Nintendo News | Metroid Prime 3 Detailed (Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.06.2007 50

The latest issue of Play magazine has some interesting tidbits on the upcoming Metroid Prime sequel for Wii, Corruption, as Samus dons her spacesuit once more.

Contains spoilers...

  • Controls supposedly work better than a dual joystick setup, with super sensitive pointer in "advanced mode". Visor switch: Hold minus and flick Wii-remote in different directions.
  • Good difficulty curve by the time players reach the end of the opening level.
  • Features larger environments, bloom lighting and improved textures over past Prime titles.
  • First level

  • Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





    First Person Shooter



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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (201 Votes)

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    ... than I crave playing FFVII, because I havnt played that before either.


    No offence, but I pity you.

    Well, being a SEGA/Nintendo fan my whole life has meant I've never owned a PlayStation console Smilie

    PSOnes are still stupidly expensive. I mean, I've seen them around for

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    ...Better off with a PS2 by that reckoning.

    Anyway, FFVII is/was bloody amazing. I want a remake, on PS3 if need be.

    ...Just don't use FF12 as a gameplay-overhul template, S-E.

    Darkspine S said:
    ...Better off with a PS2 by that reckoning.Anyway, FFVII is/was bloody amazing. I want a remake, on PS3 if need be....Just dont use FF12 as a gameplay-overhul template, S-E.
    Yeah, I wanna get a PS2 eventually, but they're still expensive too. It's annoying.

    I don't want a remake of FFVII just yet, & if there is one I want it to be on DS or Wii, otherwise I'll hate Square, & I love Square Smilie

    Because no way am I ever getting a PS3.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Trust me, you don't want to play FF7, it's the worst game I've ever played. Go for Super Metroid. In fact, just go download it right now, no-one will care...

    Lynk said:
    ^^^ Weapons are stacked, so you dont need to switch between them.
    You fucking WHAT!?

    jb said:
    First level

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    Trust me, you dont want to play FF7, its the worst game Ive ever played. Go for Super Metroid. In fact, just go download it right now, no-one will care...
    Lynk said:^^^ Weapons are stacked, so you dont need to switch between them.
    You fucking WHAT!?
    jb said:First level

    Well travelling between planets didn't work well in Metroid Hunters. To be honest, the whole idea is not as good as it sounds. I'd rather a detailed and large world than lots of limited small areas on different worlds.

    Modplan Man said:
    Stacked is the same system as in the old Metroids.
    I know, but I thought the way Prime did it was infinitely better... Hopefully you'll be able to choose which ones are turned on, I guess that'll at least give the element of combining beams to be more effective against certain enemies... It'll probably be done on a pause menu like Super Metroid though, which takes too long damnit...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    You fucking WHAT!?

    That's actually the only thing I like about this game... it's actually a LITTLE bit like the GOOD 2D ones Smilie
    jb said:First level

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    SuperLink said:
    Megadanxzero said:You fucking WHAT!?
    Thats actually the only thing I like about this game... its actually a LITTLE bit like the GOOD 2D ones Smilie
    jb said:First level

    No you don't. You say "area/place". Exactly like you said.

    Yeah, all the bolded bits sound alright to me, except the bottom one, which just sounds silly.

    Also, the story just sounds the same as the previous 2 MPs, & new characters don't look so cool... I swear they're just trying to make Metroid look cool & steal Samus' spotlight with new characters. I don't get it, everyone loves Samus? Why ruin what she does best by maiking new main characters. Main characters + Metroid games don't go together. Samus + Metroid games do.

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    I honestly don't think there's anything to worry about in that.

    I think the first 2 MP's having similar stories was possibly deliberate, and the story is a fair bit different. While the planets being infested by Phazon is similar, this time it's the space pirates doing it for their experiments and such (so there'll be plenty of them to keep it classic Metroid), and Metroids will very possibly play a big part, considering Dark Samus is technically Metroid Prime anyway, and Space Pirates will probably still be using the for even more experiments (they might even use them properly for combat). Also, all the other bounty hunters will probably main side characters, and the main ones will still be Samus, SP's and Dark Samus (although a phazon lady keeps cropping up).

    SuperLink said: Why ruin what she does best by maiking new main characters. Main characters + Metroid games dont go together. Samus + Metroid games do.

