Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2007 45

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Could all stop wyning about the updates? Come on! If they threw the updates too fast, you would acuse 'em for spoiling the fun Smilie

Milk! said:
WOW either that Pokemon stage is tiny or Groudon is fucking huge!! lol yeah everybody predicted that Pokemon will be in the game, but still not a great update!!! When will we get to see new characters damn it!! Smilie

Groudon is fucking huge.
When it comes to characters, you'll notice they won't show all of 'em. They always hide some amount of them, call it "TOP SECRET" Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Doesn't matter to me, I'll probably end up with Goldeen all the time like I do in Melee.


( Edited on 06.06.2007 01:50 by IfritXVII )

When you have a Pok

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
You might notice a Porygon though.

Groudon isn't fucking huge! They majorly sized him down, they always do that in SSB Smilie

I mean. Bowser. Come on.

If Sonic's in it, they'd better get the scale a little right. Same size as Mario, or a little bigger.

& about the Pok

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But they made the 'exclusive' Read version Pok

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
But they made the exclusive Read version Pok

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Smilie But if you go on the actual colours...Diamond is blue. Smilie

Groudon isn't fucking huge! They majorly sized him down, they always do that in SSB

Its around 11ft isn't it? Looks about right. But you're right, the scales are never right...look at Pichu compared to Mewtwo...

look at Pichu compared to Mewtwo...

Yah ah! Pichu is like... and Pikachu is like... Okay, they're too big. But then again Pichu is a tiny little shi - cute mouse and would probably be too small for the game.

And also Ganondorf is kinda tiny. If you have let's say Link beside him in Ocarina of Time he's fecking huge! Link can easily give him a blowjob and get away with it with no back problems. But in SSBM? Nuuh.

Size does matter... there, it had to be said in this thread.Smilie

I agree with Sheena, size DOES matter Smilie

If they're going to put Ganondorf in this SB, I would suggest real size. Also, they HAVE to do it based on the Twilight Princess Ganondorf (SOOOO COOOOL Smilie)

Size isn't completely acurate, 'cause Mario is like one foot nail of Groudon Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

And isn't Kirby supposed to be 8 inches? Smilie
As I said before...the Groudon doesn't look that bad. its only 11 feet tall. Smilie

Celebi3000 said:
And isnt Kirby supposed to be 8 inches? SmilieAs I said before...the Groudon doesnt look that bad. its only 11 feet tall. Smilie

I didn't said it looked bad, I just said (in other words): If Groudon would be real size, the whole scenery would come down! Smilie
They have to resize the pkmn to fit the screen (not to mention the characters :lolSmilie

I'm depressed now...
I realized that the tiny-size means NO WORLD WIDE KILLS! (like the Sacred Fire of Ho-oh in Melee) Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Its around 11ft isn't it? Looks about right.

But if all the relative scales are wrong then what are you comparing it to? Smilie. For example, it might be the right size relative to Mario, but it will look too small when compared to Pichu.

SuperLink said:
But on Ruby & Sapphire, Ruby one looks cooler (they both kinda such though)& in Diamond & Pearl, well, if you get my meaning, then Diamond kinda IS this gens Red, since theyre usually called Diamond & Pearl, just the the originals are called Red & Blue, so Diamond/Red are the first ones Smilie
Yeah Diamond is quite clearly Blue version... You can tell from the fact that the thing on the front is... Well... Blue... The one on the front of Pearl is White and Pink so I think it's safe to say that one's far more Red...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
The one on the front of Pearl is White and Pink so I think its safe to say that ones far more Red...
Still, it's not the main version, Diamond is :3

Anyway, I think I even confused myself there.

But about the size proportions, yeah, Bowser is MEANT to be FUCKING EPIC.

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What do you mean the main version, they're exactly the same <.<

Red is just a better colour Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
What do you mean the main version, theyre exactly the same <.
It SO isn't. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I feel like I am at some kind of Pokemon convention when I enter this thread. All SuperLink needs is a Pokemon avatar to complete the feeling. Oh wait....

Must. Find. Exit.

Oh damnit, they're all the same, it's just a ploy to make more money, we all know it. We even knew it when we were kids but some of us played along and got both versions anyway because we wanted a full Pok

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

It's so awesome to have a brother who has almost all the exact interests as me!

Except he likes MMOs & Metroid Prime. Smilie

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I'm hoping that we'll get some Pokemon from this recent generation as well, just so that Brawl continues to feel relevant. in the Pokemon department

BRAWL - 4425 1132 3950

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