously been affected by, and Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation of disguise.

2. It's classic teenage boy sexism to assume that a character is male because they are physically adept. Sexual polymorphism is an escape clause when the character turns out to be female.

3. If we're talking physical qualities here, where's the trouser bulge? Seems to be a better pointer than the presence of pecks (have you seen many female gymnasts?).

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Woah... I am very impressed. It looks really nice in fact, I hope you can transform into sheik with the same character. It added depth to the character and it allowed me to make some spectacular recoveries in melee Smilie.

The recent screens on Metroid Prime 3 look no better than Metroid Prime 2 This is a smilie

Apparently there was a huge improvment over last we saw it. Some game magazine play-tested it recently and reported that it looked very nice with improved textures, larger environments and BLOOM.

BLOOM: Bloody Load Of Offensive Mess.Smilie

Boy I'm pathetic.Smilie

Z said:
Apparently there was a huge improvment over last we saw it. Some game magazine play-tested it recently and reported that it looked very nice with improved textures, larger environments and BLOOM.
I sure hope so, I also hope I'll find a way to enjoy it. Save points need to be more frequent for sure... -.-

& bloom is so overrated. It makes games look yellow & brown & bleak & dull. Smilie

Textures are nice though.

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This is like the biggest announcement since the site launched Smilie

I can't wait for this at all now (most anticipated game Smilie).
Also really looking forward to Metroid Prime 3.
And i thought MPH looked great...(well its still a down grade from GC...) What happened to NiGHTS....that was my 3rd most anticipated Wii game...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I think NiGHTS is due out on October, not my cup of tea personally, it may be a fun game but I find the main character of that game to be as unappealing as they come, very ugly imo. The character model has not improved on the DC games, the eyes still look like they have been plasterd on and the proportions of his body look stupid. [LS]

I think NiGHTS is more likely to come in the Winter. The graphics still have a little time for imrovement.

More than anything, I'm so fucking worried Sonic Team will ruin it. Infact, I'm not even sure there's a question there.Smilie

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Theres still hope. Perhaps its only games with Sonic in that they fuck up.

Darkspine S said:
Theres still hope. Perhaps its only games with Sonic in that they fuck up.
They don't even have someone like Naka breathing down their necks... Smilie

Well, I hope they know that their reputation is on the line more than ever now. If they mess this up they may as well get the "Worst Game Developer Ever

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SuperLink said:
Z said:Apparently there was a huge improvment over last we saw it. Some game magazine play-tested it recently and reported that it looked very nice with improved textures, larger environments and BLOOM.
I sure hope so, I also hope Ill find a way to enjoy it. Save points need to be more frequent for sure... -.-& bloom is so overrated. It makes games look yellow & brown & bleak & dull. SmilieTextures are nice though.

You have no idea how nice bloom can make games look. And you obviously don't know what it is. It has nothing to do with yellow and brown, and make it dull? Oh boy...XD

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