Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Pok

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2007 45

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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The pokemon look alright, I'd say about Pokemon XD quality. Which isn't too surprising, Melee used Pokemon which looked like they were ripped from Stadium 2.

I do have gripes about the shape of the Pokeball. It looks rather pointy and unspherical in the first shot.

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Smilie when are we going to get some proper updates?

Ooh Fox has a green thingy lens, looking like an important person. And ooh, that red thing that I always forget the name of but have FIREE HEAT and... FIRE!!!! Buuuuurrrnnn!! *jumps around with matches*

Looks fun though. I wonder if Entei and Ho-oh is still there. Fire to da people.Smilie

bla bla bla said:
Smilie when are we going to get some proper updates?

What kind of update do you want? Every time you say the same thing. These are proper updates!

Kangaroo_Kid said:
bla bla bla said:Smilie when are we going to get some proper updates?
What kind of update do you want? Every time you say the same thing. These are proper updates!

This isnt a bloody update, everyone knows that there will be bloody pokemon on the game, i want to see new characters, new game modes, new stages, those are proper updates!

Sheena said:
Ooh Fox has a green thingy lens, looking like an important person. And ooh, that red thing that I always forget the name of but have FIREE HEAT and... FIRE!!!! Buuuuurrrnnn!! *jumps around with matches*Looks fun though. I wonder if Entei and Ho-oh is still there. Fire to da people.Smilie

SmilieSmilie crazy person Smilie

Looks marginally better than Pokemon Stadium.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

bla bla bla said:
Kangaroo_Kid said:
bla bla bla said:Smilie when are we going to get some proper updates?
What kind of update do you want? Every time you say the same thing. These are proper updates!
This isnt a bloody update, everyone knows that there will be bloody pokemon on the game, i want to see new characters, new game modes, new stages, those are proper updates!

They can't update it until the information becomes available though! Otherwise that would just be making things up, wouldn't it? Smilie

And while the pokeball does look very pointy, I doubt it will be anything like that big in the actual game (think about hwo small the pokeballs were on SSBM), so it'll porbably look alright.

( Edited on 05.06.2007 14:25 by fenno2001 )

These are NOT proper updates. Its just stating crap. As far as I knew the game has been said to be near completion. Ofcourse they have all the characters developed. Bit late not to being a few months away

It even says

WHILST NOTHING REALLY NEW came about with today's update, some sizzling screens of Mario and his balls are available for your brawling needs.

Surely some new pictures is better then nothing?

some sizzling screens of Mario and his balls are available for your brawling needs.

let me be the first to point it out. Smilie

*ahem* While it was already a given, it's cool to see groudon be in the game but when i first went on the site, i thought he was a new character. Smilie

Aye, they can't release all the information straight away - we've had a batch of new items, and I'm guessing as we get closer to release we'll get a heap of new things too.

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I hope the dimond and pearl pokemon are in it

Grumbler said:
Looks marginally better than Pokemon Stadium.
When you showed me that screenshot I was reminded that GC Pok

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That pokeball is rather funny. Definitely not a sphere, but then again, during the game things won't be zoomed up that close. Hopefully. Smilie

Graphically a bit disappointingly. Shame their not revealing anything majorly new.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

Sorry Superlink I will be very technical when I post. By dictionary definition, yes they are indeed updates. When the website announced that mario and link would be in the game that was an update too. But I do belive the old website already held such info. I would have bet my belongings that pokemon would have been in it (just better looking) Some of you are soo biased when it comes to all things nintendo related that you eat it up like idiots.

rock on ninty!

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Haha, niiiiiiiiice graphics.

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My piece of faecal matter looks better than that tripe. That's officially the worst visuals I have ever seen on the Wii, even Far Cry: Vengeance looks better.

Seriously, that's terrible, how could Nintendo do such a thing? It spoils the whole look of the game. You have these really gorgeous character models and everything looks so beautiful and then out comes a disgusting Poke-triangle. Then comes some kind of Pokemon built up from Duplo afterwards.

These days, Nintendo are pretty much lazy cunts. They could have at least ported over the lovely looking character models from Pokemon Battle Revolution.

Marzy said:
My piece of faecal matter looks better than that tripe. Thats officially the worst visuals I have ever seen on the Wii, even Far Cry: Vengeance looks better.Seriously, thats terrible, how could Nintendo do such a thing? It spoils the whole look of the game. You have these really gorgeous character models and everything looks so beautiful and then out comes a disgusting Poke-triangle. Then comes some kind of Pokemon built up from Duplo afterwards.These days, Nintendo are pretty much lazy cunts. They could have at least ported over the lovely looking character models from Pokemon Battle Revolution.

the pokeball or groudon?

My god, the Pokemon monster design quality has plummeted since the original 150, and it was already at absolute rock bottom.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The pokeball looks fine. Remember how small they are in the game? They don't need to focus making a tiny little pokeball perfectly round, but focus on making the the characters better.
And the pokemon I suppose should be a bit better, as big as it is. It won't bother me any if it doesn't improve.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

WOW either that Pokemon stage is tiny or Groudon is fucking huge!! lol yeah everybody predicted that Pokemon will be in the game, but still not a great update!!! When will we get to see new characters damn it!! Smilie

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Grumbler said:
My god, the Pokemon monster design quality has plummeted since the original 150, and it was already at absolute rock bottom.


though i gotta disagree with you at the 150. 1-250 were the best. The rest just seem really made at the last minute.

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