certainly on its way, listed at retailer Hollywood Video for the budget price of $14.99 on 15th October, 2007, along with Balls of Fury on 20th September, also for Wii. Share your thoughts on this inside..." /> News: Nintendo Speculation | Bonk Confirmed for Wii? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Speculation | Bonk Confirmed for Wii?

By Adam Riley 12.06.2007 5

Quick News - Following the earlier rumour of Bonk coming to Wii and DS, it appears that the Wii version is certainly on its way, listed at retailer Hollywood Video for the budget price of $14.99 on 15th October, 2007, along with Balls of Fury on 20th September, also for Wii.

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Box art for Super Bonk





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Great news! Smilie

Yeah definitely awsome news! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Fantastic news, his games are some of my favourites, but I knew this was happening for sure a while back due to the amount of rumours coming out of Hudson of late.

I hope there is a DS version as well. I Luv Bonk, his games are full of charm, I am getting all of his games on the VC including the Zonk's when they released at the end of summer, already have one and two, two is great- Piranha's -LOLZ. while the initial is slightly underpar but great all the same.

Bring it on!, Bonk on the Wii is going to be huge. Well done Hudson Soft for realising this title is made for Wii. They must have been furthur encouraged by the sales worldwide for the VC games.

$14.99!, I doubt very much that will be the case, doubt it very much, but if it is a remake of the original that's great also, as that version lacked the punch of the sequel in terms of graphics. But all the same they would have to include new levels and a whole lot more to keep me happy.

First ever game I owned on the PCEngine GT along with Super Aleste. LS

"I'm your new friend"

EDIT: No doubt a remake at that price, if that price is correct. I dont mind, this is fantastic news all the same as that original could do with some Wii magic to spruce it up. This game will bring new fans of the lil cutie caveman. Cannot wait to strap the remote to my head. LSSmilieSmilieSmilie

( Edited on 12.06.2007 22:24 by Linkyshinks )

So it's just a reissue of Bonk? And the two games aren't even going to be on the same disc? Why? Is it going to be $9 better than the VC version?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Well maybe..because it has Wii controls, georgeous slick graphics and great sounding music. The old game does not have those things, and barely did when it was released. Personally they would have to include new levels for my liking. That should be easy to impliment< I suppose if it sells well Hudson Soft will give us a a true Wii version, and not just a test game. LS

( Edited on 13.06.2007 08:44 by Linkyshinks )

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