    I hardly think were going to be getting gears of war were the extras are going to helping out of tight spots and kicking ass with you.

    The extra characters are there because bounty hunters have been called in to help deal with the situation they will probably appear at times in the game tell you something and bugger off, it sounds like there giving the story a chance this time around which was barely existent in the first two.

    Hmmm it's strange people complain Nintendo games are stagnant and then the one little change (that probably won't even change it that much) everyones up in arms.
    I really doubt the game has changed drastically, don't worry Metroid will be there.

    Have to agree with modplan with the planet travelling aswell, surly this can only be a good thing? It opens up the possibility of drastically different environments which was a complaint of Echos and it suits the story considering phazon is supposed to be spreading everywhere it would seem a little stupid to stay one planet fix the problems there then ignore the fact the universe is in peril.

    ( Edited on 25.06.2007 23:32 by Blade2t3 )

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    I'm a big fan of Metroid, I've played and finished Prime and Prime 2 Echoes and I'm looking forward for a real challenge.

    Good point here "this isn't a FPS"... Looking to the past games and examinating the bounty hunter Samus profession, I look at her as a researcher not as a warrior.She's just caught off guard at the begining and loose all of her Varia Suit equipment, that's all.

    Besides, Master Chief (from Halo) is not a researcher (not a bounty hunter either). He IS a warrior; going through the hordes of aliens using any kind of weapon/method to kill the invading aliens, demostrates how a good soldier behaves on a battle.

    That's just my way of thinking, seriusly I can't choose between Halo and Metroid as both of them are good games, it depens of who is playing them...

    Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

    Metroid Prime is an FPS... how isn't it? It is a shooting game in the first person perspective. It is quite different for a FPS, but a FPS nonetheless.

    Took the words right outa my mouth.Smilie

    Anyway, I'd love to see a new 2D metroid soon (loved fusion). Hows metroid Dread coming?...or did they cancel that?

    But it's not a shooting game, it's an adventure game. If every game that featured a weapon was called a shooter then there would be no need for most other genres, games would be classified under two categories; shooters and non-shooters.

    Darkspine S said:
    Took the words right outa my mouth.SmilieAnyway, Id love to see a new 2D metroid soon (loved fusion). Hows metroid Dread coming?...or did they cancel that?
    Same here, though I have a horrible feeling Metroid Dread was eitehr cancelled, or it never existed. We havn't heard of it for years. I sure hope Metroid doesn't become an all 3D series, it would mean that my love of Metroid may as well grind to a halt.

    Kangaroo_Kid said:
    But its not a shooting game, its an adventure game. If every game that featured a weapon was called a shooter then there would be no need for most other genres, games would be classified under two categories; shooters and non-shooters.
    I agree about the FPS thing. Halo is an FPS, but you don't only use projectiles in it. In Metroid all you use are projectiles, so how is Halo an FPS & Metroid Prime not? Smilie

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    Dread would be ideal for Nintendo to shove in our faces at E3. Like they did with S.F.Command.

    Yeah, that'd be sweet, I'd be so surprised.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Dread was removed from nintendo's official release list like a year ago.... Smilie

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    And Command wasn't written on it prior to E3Smilie

    But it's not a shooting game, it's an adventure game. If every game that featured a weapon was called a shooter then there would be no need for most other genres, games would be classified under two categories; shooters and non-shooters.

    Its a bit of both. Shooting plays a big a role as adventuring in the Prime series.

    SuperLink said:
    I dont want to travel across a bunch of planets Ive never heard of with friends Ive never heard of fighting bosses Ive never heard of. Smilie
    I think this is quite possibly the best quote I've ever seen. It's also by far the worst, in every single way possible... EVER

    Kangaroo_Kid said:
    But its not a shooting game, its an adventure game. If every game that featured a weapon was called a shooter then there would be no need for most other genres, games would be classified under two categories; shooters and non-shooters.
    What about games that use non-shoot-y weapons? The only genres I can think of that involve shooting are First and Third Person Shooters, apart from maybe the odd RPG or Devil May Cry, in which shooting isn't the main element at all...

    Trying to define every game as one genre is incredibly stupid anyway. People can call Metroid whatever they want, I don't get why people start having fits when someone calls it an FPS. Either way you shoot in it a LOT, it's therefore (at least in part) a shooter...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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